unity urp测试_测试Unity

unity urp测试_测试Unity

unity urp测试

It’s been a fair while since we wrote a post about testing Unity, so we‘d like to update you on what’s going on in QA. This is the first of two posts from QA. I’ll post the second one soon, which focuses on our tools, cycles and analytics.

自从我们写了一篇有关测试Unity的帖子以来,这已经很公平了,所以我们想向您介绍QA中的最新情况。 这是质量检查部门的两个帖子中的第一篇。 我将很快发布第二篇,重点介绍我们的工具,周期和分析。

产品 (The Product)

I assume you know about Unity if you’re reading our blog. As a developer, you’re intimately familiar with most of the features, but there are a few aspects from a tester’s point of view you might not have thought about before.

如果您正在阅读我们的博客,我想您已经了解Unity。 作为开发人员,您对大多数功能都非常熟悉,但是从测试人员的角度来看,有些方面您可能以前从未考虑过。

睁大眼睛 (Eyes Wide Open)

Unity is one of the most testable products I have ever worked on. Practically everything in Unity is available for a tester. It consists of a ton of APIs, profilers, logs etc. which enables us to do anything we want from code, including verifying that any action we have taken actually gets us the expected result. On top of that, Unity on the core parts requires only a single installation on a single machine, so the infrastructure required to run automation is very small.

Unity是我研究过的最可测试的产品之一。 实际上,Unity中的所有内容都可供测试人员使用。 它由大量的API,分析器,日志等组成,这使我们能够执行代码中想要做的所有事情,包括验证我们所采取的任何措施实际上都能为我们带来预期的结果。 最重要的是,核心部件上的Unity只需要在单台机器上进行一次安装,因此运行自动化所需的基础架构非常小。

所有这些平台 (All those platforms)

There is one caveat though. A core feature of Unity is that it can build your games to many platforms, which naturally requires us to test such functionality. This does complicate a test rig quite a lot and it puts requirements on how our frameworks are built, so we can get the most bang for our testing buck.

有一个警告。 Unity的一项核心功能是可以将您的游戏构建到许多平台上,这自然要求我们对其进行测试。 这确实使测试设备复杂化了很多,并且对如何构建框架提出了要求,因此我们可以最大程度地发挥测试优势。

From a more general point of view, we have the problem of covering all those platforms both during a regular test run, but also when you have submitted a bug saying “this and this phone has given us this specific problem”. Or different browser versions on different OS’, or specific graphics cards etc etc. You get the drift.

从更一般的角度来看,我们有一个问题,既要在常规测试运行期间覆盖所有这些平台,又要在您提交了一个错误说“此手机给我们带来了这个特定问题”时,覆盖了所有这些平台。 或不同OS上的不同浏览器版本,或特定显卡等。

爱情 (The love)

Let’s not forget about the love we get from our community. In so many ways you guys are the backbone of Unity, adding true value through the forums, answers and testing cycles. This is something we take very seriously, something which commits us to be responsive and helpful.

让我们不要忘记我们从社区获得的爱。 在很多方面,你们都是Unity的骨干力量,它们通过论坛,答案和测试周期来增加真正的价值。 这是我们非常重视的事情,它使我们做出响应并提供帮助。

我们的策略 (Our Strategy)


No, not the large productions. Automation, automation, automation. We have the testable product, we have the infrastructure and we have the need. Were we to make a single cycle product, and then move on to the next, we would not be taking such a bet on automation, but features in Unity live for years and repeated manual testing on such a product simply doesn’t make sense.

不,不是大型作品。 自动化,自动化,自动化。 我们拥有可测试的产品,拥有基础设施,并且有需求。 如果我们要制造一个单周期产品,然后再继续开发下一个产品,那么我们就不会在自动化上**,但是Unity的功能已经存在了很多年,并且对这种产品进行重复的手动测试根本没有意义。

使用社区 (Use the community)

We have you guys. You’re a great help as it is, but we can do a whole lot more. We can help you with tools which will help you test your own games. Let’s face it; while we believe we’re doing a heroic effort to cover everything, it is practically impossible.

我们有你们。 您的帮助很大,但是我们可以做更多的事情。 我们可以为您提供工具,帮助您测试自己的游戏。 面对现实吧; 尽管我们相信我们正在做出英勇的努力以涵盖所有内容,但实际上是不可能的。

Tools might include better overviews of bug reports, automated duplicate finders when you submit bugs, integration to answers. Even something like publishing testing suites for you to run on your own games could be an option. Helping you will go a long way in helping us, if we do it in a way where results can be piped back to us in a way so we can take action on it.

