
Are you looking for the best coffee shop themes for your WordPress website?


Coffee shop websites need an energetic and welcoming look along with the menu, business hours, location map, and photos.


You can have all these features by choosing the right theme for your coffee shop. Choosing the right WordPress theme will save you time, so you can focus on the marketing and promotion of your business.

通过为咖啡店选择合适的主题,您可以拥有所有这些功能。 选择正确的WordPress主题可以节省您的时间,因此您可以专注于业务的营销和推广。

In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best coffee shop themes for WordPress websites.



如何使用WordPress建立咖啡店网站 (How to Build a Coffee Shop Website with WordPress)

WordPress is the most popular website builder to build a website for coffee shops. It is flexible and easy to use with thousands of beautiful templates and powerful plugins.

WordPress是为咖啡店建立网站的最受欢迎的网站构建器 。 它具有数千种精美的模板和功能强大的插件,非常灵活且易于使用。

When we say WordPress, we mean the self-hosted WordPress.org, not WordPress.com. You should check out our guide on the difference between self-hosted WordPress.org vs WordPress.com.

当我们说WordPress时,是指自托管的WordPress.org,而不是WordPress.com。 您应该查看我们的指南,了解自托管WordPress.org与WordPress.com之间区别

To get started, the first thing you need is a good WordPress hosting. We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the top web hosting companies and an official WordPress hosting partner.

首先,您需要的第一件事是一个好的WordPress托管 。 我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是*网络托管公司之一,也是WordPress的官方托管合作伙伴。

For WPBeginner users, they are offering a free domain name, free SSL certificate, and a generous discount on web hosting.


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Once you have signed up for a hosting account, you can follow our step by step WordPress installation tutorial to setup your website.


Once the installation is complete, you can go ahead and pick a theme from our expert selection below. For more details, you can follow our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress theme.

安装完成后,您可以继续从下面的专家选择中选择主题。 有关更多详细信息,您可以按照分步指南了解如何安装WordPress主题

With that said, let’s take a look at some of the best coffee shop themes for WordPress. This list includes both free and paid WordPress themes and all of them are mobile responsive.

话虽如此,让我们看看WordPress的一些最佳咖啡店主题。 此列表包括免费和付费WordPress主题,并且所有主题都是移动响应的。

1.阿斯特拉主题的风味 (1. Flavors by Astra Theme)

Flavors is a premium coffee shop theme for WordPress built by Astra. It allows you to display your dining menu, drinks menu, and daily specials on the homepage.

风味是Astra为WordPress构建的高级咖啡店主题。 它使您可以在主页上显示用餐菜单,饮料菜单和每日特色菜。

To install Flavors, you will need to download Astra and then use their Starter Site templates.

要安装Flavors,您需要下载Astra,然后使用其Starter Site模板。

It comes with multiple color choices, easy setup, and custom page layouts. You can add a location map, business hours, a business phone number, and other useful information to your website.

它具有多种颜色选择,易于设置和自定义页面布局的功能。 您可以将位置图,营业时间, 营业电话号码和其他有用的信息添加到您的网站。

2. Divi咖啡 (2. Divi Coffee)

Divi Coffee is a modern WordPress theme built specifically for coffee shops, restaurants, and bars. It has a fullwidth layout with custom header background.

Divi Coffee是一种现代WordPress主题,专门为咖啡店,餐馆和酒吧而建。 它具有全角布局,带有自定义标题背景。

The theme offers a story-based layout to share your journey, display specials, list your menu, and more. You can edit the website using WordPress live customizer and Divi builder which comes built-in with this theme.

该主题提供了一个基于故事的布局,可以分享您的旅程,显示特色菜,列出菜单等等。 您可以使用此主题内置的WordPress实时定制器和Divi构建器来编辑网站。

3.超咖啡 (3. Ultra Coffee)

Ultra Coffee is a stylish WordPress theme designed for restaurants and coffee shops. It comes with a sticky navigation menu, full-width header image, and a section to add your business information like contact details, hours of operation, and address.

Ultra Coffee是为餐厅和咖啡店设计的时尚WordPress主题。 它带有一个粘性导航菜单 ,全角标题图像以及一个用于添加业务信息的部分,例如联系方式,营业时间和地址。

It has a beautiful section to display your coffee menu with images and prices. The theme supports WooCommerce to sell coffee beans and other related items online.

