



Try to install an extension from outside the Chrome Web Store and Chrome will tell you that extensions “can only be added from the Chrome Web Store.” However, this message is incorrect – you can still install extensions from elsewhere.

尝试从Chrome网上应用店外部安装扩展程序,Chrome会告诉您“只能从Chrome网上应用店添加扩展程序”。 但是,此消息不正确-您仍然可以从其他位置安装扩展。

This restriction is in place to prevent malicious websites from installing bad extensions, apps, and user scripts. You should only install extensions from legitimate websites you trust – the LastPass website, for example.

设置此限制是为了防止恶意网站安装错误的扩展程序,应用程序和用户脚本。 您应该仅从您信任的合法网站(例如LastPass网站)安装扩展程序。

手动安装扩展 (Manually Installing an Extension)

To install an extension manually, click the wrench menu, point to Tools, and select Extensions to open the Extensions page.



If you’re seeing the message, Chrome has already downloaded the extension, app, or user script to your computer. You’ll find it in Chrome’s default download folder. Extensions and apps have the .crx file extension, while user scripts have the .user.js file extension.

如果您看到此消息,则Chrome已将扩展程序,应用程序或用户脚本下载到您的计算机上。 您可以在Chrome的默认下载文件夹中找到它。 扩展名和应用程序具有.crx文件扩展名,而用户脚本具有.user.js文件扩展名。

If it didn’t download to your computer, right-click the extension installation link on the page and use the Save As option to save it to your computer.



Drag and drop the CRX (or user.js) file onto the Extensions page to install it.



You’ll be prompted to confirm installation of the extension, just as if you had installed it from the Chrome Web Store.



一律允许来自Chrome网上应用店外部的扩展程序 (Always Allow Extensions From Outside the Chrome Web Store)

If you frequently install extensions from outside the Web Store, you can allow extension installation from any website by adding a command-line flag.

如果您经常从Web Store外部安装扩展程序,则可以通过添加命令行标志来允许从任何网站安装扩展程序。

To add a command-line option, you’ll have to edit the Chrome shortcut’s properties. To access these on Windows 7, assuming you launch Chrome from your taskbar, right-click the Chrome icon on your taskbar, right-click Google Chrome in the menu that appears, and select Properties.

要添加命令行选项,您必须编辑Chrome快捷方式的属性。 要在Windows 7*问它们,假设您从任务栏启动Chrome,请右键单击任务栏上的Chrome图标,右键单击出现的菜单中的Google Chrome,然后选择属性。

If you launch Chrome from your Start menu or your desktop, right-click the shortcut on your Start menu or desktop instead.



Select the Shortcut tab and add the following text to the end of the Target box:





After changing this setting, close all Chrome windows and launch Chrome from the shortcut you modified. You may want to wait a few moments after closing all Chrome windows to ensure Chrome is no longer running in the background

更改此设置后,关闭所有Chrome窗口,然后从您修改的快捷方式启动Chrome。 您可能要在关闭所有Chrome窗口后稍等片刻,以确保Chrome不再在后台运行

Try to install an extension from a web page and you’ll see a familiar installation prompt – click Continue to the install the extension.



更改Chrome政策 (Changing Chrome Policies)

Chrome includes policy settings designed for system administrators. If you use Chrome in your business and want to allow extension installation from a specific website or two, you can modify Chrome’s policies. This setting is changed in the registry on Windows, and in Chrome’s preferences files on Mac and Linux.

Chrome包含专为系统管理员设计的策略设置。 如果您在企业中使用Chrome,并且希望允许从一两个特定的网站安装扩展程序,则可以修改Chrome的政策。 在Windows上的注册表中以及Mac和Linux上的Chrome的首选项文件中更改了此设置。

For example, on Windows, you could add the following registry entry to allow extension installation from


Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallSources\1 = “*”

Software \ Policies \ Google \ Chrome \ ExtensionInstallSources \ 1 =“*”

For more information about this Chrome policy setting and other Chrome policy settings, consult the Policy List page on the Chromium Project’s website.


