
One of the first things you need to do after getting started with WooCommerce, is to add an attractive yet functional theme.


Even more so than regular websites, web stores really need a strong focus on usability. Every time a visitor gets lost on your site, you will most likely lose sales which is certainly not ideal. Therefore, it’s worth taking the time to research and find the right theme for your store.

甚至比普通网站更是如此,网络商店确实需要高度关注可用性。 每当访问者在您的网站上迷路时,您很可能会损失销售,这当然不是理想的。 因此,值得花时间研究并找到适合您商店的主题。

WooCommerce主题 (WooCommerce Themes)

There are hundreds of WooCommerce themes available, both free and paid.


In this article, I will show you some of the best WooCommerce themes out there. These themes range from general purpose themes to niche specific themes for things like fashion or food.

在本文中,我将向您展示一些最佳的WooCommerce主题。 这些主题从通用主题到针对时尚或食品等特定领域的特定主题。

Niche specific themes are mostly used to give the store a particular look and feel for the visitor, by using related images and colors. However, as with any WordPress (and also WooCommerce) theme, you can still customize it as much as you want.

利基特定的主题通常用于通过使用相关的图像和颜色来为商店赋予访客特殊的外观和感觉。 但是,与任何WordPress(以及WooCommerce)主题一样,您仍然可以根据需要进行任意自定义。

Here are ten of the best WooCommerce optimized themes, that will allow you to make full use of WooCommerce’s extensive features.


1. Wootique (1. Wootique)


This is the default theme that comes with the WooCommerce plugin.


It’s free and quite a good theme to get started with. I have this one in use on my own WooCommerce demo.

它是免费的,并且是一个很好的入门主题。 我在自己的WooCommerce演示中正在使用此工具。

While simple, it’s pretty functional, and I especially like how they show the featured products.


If you just want to try out WooCommerce or want to run a simple store, this theme is more than sufficient.


2. 购物 (2. Shopping)


Shopping is one of the most popular free WooCommerce themes in the WordPress theme repository.


It is a simple yet functional theme and has some similarities to Wootique. However, it has one major difference. Shopping is responsive. That means you can even run a professional mobile store at no additional cost.

这是一个简单但实​​用的主题,与Wootique有一些相似之处。 但是,它有一个主要区别。 购物React灵敏。 这意味着您甚至可以免费经营一家专业的移动商店。

I also like the attention to detail on elements such as the check mark next to a product you’ve added to your cart.


3. 柏树 (3. Cypress)


Want to go unconventional? Go Cypress.

想要非常规吗? 去柏树。

You’ll probably either find this theme ugly and annoying, or very beautiful and unique. It has a vertical navigation which allows for a one page look and feel. It also features both a slider and a moving banner.

您可能会发现这个主题丑陋而令人讨厌,或者非常美丽而独特。 它具有垂直导航,允许一页外观。 它还具有滑块和移动横幅。

Completely over the top of course, but if you show this to your clients they will go wild.


Keep in mind though that using these types of heavy themes might require some optimization to get them loading fast enough for your visitors.


4. Alphashopper (4. Alphashopper)


Wow, what a theme. Maybe a bit over the top too, but remember that those demo sites are made by using every possible short code and feature.

哇,真是个主题。 也许也有点过头,但是请记住,这些演示站点是通过使用所有可能的简短代码和功能而建立的。

The Alphashopper theme neatly integrates a regular WordPress theme with WooCommerce features. Don’t forget to look at the navigation. Especially the ‘Product choice’ item which looks very professional.

Alphashopper主题巧妙地将常规WordPress主题与WooCommerce功能集成在一起。 别忘了看一下导航。 特别是看起来非常专业的“产品选择”项目。

This theme is not one that you can set up easily or fast, since you need to make sure all of the elements work properly. However, once you do take the time, your store will come out looking very professional.

由于您需要确保所有元素都能正常工作,因此您不能轻易或快速地设置该主题。 但是,一旦您花时间,您的商店就会显得很专业。

5. 复古 (5. Retro)


Already considered as one of the best WordPress themes, Retro comes with a perfectly designed shop.


It does a great job in giving your store a real retro feeling, by using the right colors and styling. In fact, I like this style so much I’ve used it for my war movies web store. It’s versatile enough though to let you even sell chocolate cupcakes for example.

