mac 鼠标自定义_如何自定义Mac的登录屏幕

mac 鼠标自定义_如何自定义Mac的登录屏幕

mac 鼠标自定义

mac 鼠标自定义_如何自定义Mac的登录屏幕

Wish your Mac’s login screen worked differently? Maybe you don’t want to see a list of users, or maybe you wish you could change your keyboard format before typing your password. There’s no “Login Screen” panel in System Preferences, but these settings to exist—they’re just a little hidden.

希望Mac的登录屏幕工作不同吗? 也许您不想看到用户列表,或者您希望可以在输入密码之前更改键盘格式。 “系统偏好设置”中没有“登录屏幕”面板,但是这些设置仍然存在-它们只是有些隐藏。

We’ve already shown you how to change your Mac login screen’s wallpaper, and that’s a great (albeit convoluted) way to give your login screen a custom look. But if you also want to tweak the functionality of the login screen, you need to dig a little. Here’s where to look, and what you can do.

我们已经向您展示了如何更改Mac登录屏幕的墙纸 ,这是使登录屏幕具有自定义外观的一种很棒的方法(尽管很复杂)。 但是,如果您还想调整登录屏幕的功能,则需要进行一些挖掘。 这是外观,您可以做什么。

从macOS登录屏幕添加或删除内容 (Add or Remove Things From the macOS Login Screen)

Most of the settings related to the login screen are hidden in Users and Groups in System Preferences.


mac 鼠标自定义_如何自定义Mac的登录屏幕

At the bottom of the list of users, in the left panel, you’ll see a house next to the words “Login Options.” Click that.

在用户列表的底部,在左侧面板中,您会在“登录选项”旁边看到一所房子。 点击那个。

mac 鼠标自定义_如何自定义Mac的登录屏幕

This will open up the options related to your login screen.


mac 鼠标自定义_如何自定义Mac的登录屏幕

The first option you’ll notice is “Display login window as.” The default selection, “List of users” will show every user’s icon (which you can change) and their username. Like this:

您会注意到的第一个选项是“将登录窗口显示为”。 默认选择“用户列表”将显示每个用户的图标( 可以更改 )及其用户名。 像这样:

mac 鼠标自定义_如何自定义Mac的登录屏幕

If you opt for the “Name and password” option, however, you’ll see two blank fields:


mac 鼠标自定义_如何自定义Mac的登录屏幕

This is a slightly more secure option, as anyone with access to your computer will need both the username and password in order to log in. That makes brute force attacks a bit harder, though it’s by no means bulletproof.


Working our way down, you’ll find the option to enable the Sleep, Restart, and Shut Down buttons. These look like this, and will be at the bottom of the login screen:

逐步进行操作,您将找到启用“睡眠”,“重新启动”和“关机”按钮的选项。 这些看起来像这样,并将位于登录屏幕的底部:

mac 鼠标自定义_如何自定义Mac的登录屏幕

You’ll see an option to “Show Input menu in login window.” If you regularly switch between languages and keyboard formats, enabling this is probably a good idea. It will add an icon for switching your format to the top-right of your login screen.

您将看到“在登录窗口中显示输入菜单”的选项。 如果您定期在语言和键盘格式之间切换,启用它可能是一个好主意。 它将在登录屏幕的右上角添加一个用于切换格式的图标。

mac 鼠标自定义_如何自定义Mac的登录屏幕

Finally, you’ll find an option for enabling password hints, if you’ve set one up, and whether VoiceOver, which reads your screen to you, should be enabled in the login screen.

最后,如果您设置了密码提示,并且是否应该在登录屏幕中启用VoiceOver( 向您读取屏幕) ,您将找到启用密码提示的选项。

Those are the main options you have for configuring your login screen, but there’s one other thing you may want to add.


向您的登录屏幕添加自定义消息 (Add a Custom Message to Your Login Screen)

We’ve shown you how to add a custom message to your login screen, but it’s a quick enough tweak that we’ll show you again here. Head to System Preferences, then to Security and Privacy Settings. You’ll see a “Set Lock Message” button.

我们已经向您展示了如何向您的登录屏幕添加自定义消息 ,但这是一个足够快的调整,我们将在此处再次显示。 前往系统偏好设置,然后前往安全和隐私设置。 您会看到“设置锁定消息”按钮。

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Click it and you can add whatever message you want!


mac 鼠标自定义_如何自定义Mac的登录屏幕

I recommend leaving some contact information, so anyone who finds your Mac can get in touch with you. Sure, some people would just keep your laptop, but there’s always a chance someone will be kind.

我建议留下一些联系信息,以便任何找到您的Mac的人都可以与您联系。 当然,有些人会随身携带笔记本电脑,但是总会有人友善的。

That’s about it in terms of customizing the login screen, other than changing the wallpaper to any image you want. Enjoy the new look!

关于自定义登录屏幕,除了将墙纸更改为所需的任何图像外,就是这样 。 享受新外观!


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