


Unity is starting 2019 off right by launching into our 2019 Developer Day Tour which features both the Americas and EMEA!


Unity’s Evangelism Team is out in full force across the globe to provide you with top quality content straight from our top educators, experienced partners, All-Star Unity Developers, and passionate community members like you!


In our 4th and largest year, our Developer Day Series will feature industry professionals not just from Gaming but across all industries like Film, Automotive, AEC, Augmented/Virtual Reality and much more. We’re focusing on bringing you more information on not just how to develop or create incredible games, but how to monetize your products, how to branch out into other spaces and give our Unity community a chance to see the many ways that Unity can be utilized.

在第4年(也是最大的一年)中,我们的开发人员日系列不仅有游戏行业的专家,还将涉及电影,汽车,AEC,增强/虚拟现实等所有行业的专家。 我们致力于为您提供不仅是如何开发或创建令人难以置信的游戏的更多信息,而且还包括如何从您的产品中获利,如何扩展到其他领域,以及使我们的Unity社区有机会了解Unity的多种实现方式。利用。

One of our major focuses this year is providing content that gears up our Unity Developer Community with unique and interesting new content. We want the Unity Developer to be well rounded and we hope that 2019’s events reflect this.

今年,我们的主要重点之一就是提供独特而有趣的新内容,以使我们的Unity开发者社区更加适应。 我们希望Unity开发人员能够全面发展,并希望2019年的活动能反映出这一点。

Register now or save the date to attend an event in your city.




Developer Day: New York – 2/9

开发人员日:纽约 – 2/9

Developer Day: Bogotá – 7/13

开发人员日: 波哥大 – 7/13

Developer Day Sao Paulo – 8/10

圣保罗开发商日– 8/10

Developer Day: Montreal – 10/12

开发人员日:蒙特利尔– 10/12

Developer Day: Vancouver – 10/19

开发人员日:温哥华– 10/19

Developer Day: Los Angeles – 11/9

开发人员日:洛杉矶– 11/9



Developer Day: Moscow – 5/15

开发人员日:莫斯科– 5/15

Developer Day: Hamburg – 6/6

开发人员日:汉堡– 6/6

Developer Day: Brighton – 7/8

开发人员日:布莱顿– 7/8

Developer Day: Paris – TBC

开发人员日:巴黎– TBC

Developer Day: Haifa – 10/24

开发人员日:海法– 10/24

Developer Day: Helsinki – 11/20

开发人员日:赫尔辛基– 11/20


Interested in showcasing your game, VR project or Unity app? Apply here to showcase at any of our upcoming events Unity Showcase Opportunity.

有兴趣展示您的游戏,VR项目或Unity应用吗? 在此处申请展示我们即将举行的任何活动Unity Showcase Opportunity

If you’re joining us for the 2019 tour, come chat with us on Twitter using #UnityDeveloperDay!


We hope to see you there!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/02/02/the-unity-developer-day-tour-is-back-and-kicking-off-in-new-york/
