tumblr_如何将Google AdSense添加到您的Tumblr博客

tumblr_如何将Google AdSense添加到您的Tumblr博客


Would you like to make a bit of revenue from your blog?  Here’s how you can make your content work for you by adding Google AdSense to your Tumblr blog.

您想从您的博客中获得一些收入吗? 通过将Google AdSense添加到您的Tumblr博客中,可以按照以下方法使您的内容适合您。

Blogging can be serious work, and with your easy-to-use Tumblr blog, you might be posting more than ever.  You may be writing about your beautiful vacation, sharing the newest wallpaper you designed in Photoshop, or explaining how to get your dog to quit barking at frogs.

撰写博客可能是一项艰巨的工作,而使用易于使用的Tumblr博客,您发布的内容可能比以往任何时候都多。 您可能正在写有关美好假期的文章,分享您在Photoshop中设计的最新壁纸,或者解释如何让您的狗戒掉青蛙的吠叫。

Either way, your blog takes real time, and it might be nice to make a little money from it.  Google AdSense has enabled bloggers around the world to get ad revenue from their content.  The Tumblr Terms of Service require that your blog be used primarily for blogging, but they do allow you to use AdSense or other ad systems as long as that’s not the primary focus of your site.  It’s fairly easy, so let’s see how to add it to your blog, no matter what theme you’re using.

无论哪种方式,您的博客都是实时的,因此从中赚一些钱可能会很好。 Google AdSense使世界各地的博客作者都可以从其内容中获取广告收入。 Tumblr服务条款要求您的博客主要用于博客,但是只要您不是网站的主要关注点,它们都允许您使用AdSense或其他广告系统。 这相当容易,所以不管您使用什么主题,让我们看看如何将其添加到博客中。

Please note: This article is designed for users who don’t know how to edit HTML, and so may seem overly simplified if you’re already a code ninja.  But that’s no problem; just skip over the parts you already understand, and use the parts you do need!

请注意:本文是为不知道如何编辑HTML的用户而设计的,因此如果您已经是代码忍者,则似乎过于简化。 但这没问题。 只需跳过您已经了解的部分,然后使用所需的部分即可!

Signing up For AdSense


Before you can add AdSense to your site, you’ll need to register for an AdSense account with Google.  If you already have an account, skip to the next section; otherwise, browse to the AdSense site (link below), and click the Sign up now button.

您必须先在Google注册一个AdSense帐户,然后才能将AdSense添加到您的网站。 如果您已经有一个帐户,请跳到下一部分; 否则,浏览到AdSense网站( 下面的链接 ),然后点击立即注册按钮。

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Fill out the form as usual, with information about your site as well as some personal contact information.  Make sure to check the boxes at the top with guidelines about ads, and make sure your site follows them or your AdSense account could be suspended.

照常填写表格,并提供有关您网站的信息以及一些个人联系信息。 确保选中顶部的广告指南,并确保您的网站遵循这些指南,否则您的AdSense帐户可能会被暂停。

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Accept the additional policies at the bottom of the form, and then click Submit Information.


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Make sure your information is correct, then select if you have a Google account and either enter your account info or create a new account.


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Once you’re finished, you’ll have to wait between 1 and 3 days for your account to be approved.  Once you receive your conformation email, head back to the AdSense site, but this time, log in with your Google account info.

完成后,您将需要等待1至3天才能批准您的帐户。 收到确认电子邮件后,请返回AdSense网站,但这一次,请使用您的Google帐户信息登录。

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If you have problems with AdSense, or need more info about your account, check out Google’s AdSense Help Site (link below).

如果您在AdSense方面遇到问题,或者需要有关帐户的更多信息,请访问Google的AdSense帮助网站( 下面的链接 )。

Create an AdSense Unit for Your Tumblr


Once you’ve got an AdSense account and are logged in, click on the AdSense Setup tab to create a new ad for your site.


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Select the AdSense for Content link.

选择AdSense for Content链接。

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Choose if you’d like an Ad unit with text or image ads, or a link unit that only has links to sponsored terms on Google.  Ad units are often a good choice for a sidebar, which link units may look better in a header or footer of a theme.

选择您是要包含文字广告还是图片广告的广告单元,还是只链接到Google赞助条款的链接单元。 广告单元通常是侧边栏的不错选择,链接栏在主题的页眉或页脚中看起来可能更好。

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Select the size you want from the drop-down menu beside Format.  Pick something that would fit good on your site; if you’re unsure, click the Ad Formats link to see examples.

从“ 格式”旁边的下拉菜单中选择所需的尺寸。 选择适合您网站的内容; 如果不确定,请点击广告格式链接以查看示例。

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From the Colors section, select the colors that would match your site, or chose one of the preconfigured Palettes.

