

本文为瑞典隆德大学(作者:Anna Gummeson)的硕士论文,共54页。


In 2012 prostate cancer was the second mostcommon cancer diagnose for men. The diagnosis is confirmed by pathologistsdoing ocular inspection of prostate biopsies and the specimens are classifiedaccording to the Gleason grading system. The main goal of this thesis is toautomate the classification using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). With theintroduction of Convolutional Neural Networks the field of pattern recognitionbroadened. The classical way of designing and extracting hand-made features forclassification is substantially different to letting the computer itself decidewhich features are of importance, the new approach was enabled by CNNs. Thistogether with groundbreaking results on benchmark image sets has made CNNs awell-used method in pattern recognition. In this thesis a CNN with smallconvolutional filters has been trained from scratch using stochastic gradientdescent with momentum. The error rate for the CNN is 7.3%, which issignificantly better than previous works using the same data set. Since goodresults were obtained even though the data set were rather small, theconclusion is that CNNs are a promising method for this problem.

  1. 引言
  2. 人工神经网络理论
  3. 格里森评分
  4. 数据集与相关材料
  5. 研究方法
  6. 检测特征的可视化
  7. 结果
  8. 讨论
