

The Good Place is a fantastically funny show that is sure to make just about anyone laugh. If you want to catch it as the final season has just aired, these streaming services will have most of the episodes available.

好地方是一个非常有趣的表演,肯定会让任何人笑。 如果您想在最后一季播出后赶上节目,这些流媒体服务将提供大部分情节。

While not every service has all the episodes, you can purchase them from some of the services available. Netflix runs up to season 3 while Hulu has a few of the season 4 episodes available for you to watch. You can catch up with the show with the available services below.

虽然并非每项服务都包含所有剧集,但您可以从某些可用服务中购买它们。 Netflix的第3季最多,而Hulu的第4季中有几集可供您观看。 您可以通过下面的可用服务赶上节目。

全国广播公司 (NBC)


On NBC’s website, you can catch some of the newest episodes of season four if you need to play a little catch-up. You’re able to watch episodes nine through 13 on the website, though the available episodes will likely change over time. Additionally, you’ll get some insides with a podcast and photos from the show. If that’s what you need to see, then this is an excellent option for you to watch the show for free.

NBC的网站上,如果需要进行一些补习,则可以收看第四季的一些最新剧集。 您可以在网站上观看第9到13集,但可用集可能会随着时间而改变。 此外,您还将获得播客和演出照片的内幕。 如果那是您需要观看的内容,那么这是您免费观看节目的绝佳选择。

Netflix公司 (Netflix)


Netflix is a great way to get up-to-date with the show, at least until season three. You can watch every episode from the beginning up until the end of that season with this service. Season four isn’t available yet, but it’s set to come to the service on August 25, 2020.

至少在第三季之前, Netflix是一种很好地了解节目的好方法。 使用此服务,您可以观看从一开始到该季末的每一集。 第4季尚未发布,但定于2020年8月25日上线。

葫芦 (Hulu)


Hulu is a great service to watch your favorite shows, but it currently isn’t the best place to catch the entire The Good Place series. It only has the last five episodes of season 4 for you to watch, which is okay if you’ve been keeping up with the show so far. As with NBC’s website, the exact episodes available for streaming will likely change. If you’re an avid watcher of the show, then this is how you can catch up on how the series ends.

Hulu是观看您喜欢的节目的好服务,但目前并不是收看整个The Good Place系列节目的最佳地点。 它只有第4季的最后五集可供您观看,如果您到目前为止一直在跟上节目,那还可以。 与NBC网站一样,可用于流式传输的确切剧集可能会发生变化。 如果您是该节目的*观看者,那么您可以通过该方法来了解该系列节目的结局。

亚马逊Prime视频 (Amazon Prime Video)


If you want to own every season of this show, then Amazon Prime Video is the way to expand your digital library. You can buy every season for $25 apiece or individual episode for $3 each. This way, you can always have the show with you, no matter where you go.

如果您想拥有该节目的每个季节,那么Amazon Prime Video是扩展您的数字图书馆的一种方式。 您可以每个季度以$ 25的价格购买该节目,也可以以每个$ 3的价格购买单个情节。 这样,无论您走到哪里,都可以随时随地进行演出。

的iTunes (iTunes)


If you’re an avid user of Apple devices, iTunes may be the best way to purchase the seasons of The Good Place. For $25 a season, you can have the entire show on your Apple mobile device, so you can keep up with Eleanor and the crew.

如果您是Apple设备的*用户,iTunes可能是购买The Good Place季节的最佳方式。 每季25美元,您可以在Apple移动设备上观看整个演出,因此您可以跟上Eleanor和工作人员。

Google Play商店 (Google Play Store)


Google Play is another service that has the entire show available for purchase. You can spend $20 to get each season or $2 an episode, so that you can be entertained by each moment of the show.

Google Play是另一项可以购买整个节目的服务。 您可以花20美元来获得每个季节,也可以花2美元来制作一集,这样您就可以在节目的每一刻都得到娱乐。

武都 (Vudu)


If you’re looking for a multi-platform video source, then Vudu is an excellent choice for Apple, Android, and Windows devices. You can purchase each season on this site for $20 each or every episode is for $2 apiece.

如果您正在寻找多平台视频源,那么Vudu是Apple,Android和Windows设备的绝佳选择。 您可以在本网站上以每个$ 20的价格购买每个季节,每个情节以$ 2的价格购买。

With all the different options to enjoy The Good Place, you’ll be able to stream it to your heart’s content. Watch as the series unfolds, and stay up to date with all the laughs, tears, and uncomfortable silence. You won’t miss a beat of the show, and you’ll likely feel a little empty when you get to the end of the series.

通过享受“好地方”的各种选择,您将可以将其流传到您的内心。 观看系列剧的展开,并保持最新的笑声,眼泪和不舒服的沉默。 您将不会错过任何精彩的演出,而且到系列结尾时,您可能会感到有些空虚。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/662570/how-to-stream-the-good-place-without-cable/