nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

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nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

The Nest Thermostat lets you adjust your home’s temperature right from your smartphone, but if you don’t want other people to mess around with it, here’s how to lock your Nest Thermostat with a passcode.

Nest Thermostat可让您直接通过智能手机调整房屋的温度,但是如果您不希望其他人弄乱它,可以使用以下密码来锁定Nest Thermostat。

Just like with your smartphone, you most likely want a passcode enabled so that other people can’t get access to your apps and other information. Granted, it’s not the apps and personal information that other users would want access to on the Nest, but if someone else were to crank the heat or the air conditioning without you knowing, that can cost more money in utilities than what you might have planned.

就像您的智能手机一样,您很可能希望启用密码,以使其他人无法访问您的应用程序和其他信息。 当然,这不是其他用户希望在Nest*问的应用程序和个人信息,但是如果其他人在不知情的情况下摇动暖气或空调,那么公用事业可能要比计划的花费更多的钱。

Luckily, it’s really easy to put a passcode on the Nest Thermostat and prevent unauthorized users from changing the temperature and messing around with other settings.

幸运的是,很容易在Nest Thermostat上输入密码,防止未经授权的用户更改温度并弄乱其他设置。

从Nest Thermostat添加PIN码 (Add a PIN From the Nest Thermostat)

To set up a passcode right from the Nest Thermostat itself, start by pushing on the unit to bring up the home screen main menu and select “Settings”.

要直接从Nest Thermostat本身设置密码,请先按下设备以显示主屏幕主菜单,然后选择“设置”。

nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Scroll to the right and select “Lock”.


nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Select “Lock” when it asks you if you want to lock your thermostat.


nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Enter in a four-digit PIN by spinning the wheel and then pushing on the unit to go to the next digit.


nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Enter the PIN in again.


nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Next, adjust the minimum temperature that you’ll allow other people to change it to without needing to enter in the PIN.


nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

You’ll also set a maximum temperature. You can make this a range, or use the same number for minimum and maximum temperature to prevent any adjustment at all.

您还将设置最高温度。 您可以将其设置为一个范围,或者对最小和最大温度使用相同的数字以完全避免进行任何调整。

nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Select “Done”.


nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Your Nest Thermostat is now locked, and you’ll also see a small padlock icon at the bottom, indicating that the unit is passcode-protected.

现在,您的Nest Thermostat已被锁定,并且您还将在底部看到一个小的挂锁图标,表明该设备已受密码保护。

nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

If someone else wants to adjust the temperature past the minimum or the maximum, or even get access to the home screen main menu, they’ll need to enter in the passcode in order to do that.


从您的智能手机添加PIN码 (Add a PIN From Your Smartphone)

You can also lock your Nest Thermostat right from your smartphone through the Nest app.

您还可以通过Nest应用程序直接从智能手机锁定Nest Thermostat。

Open up the app and select your Nest Thermostat on the home page.

打开应用程序,然后在主页上选择您的Nest Thermostat。

nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Tap on the settings gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen.


nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Select “Lock”.


nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Type in a four-digit PIN.


nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Enter the PIN in again.


nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Using the two slider knobs, adjust the minimum and maximum temperatures. Unfortunately, in the app the minimum range is four degrees, so you can’t make them the same number and completely prevent someone from adjusting the temperature like you can on the Nest itself.

使用两个滑动旋钮调节最低和最高温度。 不幸的是,在应用程序中,最小范围是4度,因此您不能使它们具有相同的数字,并完全阻止某人像在Nest本身上那样调节温度。

Once you set a range, tap on “Lock” at the bottom.


nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

Your Nest Thermostat will now be locked, and the app will now show a blue “Unlock” button in the settings menu. Selecting that will unlock the thermostat and remove the passcode protection.

您的Nest Thermostat现在将被锁定,并且该应用程序现在将在设置菜单中显示一个蓝色的“解锁”按钮。 选择该选项将解锁恒温器并取消密码保护。

nest 架构_如何使用PIN码锁定Nest Thermostat

While you will have to enter in the passcode if you want to change anything on the thermostat itself, you won’t need to do this in the Nest app, and it will be like the thermostat isn’t even locked, which is a nice convenience.



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