(翻译)轮播(Carousel )




(翻译)轮播(Carousel )


  • 用于显示很大一组项目,但又想让用户同一时间内只关注其中一小部分项目时;
  • 用于提示用户,除了当前看到的内容,还有更多其它内容[1];
  • 用于没有足够的空间一次性显示所有的项目内容;
  • 用于显示包含精彩内容的项目,例如电影海报、相册封面、产品介绍等;
  • 当项目无法可视化显示时,不要使用本模式,例如指向文本文档或pdf文档的链接等;
  • 如果无法立即看出图片与其关联的内容之间的联系,不要使用本模式。





[1]原文:Use when you want to tease the user by letting him or her know that there are more items available than what is currently shown.
[2]原文:Arrange a set of items on a horizontal line where each item preferably has an thumbnail image attached (or the item is only represented by the image). Even though the list of items is long, only 3-8 images are shown at the same time.
[3]原文:The carousel pattern can in this way be used as an extra incentive for the user to browse through all items of the list, as we as humans do not feel comfortable by not being aware of the “full picture”.
[4]原文:As the carousel is circular, the start of the list will be shown after the user has reached the end. This behavior encourages the user to continue browsing through the list.