instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

instagram 标签

instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

Thanks to a new feature in Instagram, you can now follow specific hashtags and get the top posts for that hashtag to appear in their main feed. Here’s how to make it happen.

借助Instagram一项新功能,您现在可以关注特定的主题标签,并获取该主题标签的热门帖子,使其显示在其主供稿中。 这是实现它的方法。

Start by opening up the Instagram app and tapping on the search tab at the bottom.


instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

Tap on the search bar at the top.


instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

Type in a hashtag that you want to follow, and make sure that the “Tags” tab is selected.


instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

You might get a pop-up telling you about this new feature. Hit “Next” if it appears.

您可能会弹出一个窗口,告诉您有关此新功能的信息。 如果出现,请点击“下一步”。

instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

After you select a hashtag, you can tap on the blue “Follow” button at the top.


instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

Once you begin to follow a hashtag, you’ll start to see top posts from that hashtag in your main feed, denoted with the hashtag in the title, along with the user who posted it.


instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

You’ll also see some of the latest stories that have that hashtag appear in your stories bar.


instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

To see a list of all the hashtags that you follow, go to your profile page and tap on “Following”.


instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

After that, tap on the “Hashtags” tab at the top.


instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

A list will appear of all the hashtags that you follow. From here you can also tap on “Following” next to a hashtag to unfollow it at any time.

将出现一个列表,列出您关注的所有主题标签。 在这里,您还可以随时点击主题标签旁边的“关注”以取消关注。

instagram 标签_如何在Instagram上关注标签

Keep in mind that hashtags you follow are visible to everyone else. If you have your account set to private, though, only people that follow you will see that.

请记住,您关注的主题标签对其他所有人都是可见的。 但是,如果您将帐户设置为私人帐户,则只有关注您的人才能看到该帐户。


instagram 标签