instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人

instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人

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instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Instagram is a great platform to share your creativity, but it can also be a source of unwanted interactions from trolls and bullies. You can protect your account and control unwanted interactions by restricting specific people on Instagram.

Instagram是分享您的创造力的绝佳平台,但它也可能是巨魔和恶霸进行不必要互动的来源。 您可以通过限制Instagram上的特定人员来保护您的帐户并控制不必要的互动。

Instagram限制功能如何工作? (How Does the Restrict Feature on Instagram Work?)

Restrict is a new privacy feature in Instagram. Once you restrict someone, their comments on your Instagram posts will only be visible to them (and not publicly).

限制是Instagram中的一项新的隐私功能。 一旦您限制某人,他们在您的Instagram帖子上的评论将仅对他们可见(而不是公开显示)。

If you want, you can view their comment using the “See Comment” button. From here, you can approve the comment to make it public, you can delete it, or you can choose to ignore it altogether.

如果需要,您可以使用“查看评论”按钮查看他们的评论。 在这里,您可以批准将该评论公开,也可以将其删除,也可以选择完全忽略它。

instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人

A restricted user also can’t directly message you on Instagram DM. Their messages will be moved to the Message Requests section, and you won’t receive notifications from their account either.

受限制的用户也无法在Instagram DM上直接向您发送消息。 他们的消息将被移到“消息请求”部分,您也不会从他们的帐户收到通知。

You can read their messages from the Message Requests section, but they won’t be able to see when you’ve read their messages or when you are active on Instagram.


instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人

The beauty of this feature is that the restricted user will be none the wiser. They won’t know that you have restricted them. They’ll still be able to view and like your posts and be able to see your stories.

此功能的优点在于,受限用户不会更明智。 他们不会知道您限制了他们。 他们仍然可以查看和喜欢您的帖子,还可以查看您的故事。

Essentially, your Instagram account for them will go into a view-only mode. They’ll be able to see your updates, but won’t be able to interact with them or with you.

本质上,您的Instagram帐户将进入仅查看模式。 他们将能够看到您的更新,但无法与他们或您进行互动。

如何限制Instagram用户 (How to Restrict An Instagram User)

There are a couple of ways to restrict an Instagram user, including from their profile or from a comment. This method works on the iPhone app, the Android app, and Instagram’s website.

有几种方法可以限制Instagram用户,包括从其个人资料或评论中。 此方法可在iPhone应用程序Android应用程序Instagram网站上使用

RELATED: How to Use Instagram on the Web From Your Computer

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To restrict a user from their profile, first navigate to their profile, then tap the Menu button from the top-right corner.


instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人

Here, select the “Restrict” option.


instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人

If this is the first time you’re using the feature, you’ll see a bit of explanation about the restricting a user. From here, tap the “Restrict Account” button. You won’t have to do this the next time.

如果这是您第一次使用此功能,则会看到有关限制用户的一些说明。 在此处,点击“限制帐户”按钮。 您下次无需这样做。

instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人

Now, Instagram will tell you that the user is restricted. You can tap on the “Learn More” button for more information. Tap the “Dismiss” button to go back to their profile.

现在,Instagram会告诉您该用户受到限制。 您可以点击“了解更多”按钮以获取更多信息。 点击“关闭”按钮返回他们的个人资料。

instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人

You can also restrict a user proactively from your post’s comments section. Find the comment for the user you want to restrict and swipe left on it. From there, tap the “Report” button.

您还可以从帖子的评论部分主动限制用户。 找到您要限制的用户的评论,然后向左滑动。 从那里,点击“报告”按钮。

instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人

Here, tap the “Restrict” option to restrict the account.


instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人

If you change your mind and want to reverse the setting, you can go back to their profile, tap the three-dot Menu button, and choose the “Unrestrict” option.


instagram akp_如何限制Instagram上的某人

As we said above, the Restrict feature only gives you control over the interaction. If you want to stop someone from viewing your activity, you can hide your Instagram Stories from them, block them from your Instagram account altogether, or you can switch to a private account to further limit unwanted exposure.

如前所述,“限制”功能仅使您可以控制交互。 如果您想阻止某人查看您的活动,则可以他们隐藏Instagram故事 ,将其全部从您的Instagram帐户中屏蔽 ,或者您可以切换到私人帐户以进一步限制不必要的暴露。

RELATED: How to Block Someone on Instagram

相关: 如何在Instagram上阻止某人


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