从“ 颜色”部分中,选择与您的站点匹配的颜色,或选择一种预配置的调色板。

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Finally choose the font family and size for your ads, and select if you’d like square or rounded corners.


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Once you’re finished, click Continue at the bottom.


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You’ll now be presented with a textbox showing your AdSense unit’s code.  Select the text and copy it, as we’ll need this to add the AdSense to our blog.

现在,您将看到一个文本框,其中显示了AdSense部门的代码。 选择文本并将其复制,因为我们需要此文本才能将AdSense添加到我们的博客中。

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Note that you can always access your ad units in the future and edit them from the Manage Ads link in AdSense.

请注意,以后您可以随时访问广告单元,并通过AdSense中的“ 管理广告”链接对其进行修改。

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Adding AdSense to Your Theme


Now that you’ve got your AdSense code, it’s time to add it to your theme.  Browse to the Customize page on Tumblr by clicking Customize in your Tumblr dashboard or by following the link below.

有了AdSense代码之后,就该将其添加到主题中了。 通过单击Tumblr仪表板中的“ 自定义”或通过以下链接浏览到Tumblr上的“自定义”页面。

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Select the Theme tab in the Customize page,

在“自定义”页面中选择“ 主题”选项卡,

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Scroll down, and then select Use custom HTML at the bottom of the tab.

向下滚动,然后在选项卡底部选择“ 使用自定义HTML ”。

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After the code loads, you should see the HTML and CSS code that makes up your site’s theme.  There are endless potentials for customization here, but if you’ve never designed a website from scratch or even edited HTML, it can look intimidating.  Don’t worry; it’s easy to add the code!

在代码加载之后,您应该看到构成网站主题HTML和CSS代码。 这里有无限的自定义潜力,但是,如果您从未从头设计过网站,甚至从未编辑过HTML,它看上去就令人生畏。 不用担心 添加代码很容易!

Note that if you’ve already edited your theme’s code in the past, you may see this by default without having to press the custom HTML button.


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You’ll now need to find where to place your AdSense code in your theme.  If you’re a website designer, you can look around the code and place it anywhere you want: inside <head>, <body>, or more.  If you’ve never used HTML code before, though, there’s another trick you can use.  Spot some text near the place on your theme where you want to place your ads.  For instance, if you want to place it near on a sidebar under the About this blog description, look at your theme preview to see what default wording it uses.  Pick something that’s a title or other default text, as your page description itself will not be in the code.

现在,您需要找到将AdSense代码放置在主题中的位置。 如果您是网站设计师,则可以查看代码并将其放置在所需的任何位置:<head>,<body>或更多内部。 但是,如果您以前从未使用过HTML代码,则可以使用另一种技巧。 在您要放置广告的主题位置附近找到一些文字。 例如,如果要将其放置在“ 关于此博客”描述下的侧边栏附近,请查看主题预览以查看其使用的默认措辞。 选择标题或其他默认文本,因为页面描述本身不会出现在代码中。

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Now, press Ctrl+F in your browser to open the search dialog, and enter the term you want to find.  The search box will look different, depending on your browser, but will work the same.

现在,在浏览器中按Ctrl + F打开搜索对话框,然后输入要查找的术语。 搜索框的外观会有所不同,具体取决于您的浏览器,但它们的作用相同。

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Look for the highlighted text in your code.  We want to post our content right after this section.  Note that the next line is still describing the profile, so it goes with the About box still.  We’ll want to paste our ad code right after this.

在代码中查找突出显示的文本。 我们想在此部分之后发布我们的内容。 请注意,下一行仍在描述配置文件,因此它仍然与“ 关于”框一起使用。 之后,我们要粘贴广告代码。

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In this theme, we searched for About, and pasted the code right below the code for the about box, just like we showed above.

在此主题中,我们搜索About ,并将代码粘贴到about框的代码正下方,就像上面显示的一样。

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Once you’ve entered the code, click the Update preview button on the bottom of the tab.

输入代码后,单击选项卡底部的“ 更新预览”按钮。

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You can now see your changes on the sample blog preview.


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If it looks good, click Save in the top right corner, and then visit your site in a different tab or window.

如果看起来不错,请单击右上角的“ 保存 ”,然后在其他选项卡或窗口中访问您的网站。

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Here’s our AdSense right in my Tumblr sidebar.  The colors blend in with my theme, and the ads are at least somewhat related to what I’m writing about.

这是我在Tumblr侧边栏中的AdSense。 颜色与我的主题融为一体,广告至少与我正在写的东西有关。

Remember: Don’t click on your own ads, or your AdSense account may be suspended!


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If the ads look too close to the next item in the sidebar, as they did in this theme, you can easily add some space by entering <p> </p> right after your </script>.

