unity vr竞赛游戏_Unity开发人员故事竞赛

unity vr竞赛游戏_Unity开发人员故事竞赛

unity vr竞赛游戏

自madewith.unity.com推出以来,我们已经看到了一些惊人的故事,并了解了一些可能即将不在我们视野中的惊人的即将到来的项目。 很高兴地说,到目前为止,我们已经在该网站上吸引了250多个开发人员的故事! 我们通过奖励接下来的10个令人敬畏的故事以及一张洛杉矶团结16号票(价值475美元)来庆祝这个里程碑。 请继续阅读以下内容,了解您如何成为潜在的赢家之一! (We’ve seen some amazing stories since the launch of madewith.unity.com and learned about some amazing upcoming projects that may have otherwise not been on our radar. We’re happy to say we’ve reached over 250 developer stories on the site to date! We’re celebrating this milestone by rewarding the next 10 awesome stories with a ticket to Unite 16 in Los Angeles ($475 value). Read on below to learn how you could be one of the potential winners!)


  • We’re running a contest that spans over a 3 week period starting June 15 through July 6 in search of the next 10 great developer stories. Winners are announced on July 14.

    从6月15日到7月6日,我们正在进行一项为期3周的竞赛,以寻找接下来的10个出色的开发人员故事。 获奖名单将于7月14日公布。
  • 10 developers will receive one free ticket to Unite 16

    10位开发人员将获得一张免费的Unite 16门票

  • All stories published within the contest period are automatically entered

  • Your chances for winning are increased when your story is shared across Facebook and Twitter

  • Final judgement is based on presentation and quality of writing. Winners are announced the week after the contest ends.

    最终判断基于陈述和写作质量。 比赛结束后的一周,将宣布获奖者。


There’s way more than ten great stories on the site, but these are the ones that stood out, taught us something we otherwise would never have known about their game, provided lessons for Unity developers to follow, or displayed some awesome behind the scenes perspective. Coincidentally, they also applied our general guidelines in some shape or form. Here’s a list of our ten favorites (in order of published date).

网站上有十多个精彩的故事,但是这些故事非常出色,可以教给我们一些我们以前从未听说过的关于他们的游戏的知识,可以为Unity开发人员提供经验教训,或者在幕后的视角中展现一些很棒的故事。 巧合的是,他们还以某种形式或形式应用了我们的一般准则 。 这是我们十个最喜欢的清单(按发布日期排列)。


In celebration of how far we’ve come in such a short period of time we want to award the next ten great stories published on madewith.unity.com. Starting Wednesday, June 15 through July 6, we’re looking for 10 new awesome stories and reward the authors with a free pass to Unite 16 which includes access to our many developer sessions, annual Unite Awards ceremony, MWU Showcase, and more!

为了庆祝我们在这么短的时间内走了多远,我们想奖励在madewith.unity.com上发布的下十个精彩故事。 从6月15日星期三到7月6日,我们将寻找10个很棒的新故事,并为作者免费提供Unite 16入场券,其中包括参加我们的许多开发人员会议,年度Unite颁奖典礼,MWU展示,等等!

If you’ve written and published a story that week (and you follow the rules outlined below), you’re automatically entered. Prizes are limited to one Unite pass per development team (or solo indie if you’re doing all the work yourself). However, you MAY use a recent blog post from your personal devblog so long as it meets the below requirements. If you’re working on something amazing please share it!

如果您在那一周撰写并发布了一个故事(并遵循以下概述的规则),则会自动进入。 每个开发团队只能获得一张Unite通行证(如果您自己完成所有工作,则可以是独立的)。 但是,只要满足以下要求,您可以使用您个人devblog中的最新博客文章。 如果您正在做奇妙的事情,请分享!

We’ll announce the ten winners on Thursday, July 14 on madewith.unity.com, MWU social channels, and directly to winners via email.



  • Must have an approved MWU Game Profile and the game must be either in some form of release or active development (e.g. early access, alpha, beta, final release).

  • Story must be related to a game made with Unity by you or your team

  • Story must be written in English

  • Story must be published within the contest period (Wednesday, June 15 00:01 PDT through Wednesday, July 6 23:59 PDT)

  • Criteria for selection is weighted by how much the story was shared, number of unique views, and editorial review (share as much as possible!)

  • Editorial review is based on the following:


    • Articulate and well written

    • Incorporates images and media

    • Tells us something about your game and/or its development (check out our guidelines for some inspiration)


  • You MAY use content you previously written on another blog so long as it meets the above requirements

  • Ten winners will be notified at 15:00 PDT on Thursday, July 14

  • Winners are notified via email and announced on MWU social channels, email, and madewith.unity.com

  • An individual or team may not win more than once (i.e. if you submit 40 awesome stories, only one is eligable to win one pass)

  • For full terms and conditions of the contest, please go here



If you’ve already signed up at madewith.unity.com and created an approved Developer Profile, all you need to do is log in, create a new story, and publish, and promote your story to your social network.


For those of you who haven’t created a game profile yet, it’s available to all developers who have a game or games they’re developing with Unity. Head to http://madewith.unity.com/tell-your-story and assign it to a Unity ID. After you’ve created a Developer Profile, we’ll approve it pending a short review process to verify you’re a real person and working on a real project. From there you’re able to create new Game Profiles for the site and start writing your story.

对于尚未创建游戏资料的人,所有拥有使用Unity开发的游戏的开发人员都可以使用。 转到http://madewith.unity.com/tell-your-story并将其分配给Unity ID。 创建开发者资料后,我们将对其进行审批,以等待简短的审核过程,以确认您是真实的人并从事真实的项目。 从那里,您可以为该站点创建新的游戏配置文件并开始编写您的故事。

We encourage everyone to use it as a development blog and share what you’re working on with the rest of the community. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out one of the many staff picks and refer to our ten current favorites!

我们鼓励所有人将其用作开发博客,并与社区其他成员分享您的工作。 如果您正在寻找灵感,请查看众多员工精选之一,并参考我们当前的十大最爱!

但是,这是为了什么呢? (BUT WHAT’S IT ALL FOR?)

Our goal on the Made with Unity team is to create new discovery opportunities for our developer community and help them find new audiences. Discovery is an ambitious problem to solve and we’re dedicated to find new ways to support you.

我们与Unity团队合作的目标是为我们的开发人员社区创造新的发现机会,并帮助他们找到新的受众。 发现是一个需要解决的雄心勃勃的问题,我们致力于寻找支持您的新方法。

We consider madewith.unity.com as the beginnings of a content hub for our community that allows us to learn and expand new areas for promotion. We’ve already learned about some new amazing games that may have otherwise not been on our radar or known it was made with Unity. We’ve also shared information with platform partners and sponsors and plan to use it as the basis of participation in our Unite Showcases and other industry events.

我们将madewith.unity.com视为我们社区的内容中心的起点,使我们能够学习和扩展新的推广领域。 我们已经了解了一些新奇的游戏,这些新游戏本来就不在我们的视野内,或者知道它是用Unity制作的。 我们还与平台合作伙伴和赞助商共享了信息,并计划将其用作参加Unite Showcases和其他行业活动的基础。

You’ve given us a lot of great feedback and we’ll start to roll out updates later this summer so we can make it a better experience for you.


We can’t wait to see the great things you’re working on!


The Made with Unity Team


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/06/15/the-made-with-unity-developer-story-contest/

unity vr竞赛游戏