它有一个漂亮的部分,可显示带有图像和价格的咖啡菜单。 该主题支持WooCommerce在线销售咖啡豆和其他相关物品。

4. OceanWP (4. OceanWP)

OceanWP is a free and multi-purpose WordPress theme. It can be used to create a website for your coffee shop, restaurant, bar, or any dining business.

OceanWP是一个免费的多功能WordPress主题。 它可以用来为您的咖啡店,餐厅,酒吧或任何餐饮企业创建网站

The key features include a custom logo, unlimited colors, and backgrounds. It supports drag and drop page builders to customize your website.

主要功能包括自定义徽标,无限的颜色和背景。 它支持拖放页面构建器以自定义您的网站。

5. Cafe Pro (5. Cafe Pro)

Cafe Pro is a modern WordPress theme for restaurants, coffee shops, cafes, and bakeries. It is built on top of the StudioPress Genesis theme framework, which makes it powerful and robust.

Cafe Pro是适用于餐厅,咖啡店,咖啡馆和面包店的现代WordPress主题。 它建立在StudioPress Genesis主题框架的基础之上 ,这使其功能强大而强大。

The theme has a widgetized layout to add your business address, operational hours, contact details, and more. It comes with an online restaurant reservation system to book tables for your customers.

该主题的窗口小部件布局可添加您的营业地址,营业时间,联系方式等。 它带有一个在线餐厅预订系统,可以为您的顾客预订餐桌。

StudioPress is now part of WP Engine, the most popular managed WordPress hosting company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes if you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

StudioPress现在是最流行的托管WordPress托管公司WP Engine的一部分。 如果您注册WP Engine托管以构建您的网站,则可以获得此主题以及所有其他35+个StudioPress主题。

Bonus: WPBeginner users also get an additional 20% OFF. Get started with WP Engine today!

奖励: WPBeginner用户还可以获得额外20%的折扣。 立即开始使用WP Engine

6.阿斯特拉的饮食 (6. Food and Drinks by Astra)

Food and Drinks is a WordPress restaurant theme well-suited for coffee shops, bars, restaurants, and cafes. It’s also perfect for food bloggers to write about their favorite restaurants and coffee outlets.

Food and Drinks是一个WordPress餐厅主题,非常适合咖啡店,酒吧,餐馆和咖啡馆。 对于美食博主来说,写关于他们最喜欢的餐馆和咖啡店的信息也很完美。

To install the Foods and Drinks theme, you will need to download Astra and then use their Starter Site templates to import this layout.

要安装食品和饮料主题,您将需要下载Astra,然后使用其Starter Site模板导入此布局。

It has simple navigation to add your food and drinks menu. The theme works great with WordPress page builders like Beaver Builder, Elementor, etc to customize colors, fonts, modules, and background of your website.

它具有简单的导航,可添加您的食物和饮料菜单。 该主题与WordPress页面构建器(例如Beaver BuilderElementor等)非常匹配 ,可以自定义网站的颜色,字体,模块和背景。

7. Hestia咖啡 (7. Hestia Coffee)

Hestia Coffee is an elegant WordPress theme, which is designed specifically for coffee shops, steak houses, eatries, and recipe blogs.

Hestia Coffee是一个优雅的WordPress主题,专为咖啡店,牛排馆,餐馆和食谱博客而设计

It comes with a sticky navigation menu, black and white layout, fullwidth images, and crisp typography. Hestia Coffee is compatible with all essential WordPress plugins to further extend its features.

它带有一个粘性导航菜单,黑白布局,全角图像和清晰的版式。 Hestia Coffee与所有必需的WordPress插件兼容,以进一步扩展其功能。

8. Mise En Place (8. Mise En Place)

Mise En Place is a beautiful WordPress theme. It’s a perfect fit for restaurants, cafes, bakeries, coffee shops, and any food-related business.

Mise En Place是一个美丽的WordPress主题。 非常适合餐厅,咖啡馆,面包店,咖啡店以及任何与食品相关的业务。

The theme features a fullscreen background image in the header section. It allows you to add your restaurant menu with large and stylish photos on the homepage.

主题在标题部分以全屏背景图像为特色。 它使您可以在首页上添加带有大型时尚照片的餐厅菜单。

9.罗莎2 (9. Rosa 2)

Rosa is a fancy and bright colored WordPress restaurant theme. It can be used to create a website for your coffee shop, food delivery service, and restaurant.

