instagram 标签_如何临时禁用您的Instagram帐户

instagram 标签_如何临时禁用您的Instagram帐户

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instagram 标签_如何临时禁用您的Instagram帐户
AngieYeoh/Shutterstock AngieYohoh / Shutterstock

Want to take a break from Instagram? That’s perfectly reasonable. Instead of deleting the app or your profile, try temporarily deactivating your Instagram account. When you can come back in a month, everything will be just as you left the social network.

想要从Instagram休息一下吗? 那是完全合理的。 尝试删除您的Instagram帐户,而不是删除该应用程序或您的个人资料。 当您可以在一个月后回来时,一切都会像您离开社交网络一样。

如何临时禁用您的Instagram帐户 (How to Temporarily Disable Your Instagram Account)

Temporarily disabling your Instagram account erases your profile from the social network for the period of time that you want off the site. Your Instagram URL will become invalid, users won’t be able to find you in search, and they also won’t be able to contact you. These features will be restored when you reactivate your account.

暂时禁用您的Instagram帐户会在您希望离开网站的时间内从社交网络删除您的个人资料。 您的Instagram URL将变为无效,用户将无法在搜索中找到您,也无法与您联系。 重新**帐户后,这些功能将恢复。

You can temporarily deactivate your Instagram account no matter if it’s a personal account, creator account, or a business account.


Oddly enough, you can’t disable your account from the Instagram app on iPhone or Android. You’ll need to use the Instagram website instead.

奇怪的是,您无法通过iPhoneAndroid上的Instagram应用禁用帐户。 您需要改用Instagram网站。

Start by opening the Instagram website on your desktop or smartphone browser, and log in with the account that you want to disable.

首先在桌面或智能手机浏览器上打开Instagram网站 ,然后使用要禁用的帐户登录。

Next, go to your Profile tab and select the “Edit Profile” option.


instagram 标签_如何临时禁用您的Instagram帐户

Alternatively, you can use this link to jump directly to the “Edit Profile” screen.


Here, scroll down and select the “Temporarily Disable My Account” link.


instagram 标签_如何临时禁用您的Instagram帐户

Instagram will now ask you the reason for deactivating your account. You can select a reason from the drop-down menu. If you don’t want to provide a particular reason, select the “Something Else” option.

Instagram现在会询问您停用帐户的原因。 您可以从下拉菜单中选择原因。 如果您不想提供特定原因,请选择“其他”选项。

After making the selection, enter your password for Instagram.


instagram 标签_如何临时禁用您的Instagram帐户

For a second time, tap on the blue “Temporarily Disable Account” button found at the bottom of the screen. Instagram will ask you to confirm for the third time that you want to proceed. From the popup, tap on the “Yes” button.

第二次,点击屏幕底部的蓝色“临时禁用帐户”按钮。 Instagram将要求您第三次确认要继续。 在弹出窗口中,点击“是”按钮。

instagram 标签_如何临时禁用您的Instagram帐户

Your Instagram account will now be disabled and you’ll be logged out of the Instagram app on your smartphone. To confirm, you can try searching for your Instagram username. Instagram will either tell you that the user doesn’t exist or that they haven’t posted anything yet.

现在,您的Instagram帐户将被禁用,您将退出智能手机上的Instagram应用程序。 为了确认,您可以尝试搜索您的Instagram用户名。 Instagram会告诉您该用户不存在或尚未发布任何内容。

instagram 标签_如何临时禁用您的Instagram帐户

如何重新**您的Instagram帐户 (How to Reactivate Your Instagram Account)

You can come back and reactivate your disabled Instagram account at any time. All that you’ll need is your username and your password. If you’ve forgotten your password, you can try resetting it.

您可以随时回来并重新**已禁用的Instagram帐户。 您只需要用户名和密码即可。 如果您忘记了密码,可以尝试重置它

Open the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android device or visit the Instagram website.


Here, sign in with your Instagram username and password.


instagram 标签_如何临时禁用您的Instagram帐户

Instantly, your account will be restored to its former glory. For additional security, you should change your Instagram password after reactivating your account.

您的帐户将立即恢复昔日的辉煌。 为了提高安全性,您应该在重新**帐户后更改Instagram密码

Don’t want to come back? You can delete your Instagram account altogether.

不想回来吗? 您可以完全删除您的Instagram帐户


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