



Automatic syncing between browsers is handy but if it lets you down (or you prefer not to use it) you can still manually copy extensions between Chrome installations. Read on to see how.

浏览器之间的自动同步非常方便,但是如果它让您失望(或者您不想使用它),您仍然可以在Chrome安装之间手动复制扩展名。 继续阅读以了解操作方法。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Arulappan doesn’t use Chrome’s built-in sync tool and would like to manually sync his extensions without using the Chrome Store. He writes:

超级用户阅读器Arulappan不使用Chrome的内置同步工具,而是希望在不使用Chrome商店的情况下手动同步其扩展程序。 他写:

I have not tried to sync Chrome among my systems. My friend was not able to add an extension (YouTube Downloader). But I added it to my browser sometime before. So I tried to copy the .crx file and install in the other computer. Chrome notified me that “Using Chrome Web Store only you can install”.

我没有尝试在系统之间同步Chrome。 我的朋友无法添加扩展程序(YouTube下载器)。 但是我之前将它添加到了浏览器中。 因此,我尝试复制.crx文件并安装在另一台计算机上。 Chrome通知我“只有使用Chrome Web Store才能安装”。

So how can I install in the other system?


Is it as simple as copying the file or is there more involved in moving extensions from one system to another?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor Synetech jumps in with a detailed response:


You should be able to install the .crx file, but you may need to try a few things.


First, if you simply drag the .crx file to the browser window, you should see a notice at the bottom of the page asking you to confirm. If you click Confirm, it should ask you to install. If that does not work, try creating a simple .html file that has an anchor ( tag) with an href pointing to the .crx file:

首先,如果只是将.crx文件拖到浏览器窗口中,则应该在页面底部看到一个提示,要求您进行确认。 如果单击确认,它将要求您安装。 如果这不起作用,请尝试创建一个简单的.html文件,该文件具有带有指向.crx文件的href的锚点(标记):



Put the .html file in the same location as the .crx file and open it. Click the link and see if Chrome allows you to install it like that.

将.html文件放在与.crx文件相同的位置,然后将其打开。 点击链接,查看Chrome是否允许您像这样安装它。

If it does not, you can try running a local webserver and serving the file from there (I know I have done this at least once before).


Another (probably easier) option is to extract the .crx file (using 7Zip for example). Open the extensions page (chrome://extensions/), click the Developer mode check-box, and then Load unpacked extension…:

另一个(可能更容易)的选项是提取.crx文件(例如,使用7Zip )。 打开扩展页面(chrome:// extensions /),单击“开发人员模式”复选框,然后加载未打包的扩展…


Finally, you could manually copy the extension, but it is somewhat of a pain in the butt:


  1. Open the extensions page (chrome://extensions/)

    打开扩展程序页面(chrome:// extensions /)
  2. Click the Developer mode check-box

  3. Examine the ID of the extension (long string of letters next to ID:)

  4. Open the User Data Directory, then the Extensions directory

  5. Copy the folder with the same name as the extensions’s ID to the Extensions folder of the target system

  6. Open the file Preferences in the User Data Directory in a text editor

  7. Find the section containing the extension (do a search for the ID)

  8. Copy the whole section, making sure to match braces correctly, for example:

  9. "jchfimlohbodnpamghfgfgabbnfajpbe": {
    "from_bookmark": false,
    "from_webstore": false,

    "path": "jchfimlohbodnpamghfgfgabbnfajpbe\\2012.6.9_0",
    "state": 1

    "jchfimlohbodnpamghfgfgabbnfajpbe": {
    "from_bookmark": false,
    "from_webstore": false,

    "path": "jchfimlohbodnpamghfgfgabbnfajpbe\\2012.6.9_0",
    "state": 1

  10. Paste the extension in the Preferences file of the target computer. Check the trailing comma ( the }, at the end of the block). If the block you pasted is the last one (i.e., the next line is a single brace one indent back), then you must remove the comma, but if it is another block, then you must make sure it’s there (it’s obvious whether you need it or not when you actually paste it)

    将扩展名粘贴到目标计算机的首选项文件中。 检查末尾的逗号(},在块末)。 如果您粘贴的块是最后一个块(即,下一行是一个大括号,则向后缩进),则必须删除逗号,但如果是另一个块,则必须确保它在那里(很明显,是否实际粘贴时是否需要它)
  11. Save the file (you may want to make a backup of Preferences and maybe even your whole Extensions directory) and run Chrome


These were options for copying general extensions, but for extensions specifically for downloading YouTube videos, I recommend forgoing extensions altogether (which usually run in a whole separate process) and using the YousableTubeFix user-script.



It adds a Download button to YouTube videos, but it also lets you configure what you do or do not want on the page as well. For example, many people will want to get rid of the comments section and/or the related-videos section, and YousableTubeFix lets you do that as well.

它为YouTube视频添加了“下载”按钮,但也可以让您在页面上配置您要执行的操作或不希望执行的操作。 例如,许多人都希望摆脱评论部分和/或相关视频部分,而YousableTubeFix也允许您这样做。

YousableTubeFix also lets you configure YouTube videos to not automatically start buffering and playing, which is extremely useful.


And because it’s a script, it only runs when necessary, so it does not use up extra memory when browsing other sites and also does not require the Web Store and can simply be saved/installed/etc.

而且由于它是一个脚本,因此仅在必要时运行,因此它在浏览其他站点时不会消耗额外的内存,并且不需要Web Store,并且可以简单地保存/安装/等。

A solid answer and a tip on a handy YouTube script? Color us impressed.

可靠的答案方便的YouTube脚本提示? 给我们留下深刻的印象。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不对。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

