nginx mozilla_在Mozilla的一年

nginx mozilla

When I was a naive but bright-eyed kid attending a small technical college in 2002, I was first introduced to Mozilla.  The Mozilla browser looked incredibly similar to Netscape but provided a few additional development tools (like syntax-highlighted source windows)!  Developing within Mozilla's browser really sparked my love of web development.  Then Mozilla's browser became Firebird, and then eventually Firefox.

2002年,当我还是一个幼稚但聪明的孩子上一所小型技术学院时,我第一次被介绍给Mozilla。 Mozilla浏览器看起来与Netscape极为相似,但是提供了一些其他开发工具(例如语法突出显示的源窗口)! 在Mozilla浏览器中进行开发确实激发了我对Web开发的热爱。 然后Mozilla的浏览器变成了Firebird,然后是Firefox。

In 2009 I caught the attention of Mozilla (or a Moz recruiter) and I was flown to Palo Alto for an interview.  Mozilla was relatively small in those days;  the offices were rented across from Google, the building was old, there were many fewer employees, and many fewer projects.  I was devastated to not get hired back then but I kept a Mozilla employee's business card in my car to remind me, when I drove to work each day, that my goal was to represent the dinosaur and that I was on the fringe of being "good enough."  There's no better reminder of a goal like that then seeing the dino on the way to a job you dislike.

在2009年,我引起了Mozilla(或Moz招聘者)的注意,然后我飞往帕洛阿尔托接受采访。 那时Mozilla相对较小。 办公室是从Google对面租来的,大楼很旧,员工少了很多,项目也少了很多。 当时我很沮丧,没有再被雇用,但我在车上保留了Mozilla员工的名片,以提醒我,当我每天开车去上班时,我的目标是代表恐龙,而我处于被“挑战”的边缘。够好了。” 没有比这更令人想起目标的事了,那就是看到恐龙在您不喜欢的工作的路上。

Three years later, in April of 2012, I was again summoned to Mozilla and I was blessed enough to make the cut.  My second week was spent in Santa Clara getting tipsy meeting with my coworkers, proposing new ideas, improving my team skills, playing beach soccer, and winning that work week's hack contest.  When you wake up in a hotel overlooking the ocean in your second know you're doing OK.

三年后的2012年4月,我再次被召集到Mozilla,我很幸运能够晋级。 我的第二个星期是在圣塔克拉拉度过的 变得笨拙 与我的同事会面,提出新的想法,提高我的团队技能,踢沙滩足球,并赢得该工作周的黑客大赛。 当您第二周在一家俯瞰大海的酒店中醒来时,您就知道自己做得很好。

nginx mozilla_在Mozilla的一年

My primary responsibility has been and continues to be the Mozilla Developer Network.  I've been working with legends like Luke Crouch, Les ("Is More") Orchard, James Bennett, Eric Shepard, Ali Spivak, and numerous other quality developers and documentation gods.  I've worked for an incredible manager, James Socol, who has been the best manager I've ever worked for;  quick to get answers, honest in criticism, and never afraid (even motivated) to jump into a code review.  Even the WebDev boss, Mike Morgan, listens to my hoops smack talk.  The atmosphere and developers I've found myself around are unbelievable.  Inspired to do legendary things every day.

我的主要职责一直是Mozilla开发人员网络,并将继续如此。 我一直在与Luke Crouch,Les(“ Is More”)Orchard,James Bennett,Eric Shepard,Ali Spivak等**人物合作,以及其他许多高质量的开发人员和文档神。 我曾为一位令人难以置信的经理James Socol工作,James Socol是我工作过的最好的经理。 快速获得答案,诚实地接受批评,从不害怕(甚至有动机)跳入代码审查。 甚至WebDev的老板Mike Morgan也听了我的演讲。 我发现自己周围的气氛和开发人员简直令人难以置信。 启发每天做**的事情。

Since joining Mozilla, I've been able to:


  • Help launch kuma, the new MDN platform


  • Implement new features on MDN

  • Travel to Brazil to speak about MDN and Firefox OS

    前往巴西谈论MDN和Firefox OS
  • Travel to Toronto, Mountain View, and Austin to talk about Firefox OS and MDN

    前往多伦多,山景城和奥斯丁谈论Firefox OS和MDN
  • Dip my hand into gaia (Firefox OS), X-Tags, Firefox Marketplace, Mozilla Hacks

    将我的手浸入gaia(Firefox OS),X-Tags,Firefox Marketplace,Mozilla Hacks
  • Be a test drive for the Firefox OS phone

    成为Firefox OS手机的测试驱动器
  • Make acquaintances with hundreds of incredible developers


That's one hell of a year, man.  This first year at Mozilla has been a blast, and look forward to many more years helping to keep an open web!

那是一年的地狱,老兄。 在Mozilla的第一年是一个爆炸式的发展,并且希望有更多的年头可以帮助保持开放的网络!


nginx mozilla