
It's a double-meeting that! Get it? "Outlook?"

这是两次会议! 得到它? “外表?”

Seriously, though, sometimes folks comment on my busy schedule and I joke that I'm "playing tetris with Outlook" where appointments are falling blocks and I'm twisting and turning them and trying to make it all fit. I also often take some time and actively defrag my calendar.

但是,严重的是,有时候人们会在我繁忙的日程中发表评论,我开玩笑说我正在“用Outlook玩俄罗斯方块”,约会变得越来越困难,而我却在扭曲和转动它们并试图使其完全适合。 我还经常花一些时间并积极整理日历。


Defraggging your system's disk usually happens automatically - in the past it didn't - as background processes attempt to "reduce the fragmentation of (a file) by concatenating parts stored in separate locations on a disk." That's a techie explanation.

对系统磁盘进行碎片整理通常是自动进行的,而过去却没有自动进行,因为后台进程试图“通过将存储在磁盘上不同位置的部分连接起来来减少(文件)的碎片”。 那是技术人员的解释。

Here's a basic one. Ever look at your bookshelf and you've got no system? Books all over, no plan. Even worse, imagine someone ripped a book in half along the spine and stored half the book on the top and the rest on the bottom shelf? Why, you'd be scandalized and you'd want to tidy up.

这是一个基本的。 曾经看过您的书架,却没有系统吗? 到处都是书,没有计划。 更糟糕的是,假设有人将书本沿书脊撕成两半,将一半书本放在顶部,而其余书本放在底部书架上? 为什么,您会被丑化,并且想要整理一下。

Sometimes folks organize their books by color, sometimes by topic, usually by author. Point is, it can get messy, and you need to take a moment to get organized. The result is a nice tidy bookshelf that has less psychic weight and where the books you want are where you can get to them quickly.

有时人们按颜色组织书籍,有时按主题(通常按作者)组织书籍。 重点是,它可能会变得凌乱,您需要花一些时间进行整理。 结果是一个很好整洁的书架,减少了心理上的负担,而且您想要的书在什么地方可以快速找到。

整理您的时间表 (Defragment your schedule)

Why not do the same to our calendars? Often we'll just look for an open lot and a 30 min meeting will just drop in there, like an unwanted Tetris piece. If we had more time and energy we might be more aggressive and put the meeting (especially if it's a recurring meeting) in a specific slot.

为什么不对我们的日历做同样的事情? 通常,我们只会寻找空地,而30分钟的会议却会落在那儿,就像一块多余的俄罗斯方块一样。 如果我们有更多的时间和精力,我们可能会更加积极进取,并将会议(尤其是经常性会议)放在特定的位置。

What slot though? What are we optimizing for? That's up to you, but I'd consider optimizing for context switching - specifically, avoiding context switches before and after meetings.

什么插槽? 我们要优化什么? 这完全取决于你,但我会考虑优化上下文切换-具体而言,避免上下文切换之前和会议之后。

For example, if you're a coder and you enjoy getting into the flow, avoid putting a meeting in the middle of that flow.


If you are mentoring people - perhaps like me you have a half dozen - then put them all on the same day so your brain is in "mentoring mode." Batch up your code reviews. Make email management an appointment. Is Tuesday creative day? What about No-Meetings Mondays?

如果您要指导别人(也许像我一样,您有六个),那么请在同一天将他们全部放在一起,以便您的大脑处于“指导模式”。 批处理您的代码审查。 使电子邮件管理成为约会。 周二是创意日吗? 星期一不开会怎么办?

Also, make sure you're color coding - just like the defragger! I use categories in my calendar and give meaning to each color so I can easily and quickly tell at a glance if this is a "Balanced Week" or if it's gonna feel weird. If you use colors that * next to meetings with topics that * then you can mentally prep yourself for the Context Switch.

另外,请确保您使用的是彩色编码-就像整理器一样! 我在日历中使用类别,并为每种颜色赋予含义,以便我可以快速,一目了然地分辨出这是否是“平衡周”,或者它会变得很奇怪。 如果在会议主题旁边使用冲突颜色,则可以为上下文切换做好心理准备。


What do YOU want your defragmented calendar to look like? Typically it takes just willpower and awareness to defrag your calendar. And just like disk defragmenting, things might run slower for a bit while you're doing it, but the result will be neater and tidier and allow you to be more effective! It'll also, ahem, improve your Outlook.

您希望整理后的日历看起来像什么? 通常,只需要意志力和意识来整理您的日历。 就像磁盘碎片整理一样,在执行过程中,运行可能会变慢一些,但结果将变得更整洁,更有效! 还可以改善您的Outlook。

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关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/defragmenting-your-calendar-and-your-outlook