
Are you looking for the best WordPress themes for membership websites?


Unlike blogs and business themes, membership websites need a wide variety of templates to use in different membership areas.


In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best WordPress themes for membership sites. These themes offer more flexibility and choices, which you’ll need to build a strong online community.

在本文中,我们为会员网站精选了一些最佳的WordPress主题。 这些主题提供了更多的灵活性和更多选择,您需要建立一个强大的在线社区。


用WordPress制作会员网站 (Making a Membership Website with WordPress)

WordPress is the top website builder in terms of popularity and global usage.


There are two types of WordPress, and you must choose the right one for your membership site. See the difference in our WordPress.com vs WordPress.org comparison chart.

WordPress有两种类型,您必须为您的会员站点选择正确的一种。 在我们的WordPress.com与WordPress.org比较表中查看差异。

We recommend using WordPress.org because it gives you all the powerful features without any limitations.


To start a membership website with WordPress, you’ll need a domain name, website hosting, and an SSL certificate (you need it to accept payments online). You can buy them from different companies, and prices may vary from one company to another.

要使用WordPress创建会员网站,您需要一个域名,网站托管和SSL证书(您需要它来接受在线付款)。 您可以从其他公司购买它们,并且价格可能会因一家公司而异。

We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest hosting companies and officially recommended by WordPress. They have agreed to offer our users a free domain, free SSL, and 60% off web hosting.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是最大的托管公司之一,并由WordPress正式推荐。 他们已经同意为我们的用户提供免费域,免费SSL和60%的虚拟主机优惠。

Once you have purchased hosting, you will need a WordPress membership plugin. We recommend using MemberPress which is the best WordPress membership plugin in the market. It will turn your WordPress site into a full-fledged membership and subscriptions based community.

购买托管后,您将需要一个WordPress会员插件。 我们建议使用MemberPress ,这是市场上最好的WordPress会员插件 。 它将把您的WordPress网站变成一个成熟的基于成员资格和订阅的社区。

We have created a complete guide on how to make a WordPress membership website with step by step instructions for beginners.


That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress themes for membership websites that you can use.


1.阿斯特拉 (1. Astra)

Astra has become one of the most popular WordPress themes available due to its flexibility. The theme comes with dozens of starter sites that you can install with a single click.

由于灵活性, Astra已成为最受欢迎的WordPress主题之一。 主题带有许多入门站点,您可以单击以安装它们。

It has a built-in template for LearnDash if you want to start selling courses online.


Astra also works with MemberPress and WooCommerce making it super easy to build subscription-based websites. It is easy to use and gives you full control to change any aspect of your theme’s appearance.

Astra还与MemberPressWooCommerce合作,使构建基于订阅的网站变得非常容易。 它易于使用,可让您完全控制更改主题外观的任何方面。

2. Divi (2. Divi)

Divi is an ultimate WordPress theme and page builder for WordPress. It is a perfect choice for any website, including a membership site.

Divi是WordPress的终极WordPress主题和页面构建器。 对于任何网站,包括会员网站,这都是一个完美的选择。

It features hundreds of built-in layout combinations for several business and membership sites. These layouts help set up a website and get started quickly.

它具有用于多个业务和会员站点的数百种内置布局组合。 这些布局有助于建立网站并快速上手。

The Divi theme also comes with unlimited color choices, animations, fonts, backgrounds, and more. It works seamlessly with all top WordPress plugins.

Divi主题还带有无限的颜色选择,动画,字体,背景等等。 它可与所有*WordPress插件无缝配合。

3.超 (3. Ultra)

Ultra is the ultimate all-purpose WordPress theme designed to create any kind of website without editing any code. It includes several ready-made layouts that you can install with full demo content.

Ultra是终极的通用WordPress主题,旨在创建任何类型的网站而无需编辑任何代码。 它包括几个现成的布局,您可以安装它们并包含完整的演示内容。

It is also equipped with a powerful drag and drop page builder to edit existing pages or create new page layouts. The Ultra theme ships with features like custom widgets, social media integration, multiple header styles, unlimited layout combinations, and more.

它还配备了功能强大的拖放页面构建器,以编辑现有页面或创建新的页面布局。 Ultra主题附带自定义小部件,社交媒体集成,多种标题样式,无限的布局组合等功能。

It is ecommerce ready and also works well with MemberPress or any other popular WordPress membership plugin.


