
By default, WooCommerce is a great eCommerce platform to start with. Since it’s built on top of WordPress, there are hundreds of plugins available to make your web store even better.

默认情况下,WooCommerce是一个很好的电子商务平台。 由于它是基于WordPress构建的,因此有成百上千的插件可以使您的网络商店变得更好。

In this article I will show you some of the best WooCommerce plugins around, categorized by use. These plugins allow you to improve your product listing, use various discount methods, improve your ordering process and maximize your sales by going social.

在本文中,我将向您展示按用途分类的一些最佳WooCommerce插件。 这些插件可帮助您改善产品清单,使用各种折扣方法,改善订购流程并通过社交化最大化销售量。

Most of these plugins are paid, with many of them costing only a nominal fee compared to the benefit they bring you. You will find some free plugins in this list as well.

这些插件大多数都是付费的,与其带来的收益相比,其中许多插件仅需象征性地收费。 您还将在此列表中找到一些免费插件。

Some plugins are offered by WooThemes (the company behind WooCommerce), while many others are offered by independent developers. The latter can be cheaper, however, WooThemes is known for its excellent product support but you’re gonna pay for it. Just be sure to check the reputation of an independent developer when it comes to support, since the lower pricing comes with slow or even no support in some cases.

WooThemes(WooCommerce背后的公司)提供了一些插件,而其他插件则由独立开发者提供。 后者可能更便宜,但是,WooThemes以其出色的产品支持而闻名,但您需要为此付费。 只需确保检查独立开发人员在支持方面的声誉,因为在某些情况下,较低的价格会带来缓慢的支持,甚至没有支持。


改善您的产品清单 (Improve your Product Listings)

Many WooCommerce themes already come with an optimized look and feel for your product listing pages. To further enhance the actual content of your product page or offer wholesale pricing, here are some great plugins to consider.

许多WooCommerce主题已经为您的产品列表页面提供了优化的外观。 为了进一步增强产品页面的实际内容或提供批发价格,请考虑以下一些不错的插件。

产品选项 (Product Options)

In the official WooCommerce repository you will find two popular product option plugins.


Product Add-ons allows for the more basic type of configuration, at a price of around $55.


If you want to go a bit more advanced you can decide to go with Gravity Forms Add-ons for around $99. With this plugin you can even let your customer build their own product combination, like configuring their own computer.

如果您想更高级一些,可以选择使用Gravity Forms附加组件 ,价格约为99美元。 使用此插件,您甚至可以让客户构建自己的产品组合,例如配置自己的计算机

There’s also Product Options for WooCommerce which is in line with the features being offered by ‘Gravity Forms Add-ons; at a price of around $18.

还有WooCommerce产品选项,与“重力表单附加组件”提供的功能一致。 价格约为$ 18。

A simple and free plugin to allow for gift wrapping is WooCommerce Product Gift Wrap which you can use to offer gift wrapping for free or a small cost.


批发定价 (Wholesale Pricing)

If you want to offer wholesale pricing (a discounted price for retailers or bulk buyers) WooCommerce Wholesale Prices does a great job for around $16.

如果您想提供批发价格(零售商或批量购买者的折扣价), WooCommerce批发价格大约为$ 16左右。

It is quite easy to use, just give a member the ‘wholesale-customer’ status in their membership and specify wholesale prices. When these customers log in they see both the retail price and the wholesale price.

它非常易于使用,只需在会员资格中为会员指定“批发客户”身份并指定批发价格即可。 这些客户登录时会看到零售价和批发价。

产品图像放大镜 (Product Image Magnifier)

Another simple yet very effective plugin is YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier.

另一个简单但非常有效的插件是YITH WooCommerce缩放放大镜

This plugin adds a professional zoom to your product images and it doesn’t cost a dime!


增加销量 (Increase Sales)

Getting more sales is what it’s all about. WooCommerce comes with quite an ingenious coupon module already built-in, but you might want to extend this even further.

获得更多的销售就是一切。 WooCommerce附带了一个非常巧妙的优惠券模块,它已经内置,但是您可能想进一步扩展它。

Giving discounts based on quantity, running promotions or offering a rewards program are well proven methods of increasing sales. Let’s have a look at some plugins which help you do this.

