instagram 标签_如何从Instagram故事中删除照片

instagram 标签_如何从Instagram故事中删除照片

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instagram 标签_如何从Instagram故事中删除照片

Instagram’s Story feature is great, but like with all Story features, it’s easy to let muscle memory take over and accidentally share a photo with everyone who follows you rather than the person you meant to send it to. I’ve made this mistake more than once. Most of the time, all that anyone will see is a weirdly out of context photo, but sometimes, things can be a bit more sensitive. Whatever happens, here’s how to delete a photo from your Instagram Story.

Instagram故事功能很棒,但就像所有故事功能一样,很容易让肌肉记忆接管并意外地将照片分享给关注您的每个人,而不是您想要发送给的人。 我已经多次犯了这个错误。 在大多数情况下,任何人都会看到的是一张奇怪的脱离上下文的照片,但是有时情况可能会更加敏感 。 无论发生什么,这都是从Instagram故事中删除照片的方法。

Open Instagram and click on your profile picture in the Stories bar to view your Story.


instagram 标签_如何从Instagram故事中删除照片
instagram 标签_如何从Instagram故事中删除照片

Once you get to the photo you want to delete, you have a few options. You can tap the three little dots in the bottom right and then tap Delete followed by Delete again.

转到要删除的照片后,您可以有几种选择。 您可以点击右下角的三个小点,然后依次点击“删除”和“删除”。

instagram 标签_如何从Instagram故事中删除照片
instagram 标签_如何从Instagram故事中删除照片

You can also swipe up to view more options about the image and then tap the trash can icon followed by Delete to remove it from your Story.


instagram 标签_如何从Instagram故事中删除照片
instagram 标签_如何从Instagram故事中删除照片

Once you delete the photo, it’s gone from your Story for good.



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