深度学习的实践方面Quiz 1

1。If you have 10,000,000 examples, how would you split the train/dev/test set?

98% train . 1% dev . 1% test

60% train . 20% dev . 20% test

33% train . 33% dev . 33% test

  • 100万数据量:98% / 1% / 1%;
  • 超百万数据量:99.5% / 0.25% / 0.25%(或者99.5% / 0.4% /0.1%)

2。The dev and test set should:

Come from the same distribution

Come from different distributions

Be identical to each other (same (x,y) pairs)

Have the same number of examples

3。If your Neural Network model seems to have high variance, what of the following would be promising things to try?

Make the Neural Network deeper

Increase the number of units in each hidden layer

Add regularization

Get more training data

Get more test data
1.High bias的解决方法:
- 增加网络结构,如增加隐藏层数目;
- 训练更长时间;
- 寻找合适的网络架构,使用更大的NN结构;
2.High variance的解决方法:
- 获取更多的数据;
- 正则化( regularization);
- 寻找合适的网络结构;

4。You are working on an automated check-out kiosk for a supermarket, and are building a classifier for apples, bananas and oranges. Suppose your classifier obtains a training set error of 0.5%, and a dev set error of 7%. Which of the following are promising things to try to improve your classifier? (Check all that apply.)

Increase the regularization parameter lambda

Decrease the regularization parameter lambda

Get more training data

Use a bigger neural network

5。What is weight decay?

A technique to avoid vanishing gradient by imposing a ceiling on the values of the weights.

The process of gradually decreasing the learning rate during training.

Gradual corruption of the weights in the neural network if it is trained on noisy data.

A regularization technique (such as L2 regularization) that results in gradient descent shrinking the weights on every iteration.
深度学习的实践方面Quiz 1

6。What happens when you increase the regularization hyperparameter lambda?

Weights are pushed toward becoming smaller (closer to 0)

Weights are pushed toward becoming bigger (further from 0)

Doubling lambda should roughly result in doubling the weights

Gradient descent taking bigger steps with each iteration (proportional to lambda)

7。With the inverted dropout technique, at test time:

You apply dropout (randomly eliminating units) but keep the 1/keep_prob factor in the calculations used in training.

You do not apply dropout (do not randomly eliminate units), but keep the 1/keep_prob factor in the calculations used in training.

You do not apply dropout (do not randomly eliminate units) and do not keep the 1/keep_prob factor in the calculations used in training

You apply dropout (randomly eliminating units) and do not keep the 1/keep_prob factor in the calculations used in training
- 关闭dropout功能,即设置 keep_prob = 1.0;
- 运行代码,确保J(W,b)函数单调递减;
- 再打开dropout函数。

8。Increasing the parameter keep_prob from (say) 0.5 to 0.6 will likely cause the following: (Check the two that apply)

Increasing the regularization effect

Reducing the regularization effect

Causing the neural network to end up with a higher training set error

Causing the neural network to end up with a lower training set error

9。Which of these techniques are useful for reducing variance (reducing overfitting)? (Check all that apply.)

Vanishing gradient

Data augmentation

Xavier initialization

Exploding gradient


Gradient Checking

L2 regularization
解析:High variance的解决方法有1、获取更多的数据;2、正则化( regularization);3、寻找合适的网络结构;
数据扩增(Data augmentation)、Early stopping、L2 regularization都是正则化的一种,可以解决过拟合问题

10。Why do we normalize the inputs x?

Normalization is another word for regularization–It helps to reduce variance

It makes the parameter initialization faster

It makes it easier to visualize the data

It makes the cost function faster to optimize
深度学习的实践方面Quiz 1
