WCF Testing-->How to test simple wcf program

Before you learn how to test WCF, you need to know what is WCF is. Try to set up a WCF helloworld Program will help you understand it.


Prepare a program of WCF Hello World. You can refer to this link: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/97204/Implementing-a-Basic-Hello-World-WCF-Service.  Via this link, detail steps will tell you how to set up a helloworld WCF solution. I prepared an example. You can download it from the attachment.

Try to publish the service host. There is detail introduction on how to publish WCF in the link above I listed. And if you have any problems, you can contact me.


OK, now the WCF environment is setup. I will introduce how to test a simple WCF interface. I think you must have known how to quote WCF interface from the website we just published

 WCF Testing-->How to test simple wcf program                      

The first method comes up: Tested via quoting WCF interface in program and check the test result on command window. But you need to prepare the test cases in advance.

WCF Testing-->How to test simple wcf program 

Of course, reference framework needs to be setup according to different project. And if you want to check the test result much easier, you can also focus on format outline. If you are interested in this, you can have a try.


Second: Tested by WCF Client.

This is a tool to test WCF program which published by guys in Microsoft(I think you must know ZiZhu science park. Yep, it is their productJ).

Detail using method, you can refer this link:  http://xhinker.blog.51cto.com/640011/210465/. It is very easy.

Find this tool WcfTestClient.exe under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDEDouble click this tool

  1. Added service, the service is the WCF link you just hosted.

  WCF Testing-->How to test simple wcf program              

      2. WCF Testing-->How to test simple wcf program

      3. Now I think you have known how to operate. Please see the picture below.

 WCF Testing-->How to test simple wcf program


The weak point of this tool you must have noticed. That is you can just execute more than one test cases. That’s right. So the third tool resolves this problem.


Third, WCFStorm Tool.

This tool resolves the problem we talked above. And it is an excellent test tool to test WCF program. And it also offers test result analysis report. But it is a pity that it is not free software. L

I haven’t found any key to cracks this software.

You can refer link: http://www.wcfstorm.com/wcf/home.aspx

Since I don’t have any method to *****, I cannot demo to you. But if any of you find keys, tell me. Thank you!


Now I think you must know how to test a simple WCF program. But to complex project, there needs to setup different frame according to the condition of project.

If you have any other better methods. Welcome to exchange experiences.
