android oreo_当您位于Android Oreo中的受信任网络附近时,如何自动启用Wi-Fi

android oreo_当您位于Android Oreo中的受信任网络附近时,如何自动启用Wi-Fi

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android oreo_当您位于Android Oreo中的受信任网络附近时,如何自动启用Wi-Fi

You disable Wi-Fi on your Android phone to improve battery life, which is great! But how many times have you forgotten to enable it again, ultimately eating up some of your mobile data when you could’ve been on Wi-Fi? With Oreo, that fear is no more.

您可以在Android手机上禁用Wi-Fi以延长电池寿命,这太棒了! 但是,您忘了多少次再次启用它,而当您本可以使用Wi-Fi时,最终耗尽了一些移动数据? 有了奥利奥(Oreo),这种恐惧就不再存在。

Oreo brings a ton of smaller improvements to Android, and the ability to intelligently enable WI-Fi according to location is one of them. Basically, it keeps track of what networks you use often—things like your home and work networks, for example—then associates them with their physical location.

Oreo为Android带来了许多较小的改进,其中之一就是能够根据位置智能地启用WI-Fi。 基本上,它会跟踪您经常使用的网络(例如家庭和工作网络等),然后将其与实际位置相关联。

It then uses this data to make sure you’re always using Wi-Fi when you’re near those networks by automatically enabling Wi-Fi (if it’s disabled, of course) when you’re in close enough range. It’s pretty brilliant.

然后,它会使用这些数据来确保您在那些网络附近时始终使用Wi-Fi,方法是在距离足够近时自动启用Wi-Fi(当然,如果已禁用)。 非常棒。

To enable this feature, first give the notification bar a tug, then long-press the Wi-Fi icon to jump directly into the Wi-Fi menu in Settings.


android oreo_当您位于Android Oreo中的受信任网络附近时,如何自动启用Wi-Fi

From there, tap on “Wi-Fi Preferences.”

在此处,点击“ Wi-Fi偏好设置”。

android oreo_当您位于Android Oreo中的受信任网络附近时,如何自动启用Wi-Fi

The first option in this menu is “Turn on Wi-Fi Automatically.” This is what you’re looking for. Give that little guy a toggle and you’re good to go.

此菜单中的第一个选项是“自动打开Wi-Fi”。 这就是您要寻找的。 给那个小家伙一个拨动,你很好。

android oreo_当您位于Android Oreo中的受信任网络附近时,如何自动启用Wi-Fi

You may also have an option to “Connect to Open Networks”, which will automatically connect to “high-quality” public networks. These are generally public networks that Google is aware of and trusts (and sometimes even powers itself)—like Starbucks, for example. You can read more about this feature here, but we definitely recommend enabling it.

您可能还可以选择“连接到开放网络”,它将自动连接到“高质量”的公共网络。 这些通常是Google意识到并信任的公共网络(有时甚至是自身的力量),例如星巴克。 您可以在此处阅读有关此功能的更多信息 ,但我们绝对建议您启用它。

android oreo_当您位于Android Oreo中的受信任网络附近时,如何自动启用Wi-Fi

This is just another one of those little tweaks in Android to help you save a little of your mobile data. It’s the small touches like these that I love.

这只是Android中的一些小调整之一,可帮助您节省一些移动数据。 我喜欢的就是这些小触感。


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