excel 条件保护单元格_在Excel 2007中使用条件单元格格式

excel 条件保护单元格_在Excel 2007中使用条件单元格格式

excel 条件保护单元格

If you are working on a spreadsheet and want to be able to quickly see differences in numbers at a glance, you should use the new Conditional Cell Formatting in Excel 2007. With this you can change the background of a cell based on the data in the cell, almost like an inline chart.

如果您正在处理电子表格,并且希望能够一目了然地快速看到数字上的差异,则应使用Excel 2007中新的条件单元格格式。使用此功能,您可以根据表格中的数据更改单元格的背景单元,几乎像一个内联图。

Using Conditional Formatting


Once you select the cells that you want to format, you can find the Conditional Formatting drop-down on the ribbon, which gives you loads of pre-set rules to choose from, like color scales.


excel 条件保护单元格_在Excel 2007中使用条件单元格格式

This will automatically color the items based on the range they are in…


excel 条件保护单元格_在Excel 2007中使用条件单元格格式

You can also choose to use icons instead:


excel 条件保护单元格_在Excel 2007中使用条件单元格格式

Reminds me of that commercial… more bars in more places…


excel 条件保护单元格_在Excel 2007中使用条件单元格格式

You can also create your own rule to color only cells that fit within a certain range, or greater than a certain number.


excel 条件保护单元格_在Excel 2007中使用条件单元格格式

This rule will only color cells greater than a certain amount, with the color you specify.


excel 条件保护单元格_在Excel 2007中使用条件单元格格式

This can be very useful, and you should note that you can apply a second rule to the same range. For instance, I added a second rule that colored items larger than 2000 with green instead of red.

这可能非常有用,并且应注意,您可以将第二条规则应用于相同的范围。 例如,我添加了第二条规则,即对大于2000的项目使用绿色而不是红色上色。

excel 条件保护单元格_在Excel 2007中使用条件单元格格式

You can even create a completely customized rule by choosing the New Formatting Rule option.


excel 条件保护单元格_在Excel 2007中使用条件单元格格式

If you’ve applied too many rules and want to start over, just select the cells and use the Clear Rules option to remove all the formatting.


excel 条件保护单元格_在Excel 2007中使用条件单元格格式

This is one of those really useful features that make Office 2007 a lot better than the prior versions.

这是使Office 2007比以前的版本好很多的真正有用的功能之一。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/using-conditional-cell-formatting-in-excel-2007/

excel 条件保护单元格