
It’s needless to say that WordPress has come a long way since the original blogging platform it was famous for. With an obviously much wider audience, WordPress powers 23.6% of all websites globally. It’s a great example of how powerful free and open source software can be.

不用说WordPress自其著名的原始博客平台以来已经走了很长一段路。 WordPress拥有更广泛的受众群体,为全球所有网站中的23.6%提供支持。 这是一个强大的免费和开源软件示例。

While the fact that most blogs run on WordPress is no revelation, more and more fully fledged websites use WordPress as their Content Management System. Often, there are times when you really can’t tell when a website is powered by WordPress, as the latter allows you endless customizations.

尽管大多数博客都在WordPress上运行这一事实并没有透露,但越来越多的成熟网站将WordPress用作其内容管理系统。 通常,有时您真的无法分辨一个网站何时由WordPress驱动,因为WordPress允许您进行无数次自定义。

If you are organizing a special event and the usual networks like Eventbrite, Lanyrd, Meetup etc. are not satisfying your needs, creating a website for your events with WordPress can be a viable option. This is especially useful if you need flexibility more than anything else, as WordPress gives you as much control as you need.

如果您正在组织一个特殊活动,而Eventbrite,Lanyrd,Meetup等常规网络无法满足您的需求,那么使用WordPress创建活动的网站可能是一个可行的选择。 如果您最需要灵活性,这将特别有用,因为WordPress可为您提供所需的控制权。

In the following article, we’re covering event focused WordPress themes and resources which are likely to suit your event’s needs.


主题 (Themes)

韦尔托 (Vertoh)


Vertoh is a conference focused event theme with a lot of elements and space to play with. It offers various customization features without the need to touch any code, which might be an attractive offer if you are not a coder. It allows dedicated exhibitor spaces (or whatever might fit instead of it) sponsors, speakers (or performers; Vertoh can be easily changed into a music festival theme for example) and various other little features.

Vertoh是一个针对会议的活动主题,具有很多元素和可玩的空间。 它提供了各种自定义功能,而无需触摸任何代码,如果您不是编码人员,这可能是一个有吸引力的提议。 它提供了专用的参展空间(或其他合适的空间),赞助商,演讲者(或表演者;例如,Vertoh可以很容易地变成音乐节的主题)和各种其他小功能。

Most importantly, it allows integrations with Eventbrite, Event Espresso, WooCommerce and Xing Events, among others, allowing you to centralize your online presence efforts in a single place. I guess it goes without saying that it’s also responsive.

最重要的是,它允许与Eventbrite,Event Espresso,WooCommerce和Xing Events等集成,从而使您可以将在线业务集中在一个地方。 我想这是不言而喻的。

Vertoh might be an overkill though if you end up using a minority of the features it offers, so be prepared to go neck deep into customizations. Having said that, it’s probably more suitable for established conferences or event with solid sponsors; whereas nonprofit or social events might not able to make much use out of it.

尽管如果您最终使用了Vertoh提供的少数功能,那么Vertoh可能是一个过大的杀伤力,因此请准备好深入了解自定义项。 话虽如此,它更适合举办有固定赞助商的会议或活动。 而非营利组织或社交活动可能无法充分利用它。

You can check the Live Demo here.


FooCamp (FooCamp)


If you think Vertoh might give you more features than you probably can digest, FooCamp is a theme which might wake your interest.


With its flat and modern design, it’s mostly aimed at conferences, events or BarCamps. The Theme has a built in event manager tool which allows to easily configure conference schedules on different times and different rooms among others. It’s also fully responsive and includes the Revolution slider plugin. As you can see, it doesn’t boast as many features as the Vertoh theme, which is not necessarily a disadvantage though, especially if you are looking for a solid solution with only the features you need.

凭借其扁平而现代的设计,它主要用于会议,活动或BarCamps 。 主题具有内置的事件管理器工具,该工具可以轻松地在不同时间和不同房间配置会议日程。 它还具有完全的响应能力,并包含Revolution滑块插件 。 如您所见,它并没有拥有Vertoh主题那么多的功能,但这并不一定是不利的,特别是如果您正在寻找仅包含所需功能的可靠解决方案。

You can check the live demo here.


做傻事 (Fudge)


From the same authors as the Vertoh Theme, Fudge offers a wide range of features into a single pager, allowing the audience to find what they need without too much hassle.


Interesting is the fact that you’re able to use the license for as many websites as you wish, making this a one time payment. This might be a lucrative offer if you are involved in the organization of several events.

有趣的是,您可以在任意数量的网站上使用许可证,这是一次性付款。 如果您参与多个活动的组织,这可能是一个有利可图的提议。

Similar to the Vertoh Theme, Fudge includes an Event Manager to schedule sessions and is compatible with Eventbrite, Event Espresso, WooCommerce among others.

与Vertoh主题类似,Fudge包含一个Event Manager来安排会议时间,并且与Eventbrite,Event Espresso,WooCommerce等兼容。

However, if you have a lot of content to share and want to keep the focus on that, Fudge might not able to do it justice (as most one pagers anyway). Fudge allows you to have a blog but it doesn’t feel as intuitive as one might expect.

但是,如果您有很多要分享的内容并且想要继续关注,则Fudge可能无法做到合理(反正大多数寻呼机都是如此)。 福吉(Fudge)可让您拥有一个博客,但它并不像人们期望的那样直观。

You can check the live demo here


世博会18 (Expo18)


With a slightly different approach than the prior themes I’ve covered, Expo18 is highly focused on content and offers high flexibility while still staying true to the classic WordPress experience. Sponsors and speakers might be a bit tricky to set up, but you can take advantage of various plugins for anything you need help with.

