在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

If your family uses Windows 7 Media Center to watch a lot of Movies and TV, you might want to block certain programming from your younger ones. Today we take a look at the Parental Controls feature in Windows 7 Media Player which will let you block certain TV and movie ratings.

如果您的家人使用Windows 7 Media Center观看许多电影和电视,则可能要阻止年幼的某些节目。 今天,我们来看看Windows 7 Media Player中的“家长控制”功能,它将使您能够阻止某些电视和电影分级。

Setup Parental Controls


To setup Parental Controls in Windows 7 Media Center (WMC), scroll to Tasks in the main menu.

要在Windows 7 Media Center(WMC)中设置家长控制,请滚动至主菜单中的任务。

在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

In the Settings section click on General.


在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

From the General Settings list click on Parental Controls.


在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

Now you’re prompted to create a 4 digit access code. Make sure it’s something you remember and that you kids won’t be able to easily guess.

现在提示您创建一个4位数字的访问代码。 确保这是您记得的东西,并且您的孩子不会轻易猜到。

在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

Now in Parental Controls you can start selecting what you want to block your kids from accessing. Here we’ll start with TV Ratings.

现在,在“家长控制”中,您可以开始选择要阻止孩子访问的内容。 从电视收视率开始。

在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

Select the box to Turn on TV blocking, select the Maximum allowed TV rating, then save your choices. From here you can also select Block unrated TV programs for content.

选中打开电视屏蔽框,选择允许的最大电视额定值,然后保存选择。 在这里,您还可以选择阻止未分级的电视节目作为内容。

在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

Click on Advanced to get more detailed choices in what you want to block or allow. You can choose between Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Dialogue, Offensive Language, Sexual Content, and Violence.

单击高级可在您要阻止或允许的内容中获得更详细的选择。 您可以在幻想暴力,暗示性对话,攻击性语言,色情内容和暴力之间进行选择。

在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

After you’ve saved your choices you can go back and decide to block Movie/DVD Ratings. Choose a maximum allowed Movie Rating, select if you want to block unrated movies, then save your selection.

保存选择后,您可以返回并决定阻止电影/ DVD分级。 选择允许的最大电影分级,选择是否要阻止未分级的电影,然后保存选择。

在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

From the main Parental Controls Menu you can change you access code or reset the controls which will put them all back to the defaults.


在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

After you’ve set up Parental Controls, you’ll need to enter your access code every time you want to make any changes. This prevents your kids from going in and changing the settings.

设置家长控制后,每次您要进行任何更改时都需要输入访问代码。 这样可以防止您的孩子进入和更改设置。

在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

After you have everything setup, when you try to watch something that is blocked, you’ll see a message indicating the level has been set by Parental Controls.


在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

If you press Yes to continue, you’ll see the program has been blocked.


在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

To watch the show you’ll need to enter in your access code. So unless your kids got a hold of your code somehow, they won’t be able to watch the content.

要观看节目,您需要输入访问代码。 因此,除非您的孩子以某种方式掌握了您的代码,否则他们将无法观看内容。

在Windows 7 Media Center中设置家长控制

Of course you can watch whatever content you want by entering in your code. It may seem like a bit of an inconvenience, but if you want to help keep your children’s eyes away from inappropriate content, it’s a small price to pay. If you want to control the applications and Internet content your children access, make sure to check out our article on how to use Parental Controls in Windows 7.

当然,您可以通过输入代码来观看所需的任何内容。 看起来似乎有点不便,但是如果您想让孩子的眼睛远离不适当的内容,这是一个很小的代价。 如果要控制孩子访问的应用程序和Internet内容,请确保查看我们有关如何在Windows 7中使用“家长控制”的文章。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/11951/setup-parental-controls-in-windows-7-media-center/