instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram草稿

instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram草稿

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instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram草稿

If you go to post a photo to Instagram but then decide not to, you get the option to save it as a draft. If it’s a nice photo you want to come back and spend more time editing, that’s a good thing; but if it’s a throwaway photo you’ve no interest in posting, it stays in your drafts until you delete it. The delete option is a little hidden, though.

如果您打算将照片发布到Instagram但又决定不这样做,则可以选择将其另存为草稿。 如果这是一张漂亮的照片,您想回来并花更多的时间进行编辑,那就太好了; 但是,如果这是一张扔掉的照片,您对发布没有兴趣,它会保留在您的草稿中,直到您将其删除。 但是,删除选项有点隐藏。

Open Instagram and go to post a photo. Above all the photos on your phone, you’ll see a Drafts section. If you want to post that photo, select it; otherwise, if you want to delete it from your drafts, tap Manage.

打开Instagram,然后发布照片。 在手机上所有照片的上方,您会看到“草稿”部分。 如果要发布该照片,请选择它; 否则,如果要从草稿中将其删除,请点击管理。

instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram草稿
instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram草稿

Next, tap Edit.


instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram草稿
instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram草稿

Select the drafts you want to get rid of and tap Discard Posts. You’ll need to confirm your decision.

选择要删除的草稿,然后点击“丢弃帖子”。 您需要确认您的决定。

instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram草稿
instagram 标签_如何删除Instagram草稿

And with that, the unwanted draft will be gone.



instagram 标签