
本文为美国波士顿学院(作者:Serge Aleshin-Guendel)的论文,共31页。


Machine learning, in conjunction with largedata sets, has seen many success stories in recent years, leading to increasedinterest in the field. One popular class of machine learning models is deepneural networks, where stacked layers of “neurons” are used to learnapproximate representations of data. One particular model, the ConvolutionalNeural Network (CNN), is notable in that it’s become the standard in mostcomputer vision tasks. However, there is little to no theory surrounding how tobest build these CNNs. The aim of this thesis is two-fold. The first aim is toprovide a brief introduction to the field of supervised machine learning,neural networks, and CNNs. The second aim is to explore how to best build CNNs,through an examination of structural properties related to the width, depth,and receptive field of networks.

  1. 引言
  2. 神经网络
  3. 实践中的神经网络训练
  4. CNN结构研究
  5. CNN结构研究:实验
  6. 结论