4. OceanWP (4. OceanWP)

OceanWP is a free WordPress multipurpose theme. It comes with several built-in demos and ready-made websites, including templates for membership sites.

OceanWP是一个免费的WordPress多用途主题。 它带有几个内置的演示和现成的网站,包括会员网站的模板。

Other notable features include premium extensions, color choices, custom widgets, and more. It integrates with popular drag and drop builder plugins to customize your website easily.

其他值得注意的功能包括高级扩展,颜色选择,自定义小部件等。 它与流行的拖放生成器插件集成在一起,可轻松自定义您的网站。

5. Hestia Pro (5. Hestia Pro)

Hestia Pro is an excellent WordPress multi-purpose theme built for any kind of website. It includes 1-page and multipage layouts with all the modern design elements.

Hestia Pro是为任何类型的网站构建的出色的WordPress多功能主题。 它包括具有所有现代设计元素的1页和多页布局。

With flexible theme settings, you can customize theme colors, fonts, and background of your site. It fully supports WooCommerce and all top page builder plugins.

通过灵活的主题设置,您可以自定义网站的主题颜色,字体和背景。 它完全支持WooCommerce和所有首页构建器插件。

6.授权专业版 (6. Authority Pro)

Authority Pro is a premium WordPress theme built on top of the Genesis framework. It is a beautifully designed WordPress theme that features an optimized homepage layout to boost conversions and signup.

Authority Pro是基于Genesis框架构建的高级WordPress主题。 这是一个设计精美的WordPress主题,具有优化的首页布局,可促进转化和注册。

It is easy to set up with all theme options neatly organized under customizer. It uses crisp typography and lots of white space to create an incredible user experience.

通过自定义程序整齐地组织所有主题选项,很容易进行设置。 它使用清晰的字体和大量的空白来创建令人难以置信的用户体验。

7. Binder Pro (7. Binder Pro)

Binder Pro is a multi-purpose WordPress business theme suitable for membership websites. It includes ready to use modules that you can drag and drop to create your own unique page layouts.

Binder Pro是适用于会员网站的多功能WordPress商业主题 。 它包括可立即使用的模块,您可以拖放这些模块来创建自己的独特页面布局。

It comes with several website designs available on 1-click installation. It also includes contact form support, pricing tables, Google Fonts, custom widgets, social media icons, and full WooCommerce support.

一键安装可提供多种网站设计。 它还包括联系表单支持,价格表,Google字体,自定义小部件,社交媒体图标以及WooCommerce的全面支持。

8.专柜 (8. Shoppe)

Shoppe is an eCommerce WordPress theme built specifically for membership websites. It comes with 4 website skins, multiple layouts, several header styles, and unlimited colors.

Shoppe是专门为会员网站构建的电子商务WordPress主题。 它带有4个网站皮肤,多种布局,多种标题样式和无限的颜色。

It integrates with drag and drop page builder to quickly create landing pages. The Shoppe theme is easy to set up with a quick 1-click demo installer, custom theme dashboard, and live customizer.

它与拖放页面生成器集成在一起,可以快速创建登录页面 。 一键式演示安装程序,自定义主题仪表板和实时自定义程序可轻松设置Shoppe主题。

9.泽勒 (9. Zelle)

Zelle is a stylish WordPress theme built with an all-purpose approach to create a membership website. It features parallax effects, moveable sections, and custom content blocks on the homepage.

Zelle是一种时尚的WordPress主题,它采用通用方法来创建会员网站。 它在主页上具有视差效果,可移动部分和自定义内容块。

With the 1-minute setup, you can launch your site and replace the content to add your images and text. It is fully optimized for speed and performance.

通过1分钟的设置,您可以启动网站并替换内容以添加图像和文本。 它针对速度和性能进行了完全优化。

10.优雅 (10. Elegant)

Elegant is a neat WordPress theme for business and membership websites. It has multiple homepage styles available in 6 color schemes and quick 1-click demo content importer.

Elegant是商业和会员网站的整洁WordPress主题。 它具有6种配色方案中的多种主页样式以及快速的一键式演示内容导入器。

Other notable features include multi-column layouts, social icons, portfolio section, contact form, and full WooCommerce support. It has a custom theme settings page with flexible options.

