
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

iOS 14 brought new types of widgets to the iPhone Home screen, including something called “Smart Stack.” This feature allows you to cycle through the widgets chosen by the system, but that’s not all—you can also create and customize your own widget stack.

iOS 14为iPhone主屏幕带来了新类型的小部件 ,其中包括“智能堆栈”。 此功能使您可以循环浏览系统选择的小部件,但还不止这些,您还可以创建和自定义自己的小部件堆栈。

如何创建小部件堆栈 (How to Create a Widget Stack)

While the Smart Stack widget is pretty intelligent about showing you different kinds of widgets at various times during the day, you can control the process more if you create a widget stack.


The terms “Smart Stack” and “widget stack” are interchangeable. Just like Smart Stacks, widget stacks also have the Auto Rotate feature enabled by default. You can add more widgets to a Smart Stack, as well.

术语“智能堆栈”和“小组件堆栈”可以互换。 与智能堆栈一样,小部件堆栈也默认启用了“自动旋转”功能。 您也可以将更多的小部件添加到智能堆栈。

To get started, tap and hold an empty area on the Home screen to open the Editing mode. Here, tap the plus sign (+) at the top left.

首先,点击并按住主屏幕上的空白区域以打开“编辑”模式。 在这里,点击左上方的加号(+)。


This opens the widget picker. You can choose a widget from the suggestions or tap an app to see all of the available widgets.

这将打开小部件选择器。 您可以从建议中选择一个小部件,也可以点按一个应用以查看所有可用的小部件。


Choose a widget size (“Small,” “Medium,” or “Large”), and then tap “Add Widget.”



Now that your first widget is on the screen, it’s time to add another one. You can only stack widgets that are the same size.

现在您的第一个窗口小部件已显示在屏幕上,是时候添加另一个窗口小部件了。 您只能堆叠大小相同的小部件。

Once again, tap the plus sign (+) at the top left to return to the widget picker. This time, when you find a widget you like, tap and hold its preview to pick it up.

再次点击左上方的加号(+),返回到小部件选择器。 这次,当您找到所需的小部件时,请点击并按住其预览以将其拾取。


The widget picker will disappear. Drag the new widget on top of the one you added previously. When you see an outline around the first widget, lift your finger to drop the new one.

小部件选择器将消失。 将新的小部件拖到之前添加的小部件上。 当您在第一个小部件周围看到轮廓时,松开手指放下新的小部件。


You’ve now created a widget stack! Repeat the process to add more widgets.; you can add up to 10 to the same Stack.

您现在已经创建了一个小部件堆栈! 重复该过程以添加更多小部件。 您最多可以将10个添加到同一堆栈。


The real beauty of the way widgets work in iOS 14 is that you can have multiple widgets from the same app stacked on top of one another. This means you can create multiple widgets for your “Reminders” lists or shortcuts, and then just swipe between them.

iOS 14中的小部件工作方式的真正美在于,您可以将同一应用程序中的多个小部件彼此堆叠在一起。 这意味着您可以为“提醒”列表或快捷方式创建多个小部件,然后在它们之间滑动。

如何自定义小部件堆栈 (How to Customize Widget Stacks)

Once you’ve created a widget stack, you can customize it. You can do this for a Smart Stack, as well.

创建窗口小部件堆栈后,即可对其进行自定义。 您也可以为智能堆栈执行此操作。

Just tap and hold a widget stack to reveal the options, and then tap “Edit Stack.”



If you’re in the Home screen Edit mode, just tap a widget stack to see its customization options.


A new panel will slide up from the bottom. Here, toggle-Off the “Smart Rotate” option.

一个新的面板将从底部向上滑动。 在这里,关闭“智能旋转”选项。


Now, your widget stack won’t move to show different widgets based on your usage or the time of day.


Below, you’ll see a list of all the widgets in the stack. If you want to delete one, just swipe left on its title, and then tap “Delete.”

在下面,您将看到堆栈中所有小部件的列表。 如果要删除一个,只需在其标题上向左滑动,然后点按“删除”。


You can also rearrange the widgets in the list by tapping the three horizontal lines on the right.



Tap “X” at the top right or swipe down to close and return to the Home screen.

点击右上角的“ X”或向下滑动以关闭并返回主屏幕。


如何删除小部件堆栈 (How to Remove a Widget Stack)

You can delete a widget with just a couple of taps. First, tap and hold a widget stack to open the options. To delete the whole stack, just tap “Remove Stack.”

您只需轻按几下即可删除小部件。 首先,点击并按住小部件堆栈以打开选项。 要删除整个堆栈,只需点击“删除堆栈”。


If you’re in the Home screen Edit mode, tap the minus sign (-) at the top left of the widget stack.



Tap “Remove” to confirm.



Now that you’ve mastered widgets on your iPhone, be sure to check out how the new App Library works, as well!

既然您已经掌握了iPhone上的小部件,请确保也了解新的App Library的工作原理

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/681272/how-to-create-a-widget-stack-on-iphone-home-screen/