


We’ve just published a comprehensive expert guide (PDF) on advanced techniques to create high-quality light fixtures for real-time applications. Read it and find out how you can use light cookies and advanced shaders to create convincing artificial light sources in any project, from games or architectural visualizations to films and more!

w ^ e've刚刚出版了全面的专家指导(PDF)先进的技术来创建实时应用的高品质灯具。 阅读并了解如何在任何项目中使用光cookie和高级着色器创建令人信服的人造光源,从游戏或建筑可视化到电影等等!

Wait a minute, what are light cookies? These are 2D textures or cubemaps used to block parts of a light source in order to control the shape, the intensity, and the color of the emitted lighting. They can also be called “gobos”, “cucoloris” or “flags”, depending on the industry and their use case.

等一下,什么是轻饼干? 这些是2D纹理或立方体贴图,用于阻止光源的一部分,以便控制所发出照明的形状,强度和颜色。 根据行业及其使用情况,它们也可以称为“ gobos”,“ cucoloris”或“ flags”。


With their help, you can efficiently simulate ray-traced soft shadows, colored transmission, and even refractive caustics! Indeed, rendering these effects fully in real-time would be remarkably expensive in densely-lit environments, even for the most powerful GPUs on the market. This is why baked light cookies are still crucial to produce convincing lighting in real-time scenarios.

在他们的帮助下,您可以有效地模拟光线跟踪的柔和阴影,彩色透射率甚至折射焦散! 实际上,即使在市场上功能最强大的GPU上,要在光线密集的环境中实时完全渲染这些效果也将非常昂贵。 这就是为什么烘焙的轻型曲奇对于在实时场景中产生令人信服的照明仍然至关重要的原因。

Good news: the Built-In Render Pipeline can also take advantage of (grayscale) light cookies! Therefore, you can also reproduce high-quality shadows on platforms incompatible with the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), in real-time.

好消息:内置渲染管道还可以利用(灰度)轻型Cookie! 因此,您还可以在与高清渲染管线 (HDRP)不兼容的平台上实时再现高质量阴影。

After pointing out some of the common lighting mistakes still found in CGI nowadays and giving you recommendations on how to prevent them, the expert guide walks you through all the steps required to generate beautiful noise-free cookies with a variety of 2D and 3D programs, such as Photoshop, 3ds Max and Unity itself.

在指出了当今CGI中仍然存在的常见照明错误并为您提供了预防措施后,专家指南将引导您逐步完成使用各种2D和3D程序生成漂亮的无噪音cookie所需的所有步骤,例如Photoshop,3ds Max和Unity本身。

Moreover, I will explain how to set up critical post-processing settings in Unity, such as Exposure and Tone Mapping, so that your interior scenes can be lit in a more physically-correct way, one of HDRP’s mottos.



Then, the guide gives an extensive review of the crucial Light properties in HDRP, such as the physical Intensity units, the Color modes, the  Shadows parameters, and the Light Layers used to restrict lighting to specific objects. Later, I present different methods to replicate the lampshade of a chandelier with HDRP’s highly flexible Lit shader.

然后,该指南对HDRP中的关键光照属性进行了广泛的回顾,例如物理强度单位,颜色模式,阴影参数以及用于限制特定对象照明的光照层。 稍后,我介绍了使用HDRP高度灵活的Lit着色器复制吊灯灯罩的不同方法。

Finally, I introduce an original workflow to generate appealing caustics to bring the final ultra-realistic touch to your light sources, by adding micro-details to simulate the self-reflections of the light fitting and the structural imperfections found in the reflectors and the lampshades.

最后,我介绍一个原始的工作流程,通过添加微细节来模拟灯具的自反射以及在反射镜和灯罩中发现的结构缺陷,从而产生吸引人的焦散,为您的光源带来最终的超真实感。 。

Hopefully, thanks to our new expert guide, you will have many tools on hand to create convincing light sources, and raise the visual bar of your Unity Scenes!


Let’s get started!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/02/05/create-high-quality-light-fixtures-in-unity/