罗莎(Rosa)是一种色彩艳丽的WordPress餐厅主题。 它可以用来为您的咖啡店,送餐服务和餐馆创建网站。

It has a stylish vertical scrolling slider to move your homepage sections. You can also add an online reservation system to book tables automatically. It supports popular page builders and works beautifully with the new Gutenberg block editor.

它具有时尚的垂直滚动滑块,可移动您的主页部分。 您还可以添加在线预订系统以自动预订桌子。 它支持流行的页面构建器,并且可以与新的Gutenberg块编辑器完美配合。

10. Neve Cafe (10. Neve Cafe)

Neve Cafe is a professional WordPress theme built for cafes, restaurants, coffee outlets, and bakers. It allows you to display the chef’s special menu, business hours, and customer reviews in the top fold of the website.

Neve Cafe是一个专业的WordPress主题,专为咖啡馆,餐馆,咖啡店和面包店而设计。 它使您可以在网站的顶部显示厨师的特别菜单,营业时间和顾客评论。

It has a separate section to add your featured blog posts. Neve Cafe theme is highly optimized for SEO and performs well in the search engines.

它有一个单独的部分来添加您的特色博客文章。 Neve Cafe主题针对SEO进行了高度优化,并在搜索引擎中表现良好。

11.月出 (11. Moonrise)

Moonrise is a perfect WordPress restaurant and coffee shop theme to showcase your menu, services, and team members on the homepage.


It comes with custom widgets, color choices, and fonts. The theme integrates Google Map to display your location and address. You can also create a contact form in the footer to stay connected with your customers.

它带有自定义小部件,颜色选择和字体。 该主题集成了Google Map以显示您的位置和地址。 您也可以在页脚中创建联系表单 ,以保持与客户的联系。

12. Foodica (12. Foodica)

Foodica is a modern coffee shop and restaurant theme for WordPress. It comes with a featured content slider on the homepage to display your photos and menu.

Foodica是WordPress的现代咖啡店和餐厅主题。 它在首页上带有精选的内容滑块 ,可显示您的照片和菜单。

It has excellent color choices, ad placement options, and multiple sidebars. You can easily customize all settings under theme customizer with a live preview.

它具有出色的颜色选择,广告展示位置选项和多个侧边栏。 您可以通过实时预览轻松自定义主题定制器下的所有设置。

13. Flash (13. Flash)

Flash is a free and beautiful WordPress theme designed for restaurants, coffee shops, food and recipe blog, and eatery businesses.

Flash是一个免费美丽的WordPress主题,专门为餐厅,咖啡店, 食品和食谱博客以及餐饮企业设计。

You can use a drag and drop page builder for easy customization. It is fully responsive and be used with WooCommerce out of the box.

您可以使用拖放页面构建器来轻松定制。 它具有充分的响应能力,可与WooCommerce一起使用。

14. Zelle Pro (14. Zelle Pro)

Zelle Pro is a multi-purpose WordPress theme to create any website. It has a modern layout with sticky navigation menu, call-to-action-buttons, and parallax effects.

Zelle Pro是用于创建任何网站的多功能WordPress主题。 它的布局现代,带有粘性导航菜单,号召性用语按钮和视差效果。

The theme is perfect for building your website for a coffee shop or restaurant. It is optimized for speed and performance.

该主题非常适合为咖啡店或餐厅构建网站。 它针对速度和性能进行了优化。

15.鲜美 (15. Umami)

Umami is a stylish WordPress restaurant and coffee shop theme. It features a fullscreen image slider to add beautiful food and coffee photos.

鲜味(Umami)是时尚的WordPress餐厅和咖啡店主题。 它具有全屏图像滑块,可添加精美的食物和咖啡照片。

The theme has a left sidebar to add your navigation menu, business hours, address, and social media icons. You can edit the website using WordPress live customizer.

主题的左侧栏添加了导航菜单,营业时间,地址和社交媒体图标 。 您可以使用WordPress实时定制器编辑网站。

16.新Blog Lite (16. New Blog Lite)

New Blog Lite is a free WordPress theme built for food bloggers, coffee lovers, and chefs. It has a minimal and simple design with the fullwidth custom header image.