工具可能包括错误报告的更好概述,提交错误时的自动重复查找器,与答案的集成。 甚至可能发布测试套件供您在自己的游戏上运行之类的选择。 如果我们以可以将结果以某种方式反馈给我们的方式来采取行动,那么对您的帮助将在很大程度上帮助我们。

良好的内部报告 (Good internal reporting)

This is about making reports for the Unity development team. We need to assess the quality of different parts of Unity, which parts have good coverage, a high concentration of bugs, or where users are experiencing a lot of pain.

这是关于为Unity开发团队制作报告。 我们需要评估Unity不同部分的质量,这些部分覆盖范围广,错误集中度高,或者用户遇到很多痛苦。

This point is very easy to say, it’s also conceptually easy to lay out a plan for which type of reporting you want, but the implementation of such a metric based regime is very hard. It requires us to use the same terminology across all of our tools, capture our data consistently and on a regular basis and then build the reporting needed on top of them. We’re currently in the phase of implementing the same terminology across our testing tools right now.

这一点很容易说,从概念上来说,为您想要哪种报告类型制定计划也很容易,但是基于度量的机制很难实施。 它要求我们在所有工具中使用相同的术语,并定期一致地捕获数据,然后在这些工具之上构建所需的报告。 我们目前正处于在测试工具中实施相同术语的阶段。

人民 (The People)

Everything starts with the people. We are not stronger than the people we hire, the people we retain and the people who make it all happen. At the time of writing there are 17 engineers and student workers in the Unity QA team, but we are hiring many more.

一切始于人民。 我们并不比我们雇用的人,保留的人和实现这一切的人更强大。 在撰写本文时,Unity QA团队中有17名工程师和学生工人,但我们正在招聘更多人。

我们在哪里 (Where we are)

Currently, testing in Unity is based in Copenhagen, Vilnius and Brighton. We are also recruiting for a new office in Odessa.

目前,Unity中的测试位于哥本哈根,维尔纽斯和布莱顿。 我们也正在招募在敖德萨的新办公室。

In Copenhagen we have mostly been focusing on the editor and the core, since this is where most of those developers are placed. Vilnius is mostly about handhelds and consoles and Brighton has been taking care of the Webplayer. I say mostly, because at times everyone is spread across several features, for example, PS3 testing is now in Brighton.

在哥本哈根,我们主要专注于编辑器和核心,因为这是大多数开发人员所在的位置。 维尔纽斯主要与手持设备和游戏机有关,而布莱顿一直在照顾Webplayer。 我主要是说,因为有时每个人都分散在多个功能中,例如,PS3测试现在在布莱顿。

As you can see, all of Unity is spread across the globe. One of the great things about the QA team is that we are constantly in communication with each other via a big Skype channel. 27 people participating, with regular eavesdropping by the devs and the support team.

如您所见,Unity的所有成员遍布全球。 质量检查团队的一大优势是,我们通过大型的Skype渠道不断进行沟通。 有27人参加,开发人员和支持团队定期进行窃听。

测试中的角色 (Roles in test)

We have some distinct roles in test, which helps us define our recruiting better, but being in test you often have to have a wider scope on what you do than when you are a developer.


Software Development Engineers in Test are developers working in test. These guys are working on tools, frameworks and feature automation all at once. Their job is often to figure out ways to improve the overall workflow for everyone involved in the development of Unity, by improving the automation on the build farm, making regression suites to prevent bugs flowing in and also evangelizing the usage of the frameworks for both testers and developers. They are the backbone of the AAA strategy.

测试中的软件开发工程师是在测试中工作的开发人员。 这些家伙正在同时研究工具,框架和功能自动化。 他们的工作通常是通过改善构建服务器场的自动化,开发回归套件以防止错误流入并宣传两个测试人员使用框架的方式,找出改善Unity开发人员的总体工作流程的方法。和开发人员。 它们是AAA战略的骨干。

Software Test Engineers are what you would call “manual testers”, but that is not a fair term. Beside figuring out how to actually get proper coverage on a feature, a task which requires a fair amount of technical knowledge, these guys also need to be good at creating an overview of an area . They are also the very first “users” of features, able to provide feedback very early in the lifecycle and ensure that we have as good a first shot as possible for our alpha users. They are the backbone of a good internal reporting strategy.

您将软件测试工程师称为“手动测试人员”,但这并不是一个公平的术语。 除了弄清楚如何真正地获得某个功能的适当覆盖范围(一项需要大量技术知识的任务)之外,这些人还需要擅长创建区域概览。 它们还是功能的第一个“用户”,能够在生命周期的早期提供反馈,并确保我们为alpha用户提供尽可能好的第一手镜头。 它们是良好的内部报告策略的基础。

QA Student Workers are using their time on looking at the bugs you submit, try to reproduce each and every one of the and then forward the bug to the developers. These guys are doing a heroic effort to respond to your report. If they can’t figure out what is going on, they forward it to a QA within the area or send a reply to you asking for more information. It is a relatively new role in Unity, which we started in the spring 2012 and they are a big part of our effort to be responsive to our community.

