instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事

instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事

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instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Want to make an Instagram Story more interesting and engaging? Give it a background score. A relatable or even funny music backdrop can do wonders for your Instagram Story. Here’s how to add music to your Instagram Stories.

想要使Instagram故事更有趣和更具吸引力吗? 给它一个背景分数。 相关甚至有趣的音乐背景可以为您的Instagram故事带来奇迹。 这是将音乐添加到您的Instagram故事的方法。

Instagram has a huge library of music clips that you can add to any Stories, just like you add a sticker or poll to an Instagram Story.

Instagram拥有庞大的音乐剪辑库,您可以将其添加到任何故事中,就像您在Instagram Story中添加标签或民意调查一样。

To get started, open the Instagram app on your iPhone or Android smartphone, and swipe in from the left edge to go to the Instagram Stories interface.

首先,请在iPhoneAndroid智能手机上打开Instagram应用,然后从左边缘向内轻扫以进入Instagram Stories界面

Now, create your Story. This can be anything you like. It can be a text post, a Boomerang, or something fun created using AR Effects.

现在,创建您的故事。 这可以是您喜欢的任何东西。 它可以是文字信息, 回旋镖或使用AR Effects创建的有趣的东西。

After you’re done creating the Story, swipe up to see additional features.


instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事

Here, select the “Music” option.


instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事

You can now browse the popular songs, or you can tap the Search box and search for the song you want to add. Tap a song title to add it to your Instagram Story.

现在,您可以浏览流行歌曲,也可以点击“搜索”框并搜索要添加的歌曲。 点击歌曲标题将其添加到您的Instagram故事中。

instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事

You’ll now see the editing view. Depending on the song, you might have access to the entire song or a part of it.

现在,您将看到编辑视图。 根据歌曲的不同,您可能可以访问整首或部分歌曲。

First, swipe left or right on the scrubber to select which part of the song you want to add to the background of your Instagram Story.

首先,在滑动器上向左或向右滑动以选择要添加到Instagram Story背景中的歌曲的哪一部分。

instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事

You can choose the clip duration to be anywhere between 5 to 15 seconds.


Once you’ve decided which part of the song to add, it’s time to stylize the music option.


instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事

At the top of the editing interface, you’ll find four different styles for displaying the song lyrics.


instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事

The last two options will show the cover art and the song’s details.


instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事

Once you’ve made your selection, tap the “Done” button.


instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事

Here, you can change the position of the lyrics or the Music box if you like.


instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事

To publish the Instagram Story, tap the “Your Story” button. If you only want your close friends to see it, choose the “Close Friends” option.

要发布Instagram故事,请点击“您的故事”按钮。 如果只希望您的密友看到它 ,请选择“ 密友 ”选项。

instagram 标签_如何将音乐添加到Instagram故事


instagram 标签