New Blog Lite是一个免费的WordPress主题,专为美食博客,咖啡爱好者和厨师而设计。 它具有最小和简单的设计,并带有全角自定义标头图像。

Other features include a custom logo, multiple page layouts, and a featured content section. All theme options can be easily configured using theme customizer with live preview.

其他功能包括自定义徽标,多个页面布局和特色内容部分。 可以使用带有实时预览的主题定制器轻松配置所有主题选项。

17. Foody Pro (17. Foody Pro)

Foody Pro is a lightweight WordPress restaurant and coffee shop theme. You can use it to start a food blog or launch your coffee delivery service easily.

Foody Pro是一个轻量级的WordPress餐厅和咖啡店主题。 您可以使用它来启动美食博客或轻松启动咖啡送货服务。

The theme offers multiple widget areas to add custom widgets. It is compatible with WPML to create a multilingual website.

主题提供了多个窗口小部件区域以添加自定义窗口小部件。 它与WPML兼容,可以创建一个多语言的网站

18.午餐室 (18. Lunchroom)

Lunchroom is a simple and free WordPress restaurant theme. It can easily be used to create a website for your coffee shop, bakery, bar, or restaurant.

饭厅是一个简单而免费的WordPress餐厅主题。 它可以轻松地用于为咖啡店,面包店,酒吧或餐馆创建网站。

It comes with a header design, custom background, and unlimited color choices. With a fully mobile responsive design, it looks equally great on all devices and screen sizes.

它带有标题设计,自定义背景和无限的颜色选择。 凭借完全移动响应式设计,它在所有设备和屏幕尺寸上均表现出色。

19.烹饪师 (19. Cuisiner)

Cuisinier is a multi-purpose WordPress theme with built-in support for sharing recipes. It comes with a stunning full-page header, transparent large menu, custom icons, multiple custom layouts, etc.

Cuisinier是一个多功能的WordPress主题,内置了对共享食谱的支持。 它带有令人惊叹的整页标题,透明的大菜单,自定义图标,多个自定义布局等。

It has tons of ready to use shortcodes and Google fonts integration. It looks good on all devices and beginners would find it quite easy to work with.

它具有大量随时可以使用的简码和Google字体集成的功能。 在所有设备上看起来都不错,初学者会发现使用起来非常容易。

20.美食家Pro (20. Foodie Pro)

Foodie Pro is a spacious WordPress theme with lots of white space and an elegant design. It is made specifically for restaurants, bakers, coffee shops, and food blogs.

Foodie Pro是一个宽敞的WordPress主题,具有许多空白和优雅的设计。 它是专门为餐馆,面包店,咖啡店和美食博客而制作的。

It comes with a beautiful email newsletter subscription bar on top to help you grow your email list. It also includes custom widgets, multiple page templates, customizable header, different layouts, and beautiful image galleries.

它顶部有一个漂亮的电子邮件新闻通讯订阅栏,可帮助您增加电子邮件列表 。 它还包括自定义窗口小部件,多个页面模板,可自定义的标题,不同的布局和漂亮的图像库。

21.阿斯特拉意大利餐厅 (21. Italian Restaurant by Astra)

Italian Restaurant is a WordPress restaurant and coffee shop template for Astra Theme. It ships with multiple layouts, header options, color choices, and more.

Italian Restaurant是Astra Theme的WordPress餐厅和咖啡店模板。 它附带多种布局,标题选项,颜色选择等。

To install the Italian Restaurant theme, you will need to download Astra and then use their Starter Site templates to import this layout.

要安装Italian Restaurant主题,您需要下载Astra,然后使用其Starter Site模板导入此布局。

It also includes support for page builders and works well with WooCommerce. It also comes with multiple sidebar choices, custom widgets, and tons of customization options packed inside theme customizer.

它还包括对页面构建器的支持,并与WooCommerce很好地兼容。 它还带有多个侧边栏选项,自定义小部件以及主题自定义程序中打包的大量自定义选项。

We hope this article helped you find the best coffee shop theme for WordPress. You may also want to check out our guide on how to promote your coffee shop with a WordPress giveaway plugin to run viral contests and giveaway marketing campaigns.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适用于WordPress的最佳咖啡店主题。 您可能还需要查看有关如何使用WordPress赠品插件来推广咖啡店以开展病毒竞赛和赠品营销活动的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress****。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-coffee-shop-themes-for-wordpress/