质量检查学生工作者正在利用他们的时间查看您提交的错误,尝试重现每个错误,然后将错误转发给开发人员。 这些家伙正在做出巨大的努力来回复您的报告。 如果他们不知道发生了什么,则将其转发给该区域内的质量检查人员,或发送回覆给您,要求更多信息。 自2012年Spring以来,这是Unity中相对较新的角色,这是我们为响应社区做出的巨大努力。

社区 (The community)

We have the best community in the world. A bold statement, but I believe it to be true. I have never been in a company where the community has had such a big influence and impact. I’ve said it earlier in this blog post, but it is something we value deeply. We use the community for many things and I’ll highlight a few here.

我们拥有世界上最好的社区。 大胆的声明,但我相信这是正确的。 我从来没有去过社区受到如此巨大影响的公司。 我在本博文的前面已经说过了,但这是我们非常重视的东西。 我们使用社区做很多事情,在这里我将重点介绍一些事情。

Sometimes we assemble alpha groups. The alpha lists are comprised of a small number of people who have a track record of giving us good feedback on features. They are given drops earlier than anyone else and we ask them to take a build (often broken in some areas) and help us make sure we make the right features for the next versions. This feedback is what we use to change any issues we might have with how you guys use it.

有时我们会组装alpha组。 Alpha列表由一小部分人组成,这些人在向我们提供有关功能的良好反馈方面有良好的记录。 它们比其他任何人都更早地发布,我们要求他们进行构建(通常在某些区域中损坏),并帮助我们确保为下一版本提供正确的功能。 我们使用此反馈来更改与大家使用方式有关的任何问题。

The community also helps us very visibly with reporting bugs to us, both during beta tests and after released versions. Beta tests run for a considerable time, through several releases and we gather tons of bugs from you guys. The beta testers who are really good at finding AND reporting bugs are also given some swag for their efforts (finding them is good, but to make a great beta tester you should consistently deliver easy to reproduce bug reports. More on this in part two).

在Beta测试期间和发布版本之后,社区还可以非常明显地向我们报告错误,从而帮助我们。 Beta测试在相当长的一段时间内(通过多个版本)运行,并且我们从大家那里收集了大量错误。 确实擅长发现和报告错误的Beta测试人员也付出了很多努力(发现它们很好,但要成为一个出色的Beta测试人员,您应始终提供易于重现的错误报告。在第二部分中有更多信息) 。

Finally I want to mention the willingness to help us when we ask for it in one of our beta groups. I recently called for very large projects from real-life production teams and got a response within one working day. There is no end to how much we appreciate that kind of response and participation.

最后,我想提及的是,在我们的一个Beta组中,我们愿意提供帮助。 我最近要求现实生活中的生产团队进行非常大的项目,并在一个工作日内得到了答复。 我们对这种回应和参与感激不尽。

加入我们! (Join us!)

I think our lead developer Lucas Meijer articulated all my thoughts about this challenge when he stated that “writing automated tests is very fucking hard”. It is a job which requires you to know a lot about testing techniques, infrastructure, the product, and be a coder who can write extremely solid code. A guy such as Lucas. It is interesting how this task is frowned upon when you look at the challenges it poses. I have met a lot of good developers in my career, but the stars of any dev team were also those that had a great aptitude for testing. I guess this little rant is to say that you should not expect “to start as a developer in test and then grow into a developer”. It’s the other way around.

我认为我们的首席开发人员卢卡斯·梅耶尔(Lucas Meijer)说“编写自动化测试非常辛苦”时,表达了我对这一挑战的所有想法。 这是一项工作,需要您对测试技术,基础结构,产品有很多了解,并且要成为可以编写极其扎实的代码的编码人员。 像卢卡斯这样的人。 有趣的是,当您看它所带来的挑战时,如何皱眉。 在我的职业生涯中,我遇到了很多优秀的开发人员,但是任何开发团队中的明星也都是具有出色测试能力的人。 我猜这句话有点小意思,是说您不应期望“从测试中的开发人员开始,然后成长为开发人员”。 相反。

It is also a difficult job to be a great software test engineer: you need to possess the correct mix of technical knowledge, and communication and organizational skills. It’s a rare mix, and we continue to look for the right candidates.

要成为一名出色的软件测试工程师,这也是一项艰巨的工作:您需要拥有正确的技术知识,沟通和组织技能组合。 这种情况很少见,我们会继续寻找合适的人选。

If you’re that guy or girl, if you want to be the one making everything run smoothly in a feature team and if you have a passion for quality you can’t stop preaching about, join us: http://www.unity3d.com/company/jobs .

如果您是那个男人或女孩,如果您想成为一个使功能团队顺利运行的人,并且如果您对质量充满热情,那么您就可以继续宣讲,请加入我们: http://www.unity3d .com / company / jobs

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/05/08/testing-unity/

unity urp测试