通过使用正确的颜色和样式,它在使您的商店具有真正的复古感方面做得很好。 实际上,我非常喜欢这种风格,因此我在战争电影网上商店中使用了它。 它足够通用,甚至可以让您出售巧克力蛋糕

The styling, however, does narrow down its use compared to a general purpose theme. Despite this, I highly recommend to include this one in your shortlist if you are looking for a niche theme.

但是,与通用主题相比,该样式确实缩小了其使用范围。 尽管如此,如果您正在寻找一个小众主题,我强烈建议您将它列入候选清单。

6. 切开 (6. Kancing)


If you like photo based themes, you will love Kancing.


Large products photos are combined with full screen sliders and banners.


It doesn’t stop with just the homepage or shop page either. The product pages are made in the same style, which makes it the perfect WooCommerce theme for selling fashion or design products.

它也不仅限于首页或商店页面。 产品页面以相同的样式制作,使其成为销售时尚或设计产品的完美WooCommerce主题。

7. JustShop (7. JustShop)


I guess these guys were pretty hungry when making this theme. At least all of the pictures used should make them hungry!

我想这些家伙在制作这个主题时都非常饿。 至少使用的所有图片都应该使它们饿!

This would be the perfect theme if you were running a restaurant with a web store on the side. Why? Well, this theme combines a nicely made web store with the ability to show a restaurant menu.

如果您经营的餐厅旁边有一个网上商店,那么这将是一个完美的主题。 为什么? 嗯,这个主题结合了制作精美的网上商店和显示餐厅菜单的功能

While I admit this does make this theme very limited in its use, it’s a great choice if this is exactly what you need. Even if you leave out the menu option, it is still a great theme with some nice filters on the side.

尽管我承认这样做确实使该主题的使用受到很大限制,但是如果这正是您所需要的,则是一个不错的选择。 即使您省略了菜单选项,它仍然是一个很棒的主题,侧面带有一些漂亮的过滤器。

8. 巴扎尔 (8. Bazar)


Bazar is a perfect example of a general purpose theme.


The theme has a fairly neutral layout and has some clever features like the ‘Shop by’ functionality which is shown in the screenshot.


The product pages are well thought out, with a nice integration of a contact form for example.


There are also specific web store short codes, which allow you to insert different product sliders quite easily.

还有一些特定的网上商店简短代码 ,使您可以轻松插入不同的产品滑块。

9. 扁平 (9. Flatsome)


Another great general purpose theme is Flatsome.


What’s special about this theme is the various layout and style options that it offers.


Here are just a few: Vertical Tabs, Product Look Book or even Pinterest Style.

这里只是几个: 垂直标签产品外观手册 ,甚至Pinterest风格

There are so many styles available that you could make several different stores without them looking like each other.


Don’t let the fashion images used in the demo fool you by the way, this WooCommerce theme can be used for many different types of products.


10. Four56行业 (10. Four56 Industry)


This theme really shows just how easy it is to turn a general purpose theme into a specific look and feel simply by using the right images and colors.


In the demo they have given it an industrial look by using lots of yellow. This color is strongly associated with industrial tools as most of the leading manufacturers make their products yellow. Yes, it really can be that easy.

在演示中,他们使用了很多黄色,使其具有工业外观。 这种颜色与工业工具密切相关,因为大多数领先的制造商都将其产品变成黄色。 是的,真的很容易。

It also comes with quite an ingenious way of showing the product ratings (the bars underneath each product in category view). I really like the ‘Last chance to buy’ feature that is incorporated in the navigation menu (see screenshot).

它还以一种非常巧妙的方式来显示产品等级(类别视图中每个产品下方的条形)。 我真的很喜欢导航菜单中包含的“最后一次购买机会”功能(请参见屏幕截图)。

This is a theme I personally really like and will probably use sometime in the near future.


结论 (Conclusion)

While this list is only just a small selection of the hundreds of WooCommerce themes available, each of these themes give a very good example of how powerful WordPress is in combination with WooCommerce.


With a clever use of colors, images and styling you can really engage your visitor when they visit your online store, just like a physical store. Combined with the feature rich plugin that is WooCommerce, you can build a professional web store.

通过巧妙地使用颜色,图像和样式,当访客访问您的在线商店时,就像实体商店一样,您可以真正吸引他们。 结合功能丰富的插件WooCommerce,您可以建立专业的网上商店。

If you’ve got a great live WooCommerce store or theme to show yourself, please share in the comments.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10-of-the-best-woocommerce-themes/