其他值得注意的功能包括多列布局, 社交图标 ,投资组合部分,联系表单以及WooCommerce的全面支持。 它具有一个带有灵活选项的自定义主题设置页面。

11.舆论 (11. Public Opinion)

Public Opinion is a magazine style WordPress theme for membership sites. Its homepage and category pages are designed to showcase your content in a beautiful grid layout.

舆论是会员网站的杂志风格WordPress主题 。 其首页和类别页面旨在以精美的网格布局展示您的内容。

It has a primary navigation menu below the header and a secondary menu on top with an additional social profiles menu. You can use the live WordPress customizer to make changes to your site easily.

它在标题下方具有一个主导航菜单,在顶部具有一个辅助菜单以及一个附加的社交资料菜单。 您可以使用实时WordPress定制程序轻松地对网站进行更改。

12.最小精简版 (12. Minimal Lite)

Minimal Lite is a free WordPress theme that you can use to build membership, travel, food, and photography website. It comes with demo data that you can import on your site to get started quickly.

最小精简版是一个免费的WordPress主题,您可以用来建立会员,旅行,美食和摄影网站。 它附带了演示数据,您可以将其导入网站以快速上手。

It has a sticky floating navigation menu on the right side of the screen. Minimal Lite is WooCommerce ready out of the box and supports all popular WordPress plugins.

它在屏幕的右侧有一个粘性浮动导航菜单。 Minimal Lite可以立即使用WooCommerce,并支持所有流行的WordPress插件。

13.组成 (13. Composition)

Composition is a WordPress theme for stock photography websites. It can be used to sell your photographs and illustrations with a subscription option using a membership plugin.

构图是股票摄影网站的WordPress主题。 它可以用于使用会员插件通过订阅选项出售您的照片和插图。

It features a stunning homepage layout with a fullscreen background image and a search box. It also includes beautiful templates to display your articles in a masonry grid layout.

它具有令人惊叹的主页布局,并带有全屏背景图像和搜索框。 它还包括漂亮的模板,以砖石网格布局显示您的文章。

14.思想家 (14. The Thinker)

The Thinker is a premium WordPress theme for bloggers, magazines, and membership websites. It is a simple and minimalist theme with beautiful typography and gorgeous display of featured images.

思想者是博客,杂志和会员网站的高级WordPress主题。 这是一个简单而简约的主题,具有精美的字体和精美的特色图像显示。

It includes multiple page templates, several widget-ready areas, premium WordPress slider, contact form support, and more. It is beginner-friendly and can also be used to create a multilingual website.

它包括多个页面模板,几个可用于小部件的区域,高级WordPress滑块,联系表支持等等。 它是初学者友好的,也可以用于创建多语言网站。

15.尼夫 (15. Neve)

Neve is a modern WordPress multipurpose theme ideally built for any online publication and membership website. It is fast and lightweight to load your website pages quickly.

Neve是一种现代WordPress多功能主题,非常适合任何在线出版物和会员网站。 快速,轻便地快速加载您的网站页面。

It comes with color control, custom widgets, social media integrations, and multiple built-in layouts. You can use it with your favorite page builder plugin to create custom page templates in WordPress.

它带有颜色控制,自定义窗口小部件,社交媒体集成以及多个内置布局。 您可以将其与您最喜欢的页面构建器插件一起使用,以在WordPress中创建自定义页面模板

16.着迷 (16. Mesmerize)

Mesmerize is a beginner-friendly WordPress theme. It comes with flexible options allowing you to easily create a professional website without writing any code.

Mesmerize是初学者友好的WordPress主题。 它带有灵活的选项,使您无需编写任何代码即可轻松创建专业网站。

It features a beautiful homepage with 5 header designs and over 30 ready-to-use content sections that you can customize. Other notable features include video background, slideshows, header content types, gradient overlays, and more.

它具有一个漂亮的主页,其中包含5个标题设计和30多个您可以自定义的即用型内容部分。 其他值得注意的功能包括视频背景 ,幻灯片,标题内容类型,渐变叠加等。

17.靛蓝 (17. Indigo)

Indigo is an excellent WordPress multi-purpose theme with flexible features. Its homepage has two navigation menus, featured slider, 3-column widget area, sticky menu, featured categories, and more.

