在Windows 7 Media Center中收听本地FM广播

If you have a supported tuner card and connected FM antenna, you can listen to your favorite local over-the-air FM stations in Windows 7 Media Center.

如果您具有受支持的调谐卡和已连接的FM天线,则可以在Windows 7 Media Center中收听自己喜欢的本地无线FM电台。

Before the FM radio option will be available in Windows Media Center, you’ll need to have a TV or Radio tuner card installed and configured. If you have a TV tuner card installed, you may already have a Radio tuner as well. Many TV tuner cards also have built in FM tuners.

在Windows Media Center中提供FM广播选项之前,您需要安装并配置TV或Radio调谐器卡。 如果您安装了电视调谐器卡,则可能还已经装有广播调谐器。 许多电视调谐器卡还内置了FM调谐器。

Open Windows Media Center, scroll the “Music” and over to “Radio.”

打开Windows Media Center,滚动“音乐”并移至“收音机”。

在Windows 7 Media Center中收听本地FM广播

Click on “FM Radio.”

点击“ FM收音机”。

在Windows 7 Media Center中收听本地FM广播

The radio will turn on and you’ll see the current station number listed in the white box. Just below are standard “Seek” and “Tune” buttons, as well as “Preset” options. Tuning works just like a typical FM radio. Click on the (-) or (+) buttons to “Tune” or “Seek” up and down the dial. If you already know the frequency of the station, enter the numbers using the numeric keypad on the remote control or keyboard.

收音机将打开,您将在白框中看到当前的电台号码。 下方是标准的“搜索”和“调谐”按钮,以及“预设”选项。 调音的工作方式与典型的FM收音机相同。 单击(-)或(+)按钮在表盘上上下“调谐”或“搜索”。 如果您已经知道电台的频率,请使用遥控器或键盘上的数字键盘输入数字。

在Windows 7 Media Center中收听本地FM广播

To save the current station you’re listening to as a preset, click on the “Save as Preset” button.


在Windows 7 Media Center中收听本地FM广播

Type in a custom name for your preset station and click “Save.”


在Windows 7 Media Center中收听本地FM广播

Once you set your presets, they will also be available on the main FM Radio screen.


在Windows 7 Media Center中收听本地FM广播

The transport controls at the bottom of the screen also allow you to control Volume, Pause, Play, Skip back, and Skip forward. Fast Forward and Rewind, however, are not supported.

屏幕底部的传输控件还允许您控制音量,暂停,播放,向后跳过和向前跳过。 但是,不支持快进和快退。

在Windows 7 Media Center中收听本地FM广播

This is a nice option if you’d like to listen to your local FM favorites on your computer, especially if those stations aren’t available online. If you don’t have an FM tuner and want to listen to thousands of online radio streams, check out our article on RadioTime in WMC.

如果您想在计算机上收听本地FM收藏夹,这是一个不错的选择,尤其是当这些电台无法在线使用时。 如果您没有FM调谐器,并且想收听成千上万的在线广播流,请查看有关WMC中RadioTime的文章

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/12516/listen-to-local-fm-radio-in-windows-7-media-center/