在Windows Vista中禁用自动播放

Windows Vista’s AutoPlay options are a great improvement over Windows XP in terms of flexibility, but unfortunately there are so many options that it can be confusing, especially since there’s no specific mention of USB Flash drives in the options.

Windows Vista的AutoPlay选项在灵活性方面比Windows XP有了很大的改进,但是不幸的是,有太多选项使它感到困惑,特别是因为这些选项中没有特别提到USB闪存驱动器。

Open your Control Panel, and then click on “Play CDs or other media automatically” to open the AutoPlay dialog.


在Windows Vista中禁用自动播放

Disable AutoPlay Globally


The quickest way to disable AutoPlay entirely is to just uncheck the box for “Use AutoPlay for all media and devices”, which should usually work.


在Windows Vista中禁用自动播放

Disable for a Single Type


You can choose a setting in the drop-down menu for a single type of drive, for instance Audio CD in this example. For this to work you’ll have to make sure to keep the global autoplay option on, and then choose the specific setting in the drop-down.

您可以在下拉菜单中为单一类型的驱动器选择一个设置,例如本示例中的音频CD 。 为此,您必须确保启用全局自动播放选项,然后在下拉菜单中选择特定设置。

在Windows Vista中禁用自动播放

Disable for just Removable (flash) Drives


The problem here is that while there are settings for Audio CDs and DVDs, there’s nothing specifically for USB flash drives. Windows will determine the drive type based on the content it finds on the flash drive itself, so that’s what we’ll need to change.

这里的问题是,虽然有音频CD和DVD的设置,但没有专门针对USB闪存驱动器的设置。 Windows将根据其在闪存驱动器本身上找到的内容来确定驱动器类型,这就是我们需要更改的内容。

In order to disable AutoPlay for the removable drives, you should change all of the following to Take no action: Software and games, Pictures, Video files, Audio files, and Mixed content.

为了禁用可移动驱动器的自动播放,您应该将以下所有内容更改为“不采取任何措施” :软件和游戏,图片,视频文件,音频文件和混合内容。

在Windows Vista中禁用自动播放

Disable Through Group Policy


A number of readers have written in complaining that the option to disable autoplay isn’t working for them, so if you’d like to disable it entirely you can use the Group Policy editor on the Business and Ultimate versions of Vista.


Open up gpedit.msc through the start menu search box, browse to Windows Components \ AutoPlay Policies, and change the value of “Turn off Autoplay” to enabled.

通过开始菜单搜索框打开gpedit.msc ,浏览至Windows组件\自动播放策略,然后将“关闭自动播放”的值更改为启用。

在Windows Vista中禁用自动播放

You can choose whether to disable for just removable devices, or entirely. I’m not sure if that makes any sense, however.

您可以选择是仅对可移动设备禁用还是完全禁用。 我不确定这是否有意义。

Disable with Registry Hack


The Group Policy editor is not available on Windows Vista Home editions, so I’ve also included the registry tweak to disable AutoPlay entirely.

组策略编辑器在Windows Vista Home版本上不可用,因此我还包括了注册表调整项,以完全禁用自动播放。

Download and unzip this registry hack and then double-click on the appropriate file.

下载并解压缩此注册表hack ,然后双击适当的文件。

  • DisableAutoPlay.reg will disable autoplay entirely.

  • DisableAutoPlayRemovable.reg will disable autoplay on removable devices.


Hopefully all your AutoPlay questions are now answered!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/disable-autoplay-in-windows-vista/