

An operating system is the basic mechanism behind the working of the computer systems and mobile devices and so, understanding the operating system becomes very important from a user’s perspective. The various types of Operating systems are as follows:

操作系统是计算机系统和移动设备工作背后的基本机制,因此,从用户的角度出发,了解操作系统非常重要。 各种类型的操作系统如下:

操作系统类型 (Types of Operating System)

1.批处理操作系统 (1. Batch Operating System)


As, is very clear from the name itself, a batch operating system works by grouping the jobs into batches, hence the CPU does not directly interacts with the jobs, instead it interacts with the batches which are created by the operating system on the basis of similarities among them.


It supports multiple users and the idle time of the CPU is very less. Since, it works by grouping multiple jobs into lesser number of batches, managing a large amount of work becomes easy in a batch operating system. However, batch operating systems are costly and debugging is harder.

它支持多个用户,CPU的空闲时间非常短。 由于它通过将多个作业分组为较少的批处理来工作,因此在批处理操作系统中管理大量工作变得很容易。 但是,批处理操作系统的成本很高,调试难度更大。

Example: Payroll systems, Bank statements etc.


2.分时操作系统 (2. Time-Sharing Operating System)


In the time sharing operating systems, a certain time limit “quantum” is assigned to each one of the jobs. After the completion of one job, the other one is assigned the time. Hence, each job gets equal time in the CPU.

在分时操作系统中,为每个作业分配了一定的时间限制“量子”。 完成一项工作后,将为另一项分配时间。 因此,每个作业在CPU中获得相等的时间。

Often, these systems have a data communication problem, however.


Examples: Unix, Multics etc.

例如: Unix,Multics等。

3.网络操作系统 (3. Network Operating System)


They too work on an interconnection model but this model comprises of a client-server like small private network.


Unlike the distributed systems which are loosely coupled, the network operating systems are tightly coupled systems. This means that all the computers connected to the centralized server know the configurations, connections etc. These connections and the network are quite stable and the different systems located at various locations can easily access the server and hence the sharing of files can be done easily. But the cost of the server and maintenance and other updates are considerably high.

与松散耦合的分布式系统不同,网络操作系统是紧密耦合的系统。 这意味着连接到集中式服务器的所有计算机都知道配置,连接等。这些连接和网络非常稳定,并且位于不同位置的不同系统可以轻松访问服务器,因此可以轻松完成文件共享。 但是服务器和维护以及其他更新的成本非常高。

Example: UNIX, Linux, Novell Netware, Microsoft Windows server 2003 etc.

例如:UNIX,Linux,Novell Netware,Microsoft Windows Server 2003等。

4.分布式操作系统 (4. Distributed Operating System)


The distributed operating systems, allow the interconnection of various systems all over the world using a shared communication network. We can share documents anywhere on the network.

分布式操作系统允许使用共享通信网络在全世界范围内互连各种系统。 我们可以在网络上的任何地方共享文档。

However, all the interconnected systems are independent and hence, the failure of one won’t affect any other system in the network. The computation tasks are also fast and the load on just one computer is reduced.

但是,所有互连的系统都是独立的,因此,一个系统的故障不会影响网络中的任何其他系统。 计算任务也很快,并且减少了仅一台计算机上的负载。

Example: LOCUS.

例如: LOCUS。

5.实时操作系统 (5. Real Time Operating System)


The real time operating systems are known for their quick processing of inputs and correspondence. These systems have to work quickly because even a small delay in the response results in failure. So, they work as if working in real time and absolutely no time is required for processing.

实时操作系统以其快速处理输入和对应关系而闻名。 这些系统必须快速工作,因为即使很小的响应延迟也会导致故障。 因此,它们就像实时工作一样工作,并且绝对不需要时间进行处理。

The real time operating systems are further divided into two categories:


  • Hard Real Time Operating System


In these systems, even a small delay in time period can lead to major destructions. Hence, the response time (the time required to respond to inputs) must not exceed more than the time which is safe.

在这些系统中,即使时间延迟很小也可能导致重大破坏。 因此,响应时间(响应输入所需的时间)不得超过安全时间。

These are used in missile launching systems, automatic parachutes, etc.


  • Soft Real Time Operating System


In these systems, the time constraint is not that severe and delays in response might not lead to destruction, however, the system still is considered to be failing. These are used in software application developments like games and other software where immediate user interaction is involved.

在这些系统中,时间限制并不严重,响应延迟可能不会导致破坏,但是,系统仍然被认为是有故障的。 这些用于涉及游戏的软件应用程序开发,例如游戏和其他需要用户直接交互的软件。

These real time operating systems are error free and memory is allocated excellently in them, also the current running application is in focus while the others in queue are not much considered. But, they use very complex algorithms and heavy system resources.

这些实时操作系统没有错误,并且在其中出色地分配了内存,当前运行的应用程序也很受关注,而队列中的其他应用程序则没有太多考虑。 但是,它们使用非常复杂的算法和大量的系统资源。

Source: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/operating-system-types-operating-systems-awaiting-author/

资料来源: https : //www.geeksforgeeks.org/operating-system-types-operating-systems-awaiting-author/

The operating system is a program on which the other software runs, and a clear understanding of them can be made through the above points.


翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2019/03/types-of-operating-system.html