根据数量提供折扣,进行促销或提供奖励计划是行之有效的增加销量的方法。 让我们看看一些可以帮助您完成此操作的插件。

动态定价 (Dynamic Pricing)

Getting a customer to add more products to their order is one the easiest ways of increasing your revenue per customer. Offering discounts is one of the best ways you can do this.

让客户在订单中添加更多产品是增加每位客户收入的最简单方法之一。 提供折扣是您执行此操作的最佳方法之一。

Both the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts for around $25 and Dynamic Pricing for around $129 roughly do the same job, the latter being offered in the WooCommerce repository but at quite a steep price.

WooCommerce的动态定价和折扣 (约25美元)和Dynamic Pricing的定价 (约129美元)都大致相同,后者在WooCommerce存储库中提供,但价格相当高。

These plugins allow you to set up various pricing rules, like getting a 10% discount for orders over $100 or offering a cross-sell for a product with 25% off. You can also run seasonal promotions or have different membership statuses (Gold, Silver etc.) with different discounts.

这些插件可让您设置各种定价规则,例如,订单金额超过100美元时可享受10%的折扣,或为产品提供25%的交叉销售。 您还可以进行季节性促销或具有不同折扣的不同会员身份(金,银等)。

忠诚度奖励和推荐计划 (Loyalty Rewards and Referral Programs)

Getting a previous customer to order again is more cost effective than aqcuiring new customers. Setting up a loyalty rewards program is a great way of doing this, offering a specific amount of points for each order. You can assign a value to these points, after which a customer can use these points as a discount for future purchases.

与吸引新客户相比,让先前的客户重新订购更具成本效益。 设置忠诚度奖励计划是一种很好的方法,可以为每个订单提供特定数量的积分。 您可以为这些点分配一个值,之后客户可以将这些点用作将来购买的折扣。

The Loyalty Rewards for WooCommerce plugin gives you plenty of ways to set up your rewards program for around $22.


WooCommerce offers a rewards plugin themselves called WooCommerce Points and Rewards but honestly it comes with less features at a higher price tag of around $129.

WooCommerce提供了一个名为WooCommerce Points and Rewards的奖励插件但说实话,它具有较少的功能,但价格较高,约为129美元。

If you want to reward your customers for bringing in new customers the Refer A Friend for WooCommerce is a perfect addition to your store for around $21.


You can set up different rules to give a discount to both the new and the referring customer without needing to do anything extra. This way you not only get the new customer’s purchase but the referring customer is more likely to buy again to redeem their own discount as well.

您可以设置不同的规则,以为新客户和推荐客户提供折扣,而无需执行任何其他操作。 这样,您不仅可以获得新客户的购买,而且推荐客户也更有可能再次购买以赎回他们自己的折扣。

优化您的销售流程 (Optimize your Sales Process)

Below you will find a number of plugins which will simplify the ordering process for you and your customers. Tasks like auto-complete for addresses, emailing someone their cart contents or using an availability notification can help things to run smoother. They might also earn you some additional sales too.

在下面,您将找到许多插件,这些插件可以简化您和您的客户的订购过程。 地址自动完成,通过电子邮件将购物车内容发送给某人或使用可用性通知之类的任务,可以使事情运行得更顺畅。 他们也可能为您带来一些额外的销售额。

订购产品 (Ordering Products)

Checking addresses on accuracy is a tedious task which is better left to the customer while ordering their product.


The Google Address Autocomplete for WooCommerce plugin helps your customers while only costing around $11. It uses the Google Places API to complete the address while being typed in. This way your customer can select their address from a list, preventing typing errors or missing information.

适用于WooCommerceGoogle地址自动完成功能可为您的客户提供帮助,而费用仅为11美元左右。 它使用Google Places API在输入时完成地址。这样,您的客户可以从列表中选择其地址,从而避免输入错误或信息遗漏。

Another nifty plugin is Order Delivery Date for Woocommerce which comes with a date picker to select a specific delivery date. This is ideal for web stores offering gifts, but also for delivering packages that a customer needs to sign for (so you’ll know they are home, reducing returns).

