nginx mozilla_Mozilla启动基于云的非常光滑的IDE

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nginx mozilla_Mozilla启动基于云的非常光滑的IDEWith every other piece of software going the “as a service” route, it was only a matter of time that someone would write a browser-based IDE. Last night Mozilla’s Developer Tools Lab launched a public beta (dubbed an “experimental prototype” by Mozilla) of
Bespin, which marries the slickness of a desktop IDE with the convenience of a web based app using JavasScript and the HTML5 Canvas element, with a Python backend.

Bespin的公开测试版(称为Mozilla的“实验原型”),该版本将桌面IDE的精巧与使用JavasScript和HTML5 Canvas元素以及Python的基于Web的应用程序的便利性结合在一起后端。

Because the editor uses HTML5 elements, it only works with modern browsers that support Canvas. It has been tested with the latest Firefox 3 and Webkit nightlies — but I didn’t have any problems with it using Firefox 3.06.

由于该编辑器使用HTML5元素,因此只能与支持Canvas的现代浏览器一起使用。 它已经在最新的Firefox 3和Webkit夜间测试过,但是使用Firefox 3.06时我没有任何问题。

Prior to development, Mozilla laid out a set of standards for Bespin. They set out to create an editor that was fast, as simple to use as Textmate, accessible from anywhere, had an integrated command line, supported real-time collaboration, and existed in a “self-hosted” environment. In other words, Mozilla’s ambitious plan was to take the best of popular editors like Textmate, vi, Emacs, SubEthaEdit, and recreate them in a web application.

在开发之前,Mozilla为Bespin制定了一套标准。 他们着手创建一种编辑器,该编辑器像Textmate一样快速,易于使用,可从任何地方访问,具有集成的命令行,支持实时协作并存在于“自托管”环境中。 换句话说,Mozilla的雄心勃勃的计划是利用Textmate,vi,Emacs,SubEthaEdit之类的流行编辑器,并在Web应用程序中重新创建它们。

nginx mozilla_Mozilla启动基于云的非常光滑的IDE

Ultimately, Mozilla’s goal with Bespin is to create an “extensible framework for Open Web development.” To that end, the code of the editor has been released under the open source Mozilla Public License.

最终,Mozilla与Bespin的目标是创建一个“开放Web开发的可扩展框架”。 为此,编辑器的代码已经发布了开源的Mozilla公共许可证下。

In the video below, developer Dion Almaer introduces Bespin.

在下面的视频中,开发人员Dion Almaer介绍了Bespin。

In my limited testing of Bespin today, I came away very impressed. A couple of months ago I started researching a project aimed at creating something very similar with a friend. We didn’t get much farther than an textarea that did automatic line numbering. But as part of the initial research into the concept, I spent a good deal of time looking for web based IDEs. I found a couple of pretty solid ones, such as CodePress and 9ne, but nothing quite matches what Mozilla has just released to the world in terms of slickness of presentation.

在今天对Bespin的有限测试中,我印象深刻。 几个月前,我开始研究一个旨在与朋友创建非常相似的项目。 我们没有比自动行编号的textarea更远的地方了。 但是,作为对该概念的初步研究的一部分,我花了大量时间寻找基于Web的IDE。 我发现了一些相当不错的工具,例如CodePress9ne ,但是就外观的流畅性而言,没有什么与Mozilla刚刚发布的工具完全相符。

For an “experimental prototype,” Bespin is quite solid. It features text highlighting, line numbering, copy/paste, and undo/redo. The collaboration features are not yet active, but there are some UI cues included in the tech demo for them. The Bespin site also hints at an upcoming feature that will allow people to automatically pull in code for open source projects from public repositories and have a project automagically set up. I did have a little trouble getting copy and paste to work with text copied from an outside source, but that’s essentially a minor issue given that this is a 0.1 version of Bespin.

对于“实验原型”,Bespin相当扎实。 它具有文本突出显示,行号,复制/粘贴和撤消/重做的功能。 协作功能尚未**,但技术演示中包含了一些UI提示。 Bespin网站还暗示了一项即将到来的功能,该功能将使人们可以从公共存储库中自动提取开源项目的代码,并自动建立项目。 在复制和粘贴以处理从外部来源复制的文本时确实遇到了一些麻烦,但是由于这是Bespin的0.1版本,因此这基本上是一个小问题。

Give it a try and then let us know what do you think of Bespin in the comments below.



nginx mozilla