与我之前介绍的主题相比,Expo18的方法略有不同,它高度专注于内容并具有很高的灵活性,同时仍然忠于经典的WordPress体验。 赞助商和演讲者的设置可能有些棘手,但是您可以利用各种插件来获得需要的帮助。

The theme is fully responsive and location aware.


Note: I have worked with the Expo18 theme for the OSCAL ‘15 website by Open Labs. Although it lacks some shortcuts a lot of modern themes have, it offers a solid amount of control over the features, without being too different to a vanilla WordPress installation.

注意:我使用Open LabsOSCAL '15网站的Expo18主题。 尽管它缺少许多现代主题提供的一些捷径,但它提供了对功能的强大控制,而与普通的WordPress安装没有太大不同。

You can check the live demo here


外挂程式 (Plugins)

In most cases you might need further customizations to your WordPress installation to make your event website work for you and not the other way around. Some plugins definitely make your life easier, which you should make use of.

在大多数情况下,您可能需要对WordPress安装进行进一步的自定义,以使活动网站对您有用,而不是相反。 有些插件肯定会让您的生活更轻松,您应该利用它们。

喷气背包 (Jetpack)

Jetpack is the flagship (and most popular with over 13 million downloads) WordPress plugin allowing you to use features normally only available in WordPress.com on your self-hosted WordPress.org website. Obviously, this is not specifically aimed at event focused WordPress websites, but sites of similar nature can also benefit quite a few nifty features, such as Infinite Scroll, Carousel, Stats, Publicize, MarkDown and many more. If you want to delve deeper into Jetpack, Jacco Blankenspoor has written about it previously, have a read.

Jetpack是WordPress旗舰产品( 最受欢迎的下载内容,下载量超过1300万),可让您使用通常仅在自托管WordPress.org网站上WordPress.com中可用的功能。 显然,这并不是专门针对以事件为中心的WordPress网站,但是性质相似的网站也可以从很多漂亮的功能中受益,例如Infinite Scroll,Carousel,Stats,Publicize,MarkDown等。 如果您想更深入地研究Jetpack, Jacco Blankenspoor之前已经写过有关它的内容,请阅读。

TablePress (TablePress)


Creating tables in WordPress can often be a pain. TablePress is an alternative to that which allows you to customize and import tables in many different formats. Quite useful when you want to display a basic agenda or similar lists which aren’t suitable for plain text. TablePress saves your tables and generates a shortcode for each of them which you can easily paste into any page or post.

在WordPress中创建表格通常很麻烦。 TablePress是一种替代方法,它使您可以自定义和导入许多不同格式的表。 当您要显示基本议程或不适合纯文本的类似列表时,此功能非常有用。 TablePress保存您的表并为每个表生成一个简码,您可以轻松地将其粘贴到任何页面或帖子中。

Note: TablePress is not exactly responsive on default. If you want to tweak its settings on mobile and tablet displays, check out its responsive plugin.

注意:默认情况下,TablePress不能完全响应。 如果要在移动设备和平板电脑上调整其设置, 请查看其响应式插件

Cr3ativ会议 (Cr3ativ Conference)

If you need help with organizing speakers and sessions you might want to look into the Cr3ativ Conference Plugin. It allows you to tie a session to an unlimited number of speakers, along with relevant information such as date, start and end time, location of session (conference room B etc.) and assign categories.

如果您在组织演讲者和会议方面需要帮助,则可以参考Cr3ativ会议插件 。 它使您可以将会议与无限数量的发言人联系在一起,并提供相关信息,例如日期,开始和结束时间,会议地点(B会议室等)并分配类别。

The plugin also contains a directory called ‘language files’, where you will find the mo/po files you may use for translation purposes.

该插件还包含一个名为“语言文件”的目录,您可以在其中找到可用于翻译目的的mo / po文件。

Cr3ativ赞助商 (Cr3ativ Sponsor)

Organizing sponsors on an event website can be time consuming, especially if some sponsors are hard to work with. The Cr3ativ Sponsor Plugin helps you out with the online exposure of your event’s sponsors.

在活动网站上组织赞助商可能很耗时,尤其是在某些赞助商难以合作的情况下。 Cr3ativ赞助商插件可帮助您在线了解活动赞助商。

It allows you to add unlimited sponsorship levels and sponsors, along with company name, link, bio and logo for each sponsor. You can integrate it everywhere on your site via shortcodes or widgets.

它允许您添加无限的赞助级别和赞助者,以及每个赞助者的公司名称,链接,个人简介和徽标。 您可以通过简码或小部件将其集成到您站点的任何位置。

结论 (Conclusion)

Organizing a BarCamp or even a conference is a huge amount of organizational work. If you need to boost your online presence, it might be more advantageous to spend a few more bucks for a proper theme. In most of the cases spending $100 USD is a way better deal than tweaking and fiddling around a website in need of more work than resources available to you.

组织BarCamp甚至会议是大量的组织工作。 如果您需要提高在线形象,花更多钱来准备一个合适的主题可能会更有利。 在大多数情况下,花费100美元是比在网站上进行调整和摆弄比在您可用资源更多的情况下更好的交易。

What are your experiences with using WordPress for event sites? Let us know in the comments.

您将WordPress用于活动站点有什么经验? 让我们在评论中知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-wordpress-themes-plugins-events/