在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

Windows 7 Media Center includes a fair amount of streaming internet TV by default, but you want to add more selections. Today we take a look at the SecondRunTV Beta Plugin that allows you to access more streaming channels.

Windows 7 Media Center默认情况下包括相当数量的流式互联网电视,但是您想添加更多选择。 今天,我们来看看SecondRunTV Beta插件,该插件可让您访问更多的流媒体频道。

Download and Install


First we need to download the SecondRunTV zip file (link below) and extract it to a convenient location on your machine. Make sure you’re closed out of WMC and run setup.msi.

首先,我们需要下载SecondRunTV zip文件(下面的链接),并将其解压缩到计算机上的方便位置。 确保您已退出WMC并运行setup.msi。

在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

Go through the installation process as normal accepting the defaults.


在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

Using SecondRunTV


After you have it installed, launch WMC and you’ll find it in the Extras Library…click on the SecondRunTV icon.


在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

Now you’ll have a bunch of new channels listed in alphabetical order to choose from including Hulu and YouTube.


在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

Select a channel and you’re presented with the programs that are available for streaming.


在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

Here we selected American Dad and can choose between different episodes and clips.


在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

A lot of the content is pulled from Hulu and will launch inside Windows Media Center. You will have the traditional Hulu Controls and can watch in full-screen mode as well.

许多内容都是从Hulu中提取的,并将在Windows Media Center内部启动。 您将拥有传统的Hulu控件,也可以在全屏模式下观看。

在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

SecondRunTV makes it easier to find different content from a central location inside WMC. While watching a program you can pull up the menu to select other episodes.

SecondRunTV使得从WMC内部的*位置查找不同内容变得更加容易。 在观看节目时,您可以拉起菜单以选择其他剧集。

在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

In the top menus you can select different categories like TV by Network, By Title, Movies, and Search. Here is an example of movies that are available to watch.

在顶部菜单中,您可以选择不同的类别,例如按网络分类的电视,按标题分类的电影和搜索。 这是可供观看的电影的示例。

在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

Right now a lot of times there won’t be a Poster Preview of the show on each channel. But there is a title and overview below so you need to watch for that.

现在很多时候,每个频道都不会显示该节目的海报预览。 但是下面有一个标题和概述,因此您需要注意。

在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

While the majority of the channel content we tried comes from Hulu, you can also access the site directly.


在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

Then you can log in and browse for the free content available.


在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

If you’re a Hulu Plus subscriber, it will work fine with that as well.

如果您是Hulu Plus订户,那么它也可以正常工作。

在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道

It also offers easy access to YouTube videos and the site itself where you can log in, search for content, and comment on different videos.


在Windows 7 Media Center中获得更多的在线流媒体频道



While this will give you easy access to several online streaming channels in a central location, keep in mind it’s still in Beta. We experienced some freeze ups and crashes occasionally and it doesn’t currently work with extenders. If you’re an early adopter and want to check out what SecondRunTV has to offer, you might want to try it out. As the project continues to develop we would only expect more features and better stability.

虽然这可以让您轻松访问位于中心位置的多个在线流媒体频道,但请记住,它仍处于Beta版。 我们偶尔会遇到冻结和崩溃的情况,并且目前不适用于扩展器。 如果您是早期采用者,并且想了解SecondRunTV必须提供的功能,则可以尝试一下。 随着项目的不断发展,我们只会期待更多的功能和更好的稳定性。

If you live in the UK, another plugin you might want to try for additional streaming content is TunerFree MCE as most of it’s content is only available in the UK.

如果您住在英国,那么您可能想尝试其他流媒体内容的另一个插件是TunerFree MCE,因为它的大部分内容仅在英国提供。

Download SecondRunTV Beta

下载SecondRunTV Beta

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/24706/get-more-online-streaming-channels-in-windows-7-media-center/