


Via Eric Goldsmith, I found today this nice Web Performance 101 article, where the author, Alberto Savoia, states Top Four Laws of Web Site Performance. The article is as old as 2001 (heh, back then "website", being a relatively newer concept was spelled "web site" ???? ) and the topic is performance, but the "laws" are strikingly fresh and applicable not only to performance, but to any aspect of the web development, and to the websites in general. I couldn't resist the urge to comment and add a 5-th law, so here goes.

通过Eric Goldsmith ,我今天发现了一篇不错的Web Performance 101文章,作者Alberto Savoia在其中阐述了网站性能的四大定律。 这篇文章的历史可以追溯到2001年(呵呵,当时是“网站”,是一个相对较新的概念,拼写为“网站” site),主题是性能,但是“法律”非常新颖,不仅适用于性能,但适用于网络开发的任何方面以及一般的网站。 我无法抗拒发表评论并添加第5条法律的冲动,因此,请继续。

1.粘性定律 (1. The Law of Stickiness)

People find a website they like which seems to do the job and they tend to stick around. Rarely are people loyal to a web site, so it's not uncommon for people to grow dissatisfied, or irritated, bored, or just find a better option... and migrate and stick around for a while at another site. Friendster-MySpace-Facebook anyone?

人们发现他们喜欢的网站似乎可以胜任工作,而且往往会留下来。 人们很少忠于网站,因此人们对不满意,烦恼,无聊或只是找到更好的选择,然后迁移并在另一个站点停留一会儿并不少见。 Friendster-MySpace-Facebook有人吗?

As a Yahoo! Search developer I would testify it's not easy to move people over from where they've been sticking around for a while, but it's already happening (Yahoo! Search grew the market share for 5 months in a row) and just the nature of things.

作为雅虎! 搜索开发人员,我会证明它是不容易在从移动人在那里 ,他们已经坚持了一段时间,但它已经发生了(雅虎搜索增长了市场份额连续5个月)和只是事情的本质。

2.用户角度定律 (2. The Law of User Perspective)

Successful sites are best developed when the developer is the user, when you build something for you and something you would want to use. But that's not always the case. So if your visitors are IE6, dial-up users a continent or two away from your server, don't assume that your Safari Mac browsing session from the room next to the server will be any indication of what users are experiencing.

当开发人员是用户,为您构建某些东西以及要使用的东西时,成功的网站才能得到最佳开发。 但这并非总是如此。 因此,如果您的访问者是IE6,则拨号用户距离您的服务器一两个洲,那么请不要假设您从服务器旁边的房间进行的Safari Mac浏览会话将说明用户正在经历什么。

3.责任法则(永远都是你的错) (3. The Law of Responsibility (a.k.a. It's Always Your Fault))

Whatever you do on the website - front-end, back-end, DB, network, whatever... you can change things for the better. So often we find excuses instead of solutions.

无论您在网站上进行什么操作-前端,后端,数据库,网络,等等...您都可以做得更好。 因此,我们常常找到借口而不是解决方案。

And as front-end developers (I assume most of you who read my blog), as, if I'm not mistaken, Nate Koechley puts it, "we're the last line of defense" for our users.

作为前端开发人员(我想大多数人都读过我的博客),如果没有记错的话, Nate Koechley会说,对于我们的用户来说,“我们是最后一道防线”。

4.期望法则 (4. The Law of Expectations)

People spend most of their time on other sites. Don't be the smart-ass with the cool, but useless and confusing feature. You'll be the only one who finds it cool. Be as fast as the competition, offer user experience people are accustomed to, e.g. put your logo at the top left corner.

人们将大部分时间都花在其他网站上。 不要成为具有酷炫功能但无用又令人困惑的功能的聪明人。 您将是唯一发现它很棒的人。 与竞争一样快,提供人们习惯的用户体验 ,例如,将您的徽标放在左上角。

OK, let me quickly wrap-up with my addition, before I get too cheesy and inspirational...


5.任务法则 (5. The Law of the Task)

At the end of it, it's about the task. If people come to your site and are able to achieve their task (make a reservation, purchase, subscription, read an article, whatever) with minimum effort and distraction, they'll be happy. They'll recommend you, they'll say your site is fast (although technically, your roundtrip time may be not as good as the competition), they'll stick around (law #1). Don't request too much information in a form, don't be a PITA with your validation, walk the user through as little steps as possible... and get out of the way. People have more interesting things to do than spend time on your site. "If you love somebody, set them free". And you love your users, right ????

最后,它是关于任务的。 如果人们来到您的网站并且能够以最小的精力和精力来完成他们的任务(进行预订,购买,订阅,阅读文章等),他们将很高兴。 他们会推荐您,他们会说您的网站速度很快(尽管从技术上讲,您的往返时间可能不及竞争对手),但他们会坚持(法律1)。 不要在表单中索取太多信息,不要在您的验证中成为PITA,不要让用户经历尽可能少的步骤...而避开它 。 人们要做的事情比花时间在您的网站上更有趣。 “如果你爱一个人,那就让他们*”。 而且您爱您的用户,对????

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翻译自: https://www.phpied.com/5-laws-web-site-anything/
