instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram上的评论

instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram上的评论

instagram 标签

instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram上的评论
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Nothing stings quite like a typo on the internet. If you’ve accidentally written something you’d rather take back or you want to remove someone else’s comment left on your post, here’s how to delete an Instagram comment on iPhone, Android, and on the web.

没有什么比互联网上的错字更刺痛了。 如果您不小心写了一些内容而宁愿取回,或者想删除帖子上留下的其他人的评论,则可以通过以下方法在iPhone,Android和网络上删除Instagram评论。

在iPhone和Android上删除Instagram评论 (Delete an Instagram Comment on iPhone and Android)

Start by opening the “Instagram” app on your iPhone or Android device and then finding the Instagram post in question. After opening the Instagram app, you can go to the Notifications section to find recent comments left on your post.

首先在iPhoneAndroid设备上打开“ Instagram”应用,然后找到有问题的Instagram帖子。 打开Instagram应用程序后,您可以转到“通知”部分以查找帖子上剩余的最新评论。

When you’re viewing the post, tap on the Comments icon (speech bubble icon) to view every comment associated with the post.


instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram上的评论

Here, locate the comment (your own or someone else’s) that you want to delete.


If you’re using an iPhone, swipe left on the comment to reveal options.


instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram上的评论

Here, tap on the Trash Can icon to delete the comment.


instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram上的评论

If you’re using an Android smartphone, tap and hold on the comment to select it.


instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram上的评论

Then, tap on the Trash Can icon found in the top toolbar to delete the comment.


instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram上的评论

You’ll see a banner at the top of the screen informing you that the comment has been deleted. If you change your mind, you have a couple of seconds to tap the “Undo” button to restore the comment.

您会在屏幕顶部看到一条横幅,通知您评论已删除。 如果您改变主意,则有几秒钟的时间可以点击“撤消”按钮来恢复评论。

instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram上的评论

在线删除Instagram评论 (Delete an Instagram Comment Online)

Instagram’s website for desktop is getting better every day. If you’re fond of using Instagram on your computer, you’ll be happy to know that you can delete comments from here as well.

Instagram桌面网站每天都在变得越来越好。 如果您喜欢在计算机上使用Instagram ,很高兴知道您也可以从此处删除评论。

Open the Instagram website in your browser, of course, and then click on a post to expand it. You’ll now see the Comments section on the right-hand side.

当然,在浏览器中打开Instagram网站 ,然后单击帖子以展开它。 现在,您将在右侧看到“评论”部分。

Find the comment that you want to delete and hover over it. Then, click on the “three-dot Menu” button.

找到您要删除的注释并将其悬停在该注释上。 然后,单击“三点菜单”按钮。

instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram上的评论

From here, choose the “Delete” option.


instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram上的评论

The comment will be instantly deleted from the post.



instagram 标签