另一个漂亮的插件是Woocommerce的订单交货日期,它带有一个日期选择器来选择特定的交货日期。 这不仅是提供礼物的网上商店的理想选择,而且还可以交付客户需要签名的包裹(因此您将知道他们在家中,从而减少了退货)。

更智能的购物车和库存管理 (Smarter Shopping Carts and Stock Management)

If you want to offer assisted shopping and have the ability to email someone their cart contents, you will definitely need Email Cart for WooCommerce for around $11.


This allows you to send a customer a link to their pre-filled (by you) shopping cart after which they can order right away or add even more. This is great when you’re also getting orders by phone, or receive emails from customers asking advice for a combination of products.

这使您可以向客户发送指向其预先填写的(由您自己)购物车的链接,之后他们可以立即订购或添加更多内容。 当您还通过电话获得订单或接收来自客户的电子邮件,询问有关产品组合的建议时,这非常有用。

When you run a web store with a low inventory or very popular products, you can sometimes run out of stock. If you don’t want to miss out on any sales, you need a stock availability plugin.

当您运行库存较低或非常受欢迎的产品的网上商店时,有时可能会缺货。 如果您不想错过任何销售,则需要一个库存插件。

WooCommerce Availability Notifications allows for different ways of alerting your customers on the status of your stock with customized messages for around $16.


If you also want to send out emails based on stock numbers you can use Advanced Notifications from WooCommerce for around $29. You can send updates to both customers and suppliers, and these two plugins combined give you enough options to be able to inform everyone properly.

如果您还想根据库存编号发送电子邮件,则可以使用WooCommerce的高级通知 ,价格约为29美元。 您可以将更新同时发送给客户和供应商,并且这两个插件组合在一起为您提供了足够的选项,以便能够正确告知所有人。

让我们开始社交吧! (Let’s Get Social!)

As a web store, it’s quite hard to become popular on the social networks without spending thousands of dollars on advertising.


These plugins below allow you to have your very own customers do the work for only minimal costs.


This ranges from offering coupons for those sharing your products in their network through to requiring a minimum number of likes for a discount to appear.


分享疯狂 (Sharing Frenzy)

Offering a discount for a Like, Tweet or Google +1 for a product causes two reactions: The customer doing it receives a discount and is mostly likely to use it (why else would they share a product?), and their followers see the specific product appear in their timeline increasing trust in your store.

为产品的“赞”,“推文”或“ Google +1”提供折扣会引起两个React:进行此折扣的客户通常会使用折扣(为什么还要分享产品?),其关注者会看到特定的折扣。产品出现在他们的时间表中,从而增加了对商店的信任。

Social Coupon for WordPress is one of the most popular plugins to manage all the ground work for around $22. It works in combination with the built-in WooCommerce coupon system, so you can track it as well.

WordPress的Social Coupon是最受欢迎的插件之一,用于管理所有基础工作,价格约为22美元。 它与内置的WooCommerce优惠券系统结合使用,因此您也可以对其进行跟踪。

A different yet ingenious way of using Facebook is offering discount for Likes. This is exactly what the Discount for Likes plugin does (hence the name).

使用Facebook的另一种巧妙方式是为Likes提供折扣。 这正是Discounts Likes插件的功能(因此得名)。

It works very simply, just enter any number of Likes to be achieved before discount is given. The idea is that customers will not only hit the ‘Like’ button themselves, but encourage their friends to do so as well. This doesn’t work for every product, but limited or specialized products are perfect.

它的工作原理非常简单,只需输入要获得折扣的任意数量的“点赞”即可。 这样的想法是,客户不仅会自己点击“赞”按钮,还会鼓励他们的朋友也这样做。 这并非对每种产品都适用,但是有限或专业的产品是完美的。

结论 (Conclusion)

WooCommerce is a great platform to work with and adding one or more of these plugins gives you some great opportunities to increase sales or reduce costs.


Even though the mentioned plugins are already very popular (often meaning great quality), make sure you always check out the level of support offered to help you if you come across any errors or issues with the plugin.


Don’t base your decision on pricing alone though. There’s nothing worse than ending up with a great plugin with no one to help you fix it when it breaks down.

但是,不要仅仅基于定价来决定。 没有比没有一个好用的插件结局更糟糕的了,当它崩溃时,没有人可以帮助您修复它。

Please let us know your favorite plugins in the comments section, or share any success stories you might have.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/18-of-the-best-woocommerce-plugins/