android oreo_您的手机何时将获得Android Oreo?

android oreo_您的手机何时将获得Android Oreo?

android oreo

android oreo_您的手机何时将获得Android Oreo?

Android updates always pose the same question: when will my phone get it? Here’s what we know about the most popular handsets and their current status for Android Oreo.

Android更新总是提出相同的问题:我的手机何时会收到? 这是我们所了解的最受欢迎的手机及其Android Oreo的当前状态。

谷歌 (Google)

android oreo_您的手机何时将获得Android Oreo?

Google’s Pixel line is the flagship Android phone lineup at this point—if you want Android at its purest, then you have to get it straight from the source. That source, of course, is Google, and the Pixel lineup is the company’s in-house phone, designed to show what Android can do best.

目前,Google的Pixel系列是Android手机旗舰产品-如果您想要最纯正的Android,则必须直接从源头上获取。 该消息来源当然是Google,而Pixel阵容是该公司的内部电话,旨在展示Android可以做得最好。

Because the Pixel phones are designed and maintained by Google, that means they get OS updates before pretty much anyone else. As a result, all phones in the Pixel line have already been updated to the latest version of Android, which is currently 8.1:

由于Pixel手机是由Google设计和维护的,因此这意味着它们几乎比其他任何人都可以获得操作系统更新。 结果,Pixel系列中的所有手机都已更新为最新版本的Android,当前版本为8.1:

  • Pixel 1: Updated


  • Pixel XL: Updated

    Pixel XL:已更新

  • Pixel 2: Updated


  • Pixel 2 XL: Updated

    Pixel 2 XL:已更新


android oreo_您的手机何时将获得Android Oreo?

Essential only has one phone in its lineup, and it got off to a bit of a rocky start. The Essential PH-1 has come a long way since its release back in August of 2017, and the company has done an excellent job of pushing bug fixes and new features through software updates.

Essential的阵容中只有一部手机,但起步有点艰难。 自2017年8月发布以来,Essential PH-1已经走了很长一段路,并且该公司在通过软件更新推送错误修复和新功能方面做得非常出色。

While many manufacturers are currently still trying to update their handsets to Android 8.0, Essentially skipped the initial Oreo release and went straight for the latest version with 8.1.

虽然许多制造商目前仍在尝试将其手机更新为Android 8.0,但从本质上讲,它跳过了Oreo的初始发行版,而直接寻求8.1的最新版本。

  • PH-1: Updated



android oreo_您的手机何时将获得Android Oreo?

Samsung is the largest manufacturer of Android phones in the world, and it has a lot of phones to keep updated. As a result, it prioritizes its flagship phones above all others—the Galaxy S series and Notes will always be the first to get updated to the latest version of Android.

三星是全球最大的Android手机制造商,并且有很多手机需要不断更新。 因此,它将所有旗舰手机的优先级都排在了优先位置– Galaxy S系列和Notes始终是第一个将其更新到最新版本的Android的手机。

Still, it’s generally slower to push updates than some of its competitors, presumably because it has so many irons in the fire. Samsung has gotten better at this over the years, but there’s still a lot of work to be done.

尽管如此,推送更新通常比其竞争对手慢一些,大概是因为它有很多麻烦。 多年来,三星在这方面做得更好,但是仍有许多工作要做。

  • Galaxy S9/S9+: Shipped with Oreo

    Galaxy S9 / S9 +: Oreo随附

  • Galaxy S8/S8+: Updated

    Galaxy S8 / S8 + :已更新

  • Galaxy S8 Active: Updated

    Galaxy S8 Active:已更新

  • Note 8: Updated


  • Galaxy S7/S7 Edge: Update planned

    Galaxy S7 / S7 Edge:计划更新

  • Galaxy Note 5: Rumored

    Galaxy Note 5:传闻


android oreo_您的手机何时将获得Android Oreo?

LG has done a good job of refining its product lines over the last few years, keeping most of its focus on a pair of top-end phones: the G series and V series. While the G series was generally considered to be the company’s flagship phones for the longest time, the V series has become the sort of cutting-edge line where the most modern tech and edgier designs are pushed.

在过去的几年中,LG在完善产品线方面做得很好,将大部分精力放在了两款高端手机上:G系列和V系列。 虽然G系列在最长时间以来一直被视为公司的旗舰手机,但V系列已经成为推动最现代技术和前卫设计的前沿产品。

Currently, the latest in the V lineup is the only LG handset to have received Oreo, but others are slated to get updated eventually:


  • V30: Updated


  • V30 Plus: Planned

    V30 Plus:已计划

  • V20: Planned


  • G6: Planned


  • G5: Planned



android oreo_您的手机何时将获得Android Oreo?

OnePlus is a company that prides itself on releasing higher-end phones with more modest prices than the competition, though many would argue the company itself can’t be trusted.


While its integrity is indeed questionable, there’s no arguing that it has done a good job keeping its handsets updated to the latest version of Android—all of its latest models are already running Google’s latest.


  • 5T: Updated


  • 5: Updated


  • 3T: Updated


  • 3: Updated



android oreo