android oreo_如何在Android Oreo中暂停通知

android oreo_如何在Android Oreo中暂停通知

android oreo

android oreo_如何在Android Oreo中暂停通知

We get it; you’re busy. You can’t always respond to notifications right when they hit your phone, but you also don’t want to forget about them. Fortunately, in Android Oreo, you can snooze these notifications so they’ll pop up again later.

我们懂了; 你很忙。 当通知打到您的手机上时,您无法始终对其进行响应,但是您也不想忘记它们。 幸运的是,在Android Oreo中,您可以暂停这些通知,以便稍后再次弹出。

Here’s what ends up happening to me most of the time: A notification comes in, I need to address it but can’t at the time, so I let it sit there. Sometimes all day. My phone’s notification bar becomes cluttered and ugly, which I also hate. This has been the story of my life for many years.

这是大多数情况下最终发生在我身上的事情:收到一条通知,我需要解决它,但当时无法解决,所以我让它坐在那里。 有时整天。 手机的通知栏变得凌乱而丑陋,我也讨厌。 这一直是我一生的故事。

Finally, Google cooked up the perfect solution to this quandary with notification snoozing. This feature is exactly what it sounds like: a way to temporarily dismiss notifications and have them re-notify you sometime later. No more clutter, and no more forgetting.

最终,Google通过暂停通知,为这一难题制定了完美的解决方案。 此功能的确切含义是:一种暂时关闭通知并在以后的某个时间重新通知您的方法。 不再混乱,也不会忘记。

Using this feature is straightforward and easy. When a notification that you want to snooze comes in, slide it slightly to the right. Make sure to not slide it too much, otherwise you’ll just dismiss it, which is what you’re trying to avoid here.  In the panel that appears to the left of the notification, tap the clock icon.

使用此功能既简单又容易。 当您要暂停的通知到来时,将其稍微向右滑动。 确保不要将其滑动太多,否则,请关闭它,这是您要在此处避免的操作。 在通知左侧显示的面板中,点击时钟图标。

android oreo_如何在Android Oreo中暂停通知

The “Snooze” menu opens, and defaults to one hour. Tap the time to expose options for snoozing 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour, and two hours.

“ Snooze”菜单打开,默认为一小时。 点击时间以显示15分钟,30分钟,1小时和2小时的小睡时间。

android oreo_如何在Android Oreo中暂停通知
android oreo_如何在Android Oreo中暂停通知

And that’s that! When the allotted time has passed, the notification pops back up just like it did the first time—no more cluttered notification bar, and no more forgetting.

就是这样! 分配的时间过去后,通知会像第一次一样弹出,不再杂乱的通知栏,也不会忘记。


android oreo