instagram 标签_如何使某人的Instagram故事静音

instagram 标签_如何使某人的Instagram故事静音

instagram 标签

instagram 标签_如何使某人的Instagram故事静音

Instagram’s new Story feature is…divisive. I’m a big fan, but other members of the How-To Geek team think they’re just a waste of screen real estate. Or maybe there are just annoying people you want to follow on Instagram, but not see everything they post to their Story. In that case, the best thing to do is mute them. Here’s how.

Instagram新Story功能是…分裂的。 我是超级粉丝,但是How-To Geek团队的其他成员认为他们只是浪费屏幕空间。 也许只是有些令人讨厌的人想要在Instagram上关注,却看不到他们发布到故事中的所有内容。 在这种情况下,最好的办法是将它们静音。 这是如何做。

Open Instagram and go to the top of your feed. Swipe through the Stories at the top until you find the person you want to mute.

打开Instagram,然后转到您的供稿顶部。 在顶部的故事中滑动,直到找到要静音的人。

instagram 标签_如何使某人的Instagram故事静音

Tap and hold on the thumbnail for the account you want to mute and then tap Mute [AccountName]’s Story. I’m muting brosbeingbasic.

点击并按住要静音的帐户的缩略图,然后点击使[AccountName]的故事静音。 我正在静音brosbeing。

instagram 标签_如何使某人的Instagram故事静音

Muting moves their Story to the far right of the feed and greys it out so you don’t see when they’ve posted a new image. This makes it way easier to keep on top of the people you do want to follow.

静音会将他们的故事移动到Feed的最右侧,并将其变灰,这样您就看不到他们何时发布了新图像。 这样可以更轻松地掌握您想关注的人。

instagram 标签_如何使某人的Instagram故事静音

If you want to unmute an account, just tap and hold on their greyed out thumbnail and select Unmute [AccountName]’s Story.


instagram 标签_如何使某人的Instagram故事静音


instagram 标签