
本文为芬兰阿尔托大学(作者:Janaki Prasad Koirala)的硕士论文,共64页。


Identifying a food from its image can savepeople’s life. It can be used to know the presence of potential allergens infood or by estimating the nutritional content of food, it may also be used tocombat the obesity epidemic. With such applications in mind, we seek to exploitthe advances in machine learning and deep learning to train models thatidentify European food from digital photos. From the literature it wasdiscovered that the Faster RCNN was the current state-of-art CNN basedframework which could get local information of object in image and recognizeit. Furthermore, we also develop an Android application for recognition of foodobjects. Faster RCNN requires a large volume of data with labels andlocalization information of the objects present in them. It is very challengingto find such datasets to train our network. We made up a food dataset of 69kimages with 445 labels and trained our model using those images. But thedataset was skewed in terms of numbers of images per category that negativelyaffected the performance of the model. To improve the performance, we triedseveral approaches like taking only a subset of labels and equalizing thenumber of training samples for each label. We also used transfer learning to getaround the problem of overfitting the network when our training sample size islimited. Finally, by using publicly available data set and adapting it to ourneeds, our model was able to identify images with 0.37 mean Average Precision.The Android application uses this model to recognize food objects from images.

1 引言
2 项目背景
3 目标识别
4 实验
5 结果
6 结论
附录 排行榜前90的食品类别