Indigo是具有出色功能的出色WordPress多用途主题。 它的主页有两个导航菜单,特色滑块,3列小部件区域,便利贴菜单,特色类别等等。

It also includes custom widgets to add popular posts, recent tweets, newsletter signup form, social icons, and more. Indigo comes with multiple color schemes, font choices, and custom backgrounds.

它还包括用于添加热门帖子 ,最新推文,新闻简报注册表单,社交图标等的自定义小部件。 Indigo带有多种配色方案,字体选择和自定义背景。

18.区块链 (18. Blockchain)

Blockchain is a powerful WordPress theme to build cryptocurrency and membership websites. It features a beautiful modern design with a fully functioning cryptocurrency exchange rates module.

区块链是一个强大的WordPress主题,用于构建加密货币和会员网站。 它具有精美的现代设计以及功能齐全的加密货币汇率模块。

It includes custom post types for projects, services, case studies, and job listings. Inside you will also find custom widgets, page templates, support for page builders, and more.

它包括项目,服务,案例研究和职位列表的自定义帖子类型 。 在内部,您还将找到自定义窗口小部件,页面模板,对页面构建器的支持等。

19. OpenEvent (19. OpenEvent)

OpenEvent is a fantastic WordPress event theme built ideally for memberships and ticket selling purposes. It lets you add events on your site with a professional frontend editor.

OpenEvent是一个梦幻般的WordPress事件主题,非常适合会员资格和售票目的。 它使您可以使用专业的前端编辑器在网站上添加事件。

The theme has a flexible header to display event details, speakers, call-to-actions, and videos. You can also import events from Facebook and other resources.

该主题具有灵活的标题,用于显示事件详细信息,发言人,号召性用语和视频。 您还可以从Facebook和其他资源导入事件。

20. Flash (20. Flash)

Flash is another great free WordPress theme for membership websites. It is WooCommerce ready and comes with a beautiful design that looks very clean and professional.

Flash是会员网站的另一个很棒的免费WordPress主题。 WooCommerce已准备就绪,并具有漂亮的外观和非常专业的外观设计。

It features a companion plugin that allows you to import demo content into your website easily. It also includes multiple blog layouts, page builder templates, multiple header styles, multiple color choices, and more.

它具有一个配套插件,可让您轻松将演示内容导入您的网站。 它还包括多种博客布局,页面构建器模板,多种标题样式,多种颜色选择等等。

21. Digital Pro (21. Digital Pro)

Digital Pro is a clean and professional WordPress business theme. It is built on top of the Genesis theme framework, which is known for its rock-solid code, speed, and performance.

Digital Pro是一个干净而专业的WordPress商业主题。 它基于Genesis主题框架构建,该框架以其坚如磐石的代码,速度和性能而闻名。

The homepage is fully widgetized, and you can drag and drop widgets to set it up. It has a theme options panel, 3 custom widget areas, customizable header, and full support for WooCommerce.

主页已完全小部件化,您可以拖放小部件进行设置。 它具有一个主题选项面板,3个自定义窗口小部件区域,可自定义的标题和对WooCommerce的完全支持。

22.杜桑 (22. Tusant)

Tusant is a dark-colored WordPress theme designed specifically for podcasts and membership sites. You can use this theme for music streaming, online webinars, and video purposes.

Tusant是深色的WordPress主题,专门为播客和会员网站设计。 您可以将此主题用于音乐流,在线网络研讨会和视频。

The theme supports multiple audio and video resources to add content to your site. It also lets you embed custom media files seamlessly.

该主题支持多种音频和视频资源,可将内容添加到您的网站。 它还使您可以无缝嵌入自定义媒体文件。

23.斯宾塞 (23. Spencer)

Spencer is a professional WordPress business theme for your membership site. It has a clean and elegant design that is perfect for blogs and portfolio sites.

Spencer是您的会员网站的专业WordPress商业主题。 它具有干净优雅的设计,非常适合博客和投资组合网站。

It has custom widgets, unlimited colors, multiple layouts, and support for all essential WordPress plugins. Spencer is beginner-friendly and very easy to use.

它具有自定义的小部件,无限的颜色,多种布局,并支持所有必需的WordPress插件 。 Spencer是初学者友好的,非常易于使用。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress themes for membership sites. You may also want to see our ultimate step by step WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到会员网站的最佳WordPress主题。 您可能还想看看我们针对初学者的终极一步一步WordPress SEO指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress****。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-themes-for-membership-sites/