


Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock 约瑟夫·索姆/ Shutterstock

Cheers is a classic show that’s set in a real Boston bar. Whether you’re already a fan or want to check it out for the first time, it’s now streaming!

欢呼声是在波士顿真正的酒吧里表演的经典节目。 无论您是粉丝还是想首次签到,现在都可以观看!

Go back to the ’80s, when Cheers first began, and follow bar-owner, Sam Malone, and his regulars. Cheer “Norm!” whenever George Wendt’s character walks through the door, and laugh along while Diane (Shelley Long) bickers with Sam.

回到80年代,当Cheers刚开始的时候,跟随酒吧老板Sam Malone和他的常客。 欢呼“范!” 每当乔治·温特(George Wendt)的角色走过门,并在黛安(雪莱·朗)与山姆争吵的同时大笑。

哥伦比亚广播公司 (CBS)

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CBS allows you to watch full-length episodes of Cheers for free. Unfortunately, unless you subscribe to All Access, you have to deal with a good number of ad breaks.

CBS允许您免费观看完整的Cheers情节。 不幸的是,除非您订阅了All Access,否则您必须处理大量的广告中断。

Netflix公司 (Netflix)

Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock Kaspars Grinvalds / Shutterstock

For those with a Netflix subscription, you can stream the entire series. This is a great way to watch without dealing with ads.

对于拥有Netflix订阅的用户,您可以流式传输整个系列。 这是一种无需处理广告即可观看的好方法。

葫芦 (Hulu)


You can also catch every moment of Cheers on Hulu if you have a subscription. Depending on which subscription you have, you might have to sit through some ads. However, you can pay extra for ad-free content.

如果您已订阅,您还可以在Hulu上捕捉Cheers的每一刻。 根据您所拥有的订阅,您可能需要浏览一些广告。 但是,您可以为无广告内容支付额外费用。

亚马逊Prime视频 (Amazon Prime Video)

pixinoo/ Shutterstock pixinoo / Shutterstock

On Amazon Prime Video, you can purchase the entire series, and you’ll always have it in your library. You can purchase seasons one through nine for $20 each, or individual episodes for $3 apiece. Seasons 10 and 11 aren’t available through Amazon, though; the site will encourage you to purchase a CBS All Access subscription to watch those.

Amazon Prime Video上,您可以购买整个系列,而且总会在图书馆中找到它。 您可以每季$ 20的价格购买第1至第9季,也可以单次购买$ 3的单个剧集。 不过,第10季和第11季无法通过Amazon获得。 该网站将鼓励您购买CBS All Access订阅以观看这些内容。

的iTunes (iTunes)

Primakov/ Shutterstock 普里马科夫/ Shutterstock

If you watch on an Apple device, iTunes is the perfect place to purchase the complete series for your online library. You can get the entire series for $60, or $1 per episode.

如果您在Apple设备上观看, iTunes是购买在线图书馆完整系列产品的理想场所。 您可以60美元或每集1美元的价格购买整个系列。

Google Play (Google Play)

BigTunaOnline/ Shutterstock BigTunaOnline / Shutterstock

If you watch on an Android device, the Google Play Store is where you should go to add Cheers to your collection. For $60, you can purchase the entire series and watch it everywhere you go.

如果您在Android设备上观看,则应在Google Play商店中将“欢呼声”添加到收藏中。 只需60美元,您就可以购买整个系列,随时随地观看。

武都 (Vudu)


Vudu is a near-perfect service that supports multiple devices. It can be home to all of your digital library. You can purchase seasons one through eight of Cheers for $15 each, or single episodes for $2 apiece.

Vudu是一项近乎完美的服务,支持多种设备。 它可以成为您所有数字图书馆的所在地。 您可以以每支$ 15的价格购买第1到第8季的Cheers ,也可以每支$ 2购买单集。

Unfortunately, Vudu doesn’t have seasons nine through 11, so you’ll have to catch those on one of the services we listed above.


No matter how you watch Cheers, you’ll love catching up with the entire crew at the bar. Spend some quality time with Sam, Diane, Norm, and all the regulars, from the comfort of your living room.

无论您如何观看干杯,您都将喜欢在酒吧与整个工作人员接轨。 在舒适的客厅里,与Sam,Diane,Norm和所有常客共度美好时光。

