machine learning yearning 第五章

Your development and test sets



Lets return to our earlier cat pictures example: You run a mobile app, and users are uploading pictures of many different things to your app. You want to automatically find the cat pictures. 


Your team gets a large training set by downloading pictures of cats (positive examples) and non-cats (negative examples) off different websites. They split the dataset 70%/30% into training and test sets. Using this data, they build a cat detector that works well on the training and test sets. 

But when you deploy this classifier into the mobile app, you find that the performance is really poor! 

                                                                     !machine learning yearning 第五章


What happened? 


You figure out that the pictures users are uploading have a different look than the website images that make up your training set: Users are uploading pictures taken with mobile phones, which tend to be lower resolution, blurrier, and have less ideal lighting. Since your training/test sets were made of website images, your algorithm did not generalize well to the actual distribution you care about of smartphone pictures. 


Before the modern era of big data, it was a common rule in machine learning to use a random 70%/30% split to form your training and test sets. This practice can work, but is a  bad idea in more and more applications where the training distribution (website images in our example above) is different from the distribution you ultimately care about (mobile phone images).


  1. 训练集——用来训练你的学习算法
  2. 开发集——用来对训练集训练出来的模型进行测试,通过测试结果来不断地优化模型。也叫交叉训练集
  3. 测试集——在训练结束后,对训练出的模型进行一次最终的评估所用的数据集。

We usually define:

  • Training set — Which you run your learning algorithm on.
  • Dev (development) set — Which you use to tune parameters, select features, and make other decisions regarding the learning algorithm. Sometimes also called the holdout cross validation set
  • Test set — which you use to evaluate the performance of the algorithm, but not to make any decisions about regarding what learning algorithm or parameters to use. 


One you define a dev set (development set) and test set, your team will try a lot of ideas, such as different learning algorithm parameters, to see what works best. The dev and test sets allow your team to quickly see how well your algorithm is doing. 


In other words, the purpose of the dev and test sets are to direct your team toward the most important changes to make to the machine learning system



So, you should do the following: 

Choose dev and test sets to reflect data you expect to get in the future and want to do well on. 


In order words, your test set should not simply be 30% of the available data, especially if you expect your future data (mobile app images) to be different in nature from your training set (website images). 



If you have not yet launched your mobile app, you might not have any users yet, and thus might not be able to get data that accurately reflects what you have to do well on in the future. But you might still try to approximate this. For example, ask your friends to take mobile phone pictures and send them to you. Once your app is launched, you can update your dev/test sets using actual user data. 


If you really don’t have any way of getting data that approximates what you expect to get in the future, perhaps you can start by using website images. But you should be aware of the risk of this leading to a system that doesn’t generalize well. 


It requires judgment to decide how much to invest in developing great dev and test sets. But don’t assume your training distribution is the same as your test distribution. Try to pick test examples that reflect what you ultimately want to perform well on, rather than whatever data you happen to have for training. 

1.一般需要将样本分成独立的三部分训练集(train set),验证集(validation set)和测试集(test set)。其中训练集用来估计模型,验证集用来确定网络结构或者控制模型复杂程度的参数,而测试集则检验最终选择最优的模型的性能如何。



                                                                                                  ——译者:wexin_42141390 邮箱:[email protected]