windows 睡眠倒计时_将睡眠计时器添加到Windows 7 Media Center

windows 睡眠倒计时_将睡眠计时器添加到Windows 7 Media Center

windows 睡眠倒计时

Do you make it a habit of falling asleep at night while watching Windows Media Center? Today we are going to take a look at the MC7 Sleep Timer for Windows 7 Media Center. This simple little plugin allows you to schedule an automatic shutdown time in Media Center.

您是否养成了观看Windows Media Center时晚上入睡的习惯? 今天,我们将看看Windows 7 Media Center的MC7睡眠计时器。 这个简单的小插件可让您在Media Center中安排自动关机时间。

Note: At this point MC7 Sleep Timer doesn’t work with extenders. If you’re using ClamAV or Panda it may detect this plugin as a virus, we’ve tested it and this is a false positive for these two antivirus apps.

注意:目前,MC7睡眠定时器不适用于扩展器。 如果您使用的是ClamAV或Panda,则可能将此插件检测为病毒,我们已经对其进行了测试,这对这两个防病毒应用程序都是假阳性。

安装及使用 (Installation and Usage)

Download and install MC7 Sleep Timer. (See download below)

下载并安装MC7 Sleep Timer。 (请参见下面的下载)

windows 睡眠倒计时_将睡眠计时器添加到Windows 7 Media Center

After the installation is finished, you will find MC7 Sleep Timer located in the Media Center Extras Library. Click on the tile to open the timer and configure your settings.

安装完成后,您将在Media Center Extras库中找到MC7 Sleep Timer。 单击磁贴以打开计时器并配置设置。

windows 睡眠倒计时_将睡眠计时器添加到Windows 7 Media Center

The MC7 Sleep Timer will open in full screen mode. You can choose to shutdown the PC after 30 or 60 minutes, create a custom length shutdown timer at any 5 minute interval, or select the exact time you want the PC to shutdown.  After setting your PC to shutdown, you’ll get an audio confirmation.

MC7睡眠定时器将以全屏模式打开。 您可以选择在30或60分钟后关闭PC,以每隔5分钟的间隔创建一个自定义长度的关机计时器,或者选择希望PC关机的确切时间。 将PC设置为关闭后,您将获得音频确认。

windows 睡眠倒计时_将睡眠计时器添加到Windows 7 Media Center

To set a custom timer length, scroll to the “Custom timer” option and click right or left on your Media Center remote or, the right or left arrow keys, to choose how many minutes before shutdown.

若要设置自定义计时器长度,请滚动至“自定义计时器”选项,然后在Media Center遥控器上单击向右或向左,或单击向右或向左箭头键,选择关闭前要等待的分钟数。

windows 睡眠倒计时_将睡眠计时器添加到Windows 7 Media Center

To schedule a shutdown for a certain time, browse to the “Shutdown at time” button, and scroll right or left with the arrow keys on the keyboard or remote. When you’ve chosen your time, hit “Enter” on the keyboard or “OK” on the remote.

要安排一定时间的关机,请浏览至“定时关机”按钮,然后使用键盘或遥控器上的箭头键向右或向左滚动。 选择时间后,按键盘上的“ Enter”或遥控器上的“ OK”。

windows 睡眠倒计时_将睡眠计时器添加到Windows 7 Media Center

Clicking the “Monitor Off” button will turn off only the monitor and “Cancel Timer” will cancel your shutdown request.


windows 睡眠倒计时_将睡眠计时器添加到Windows 7 Media Center

结论 (Conclusion)

If you often find yourself falling asleep every night watching Media Center and then fumbling and stumbling in the middle of the night to shutdown your computer, MC7 Sleep timer might just be a perfect addition to your Media Center setup.

如果您经常每天晚上看Media Center时入睡,然后半夜摸索着绊倒以关闭计算机,则MC7 Sleep计时器可能是Media Center设置的完美补充。

Download MC7 Sleep Timer



windows 睡眠倒计时