如果广告看上去与侧边栏中的下一个项目过于接近,就像在本主题中那样,您可以通过在</ script>之后输入<p> </ p>轻松添加一些空间。

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This works great on many themes, including the default Redux theme.  We added the same ad panel to the sidebar in this theme, and it worked great.  No extra spacing required for this theme.

这对许多主题都适用,包括默认的Redux主题。 我们在此主题的边栏中添加了相同的广告面板,效果很好。 此主题不需要额外的间距。

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To get the ads where we wanted this time, we opened the code, searched for Follow on Tumblr, and pasted the code right above it as below.  This is one of the best ways to get your add right where you want it, even if you’re not a web designer; just find something you want your ads near, search for it, and paste it above.  It may take a little trial and error, but you might be surprised how quickly you’ll get the hang of it!

为了这次获得想要的广告,我们打开了代码, 在Tumblr上搜索Follow ,然后将代码粘贴到其上方,如下所示。 即使您不是网站设计师,这也是在您想要的位置正确添加内容的最佳方法之一。 只需找到您想要广告附近的东西,然后搜索并将其粘贴在上面即可。 这可能需要一些尝试和错误,但您可能会惊讶于这么快就掌握了窍门!

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You can even add ads to the footer of your theme.  Paste your ad code inside the <footer> of your theme, or if it doesn’t have one, you can just post it right before the </HTML> at the end of the theme code.  Here we added the <div id=”footer”> of the Neue theme.

您甚至可以将广告添加到主题的页脚中。 将广告代码粘贴到主题的<footer>内,如果没有,则可以将其张贴在主题代码末尾的</ HTML>之前。 在这里,我们添加了Neue主题的<div id =” footer”>

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Remember that AdSense allows you to show up to 3 AdSense and 3 link units on a page, but again, Tumblr doesn’t want blogs to be ridiculously covered with advertisements.  So, perhaps you may want to put one in your sidebar and one in the footer, or some other configuration that you think looks good and still focuses mainly on your blog’s content.  Sometimes less is more; people won’t like your site as much if it’s plastered with ads from top to bottom!  Feel free to play with it and get the ads looking great with your theme.

请记住,AdSense允许您在一个页面上最多显示3个AdSense和3个链接单元,但是同样,Tumblr并不希望博客被广告荒谬地覆盖。 因此,也许您可​​能想要在侧边栏中放置一个,在页脚中放置一个,或者您认为看起来不错并且仍然主要关注博客内容的其他一些配置。 有时少即是多; 如果您的网站从上到下都贴满广告,人们将不会非常喜欢您的网站! 随意使用它,并使广告与您的主题完美融合。

Undoing Mistakes


If you somehow accidently delete something or mess your theme up, you can revert your changes by pressing the Disable custom HTML button on the bottom of the editor window.

如果您不小心删除了某些内容或弄乱了主题,可以通过按编辑器窗口底部的“ 禁用自定义HTML”按钮来还原更改。

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Tumblr will remind you that this will remove your theme customizations.  Press Ok, and then press Save in the top right corner.

Tumblr会提醒您,这将删除您的主题自定义。 按确定,然后按右上角的保存

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Now your theme will revert to its default settings, and you can come back and try editing the theme again if you want.  One thing to note, though, is that changing your theme around may remove some of your customizations such as Disqus comments.  Click the Appearance tab and make sure all of your settings are correct, or add them back if you need to after restoring your theme.

现在,您的主题将恢复为默认设置,如果需要,您可以返回并再次尝试编辑主题。 不过要注意的一件事是,更改主题可能会删除一些自定义项,例如Disqus评论 。 单击“ 外观”选项卡,并确保所有设置正确无误,或者在还原主题后根据需要将其重新添加。

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No matter what theme you’re using, it’s fairly easy to add AdSense to your Tumblr blog.  Try out the different places you can place the blog, find something that works good for your blog, and see how it works.  Don’t expect to make much in AdSense revenue, especially if your blog doesn’t get much traffic, but you may at least make enough to justify a premium theme for your blog or an occasional new program for your computer.  Above all, write and post the content that you love, and you’ll enjoy your blog!

无论您使用什么主题,将AdSense添加到您的Tumblr博客都非常容易。 在可以放置博客的其他地方进行尝试,找到对您的博客有用的内容,并查看其工作方式。 别指望在AdSense上赚多少钱,尤其是在您的博客流量不大的情况下,但是您至少可以赚到足够的钱来证明您博客的高级主题或偶尔使用计算机的新程序是合理的。 最重要的是,编写和发布您喜欢的内容,您将享受您的博客!

If you don’t already have a Tumblr blog setup, don’t forget to check out our articles on how to Start a Tumblr Blog, Add Your Own Domain, and Add Traditional Comments with Disqus.




Signup for Google AdSense

注册Google AdSense

AdSense’s Help Site from Google


Customize Your Tumblr Blog


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/22559/how-to-add-google-adsense-to-your-tumblr-blog/
