xp好还是vista好_在Windows Vista或XP中轻松调整照片大小

xp好还是vista好_在Windows Vista或XP中轻松调整照片大小


Now that the presents have been opened, large dinners consumed, and relatives (good or bad) have visited it is time to take all of those digital images and get them organized. Today’s digital cameras take great, detailed photos but the images are often too large to easily send.

既然礼物已经打开,大餐已经吃完了,亲戚(好还是坏)已经去拜访了,是时候拍摄所有这些数字图像并整理它们了。 当今的数码相机可以拍摄精美,精美的照片,但是图像通常太大而无法轻松发送。

If you have large amounts of storage space available you may want to keep the originals, but if you want to email these pictures and publish them on your blogs, having smaller file sizes is preferred. Today we will look at some free tools that will allow you to easily resize your photos in Vista and XP.

如果您有大量可用的存储空间,则可能需要保留原件,但是如果要通过电子邮件发送这些图片并将其发布在博客上,则最好使用较小的文件大小。 今天,我们将看一些免费工具,使您可以轻松地在Vista和XP中调整照片的大小。

Resize Photos on XP with Image Resizer PowerToy

使用Image Resizer PowerToy在XP上调整照片大小

The Image Resizer PowerToy for XP has been around for several years and does a great job of resizing an image by right clicking it.

用于XP的Image Resizer PowerToy已经存在了好几年,并且通过右键单击它可以很好地调整图像的大小。

xp好还是vista好_在Windows Vista或XP中轻松调整照片大小

After right-clicking and choosing “Resize Pictures” you get an easy to use menu for making an image larger, smaller, or a custom size.


xp好还是vista好_在Windows Vista或XP中轻松调整照片大小

As an example this image came directly off a digital camera and as you can see it is half a Megabyte – having several photos this size can start to add up in a hurry. By making the image smaller we save a lot of space.

例如,该图像直接来自数码相机,您可以看到它是半兆字节-拥有几张如此大小的照片,可能会急忙累加。 通过缩小图像,我们可以节省大量空间。

xp好还是vista好_在Windows Vista或XP中轻松调整照片大小
xp好还是vista好_在Windows Vista或XP中轻松调整照片大小

Using Microsoft Office Picture Manager

使用Microsoft Office Picture Manager

This is a great solution if you have Microsoft Office Suite installed.  This allows you to edit different aspects of your photos and of course resize them. This is also a great solution if you are placing pictures in other office applications.

如果您安装了Microsoft Office Suite,这是一个很好的解决方案。 这使您可以编辑照片的不同方面,当然也可以调整它们的大小。 如果要将图片放置在其他Office应用程序中,这也是一个很好的解决方案。

xp好还是vista好_在Windows Vista或XP中轻松调整照片大小

Resizing Photos In Vista Using VSO Image Resizer

使用VSO Image Resizer在Vista中调整照片大小

VSO Image Resizer is a free (for private use) utility that works similar to XP’s PowerToy on Vista. After installing you can right click an image and select VSO from the context menu. Unfortunately every time you launch VSO, you will need to click through the license message.  The good thing is there is a lot of functionality and it definitely gets the job done.

VSO Image Resizer是一个免费的(供私人使用)实用程序,其功能类似于Vista上XP的PowerToy。 安装后,您可以右键单击映像,然后从上下文菜单中选择VSO。 不幸的是,每次启动VSO时,都需要单击许可证消息。 好东西是有很多功能,而且绝对可以完成工作。

xp好还是vista好_在Windows Vista或XP中轻松调整照片大小

Using Windows Live Photo Gallery

使用Windows Live照片库

With Windows Live Photo Gallery we can easily resize, adjust, and post photos to the web or email.  You can upload and publish photos on Flickr, Facebook, and Picasa as well as several other photo sites directly from Photo Gallery.

使用Windows Live照片库,我们可以轻松地调整照片的大小,进行调整并将其发布到Web或电子邮件中。 您可以直接从照片库在Flickr,Facebook和Picasa以及其他几个照片网站上上传和发布照片。

xp好还是vista好_在Windows Vista或XP中轻松调整照片大小

If you’re just doing a couple pictures to email the stand alone photo resizer applications might be a good choice.  On the other hand, if you want to resize several photo’s at once post them on the Internet, Windows Live Photo Gallery is a solid comprehensive solution as it also includes several Plug-ins for different sites.

如果您只是拍几张照片以发送电子邮件,那么独立的照片调整器应用程序可能是一个不错的选择。 另一方面,如果您想一次调整多张照片的大小,然后将它们发布到Internet上,则Windows Live Photo Gallery是一个可靠的综合解决方案,因为它还包含多个用于不同站点的插件

What are some of your favorite ways to edit and organize photos?


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80078/easily-re-size-photos-in-windows-vista-or-xp-2/
