


Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

A Twitter thread is a set of tweets by the same user, numbered and linked one after the other. It’s a great way to expand on a topic that can’t be written in 280 characters or less. Here’s how to make a Twitter thread.

Twitter线程是同一位用户的一组推文,编号并依次链接。 这是扩展不能使用280个字符或更少字符编写的主题的好方法。 这是创建Twitter线程的方法。

为什么要建立Twitter主题? (Why Make a Twitter Thread?)

Twitter threads are an official and evolved form of tweetstorms. Tweetstorms are usually a long series of numbered tweets that are sent out as replies to the original tweet.

Twitter线程是官方的且不断发展的Tweetstorms形式。 Tweetstorm通常是一连串带编号的推文,它们是对原始推文的答复。

But the definition of a tweetstorm is quite loose. Even if a user tweets multiple times one after the other, without replying to the original tweet, it’s still considered a tweetstorm.

但是,tweetstorm的定义非常宽松。 即使用户一次又一次地鸣叫多次,而没有回复原始鸣叫,它仍然被视为暴风雨。

A Twitter thread can be used in multiple ways. The first way it can be used is as an explainer for a complicated topic. Brands use Twitter threads to talk about new features in an update.

Twitter线程可以多种方式使用。 可以使用它的第一种方法是作为一个复杂主题的解释器。 品牌使用Twitter话题来谈论更新中的新功能。

1: Whats your least used technology product or gadget during the lockdown?


I find that i only use my Apple Watch when I go for a walk on the terrace in the evening. Rest of the time it’s just sitting in the desk.

我发现晚上只在阳台上散步时才使用Apple Watch。 剩下的时间就是坐在桌子上。

— Khamosh Pathak (@pixeldetective) April 30, 2020

-Khamosh Pathak(@pixeldetective) 2020年4月30日

One of the best-use cases for Twitter threads (and something that connects the most with the Twitter audience) is its use in storytelling.


3: What’s a new or surprising technology habit that you’ve developed during the lockdown?


I have gone back deep into RSS and Twitter. I’m trying new RSS apps and services (@feedbin via @prawnay).

我回到了RSS和Twitter。 我正在尝试新的RSS应用和服务( @feedbin通过@prawnay )。

— Khamosh Pathak (@pixeldetective) April 30, 2020

-Khamosh Pathak(@pixeldetective) 2020年4月30日

You can break a story or an experience down in 280 character nuggets and create a Twitter thread. You’re much more likely to gain traction and an audience. For a lot of people, this is a better alternative to publishing a blog, especially if this is not a regular affair.

您可以将故事或经验分解为280个字符的块,并创建Twitter线程。 您更有可能获得吸引力和听众。 对于很多人来说,这是发布博客的更好选择,尤其是在这不是经常性的事情时。

If you’re planning to create a tweetstorm, it’s now best to use Twitter’s built-in functionality for creating multiple tweets.


如何制作Twitter主题 (How to Make a Twitter Thread)

The Twitter threads feature is integrated across all of Twitter products. You’ll find it on the Twitter website, iPhone and iPad app, and the Android app as well.

Twitter线程功能已集成到所有Twitter产品中。 您可以在Twitter网站iPhoneiPad应用程序以及Android应用程序上找到它。

To get started, open Twitter on the platform of your choice and select the Tweet button. If you’re using the website, you’ll find it in the left sidebar. If you’re using a mobile app, it will be in the bottom-right corner of the timeline.

首先,请在您选择的平台上打开Twitter,然后选择Tweet按钮。 如果您使用的是网站,则会在左侧边栏中找到它。 如果您使用的是移动应用,则该应用将位于时间轴的右下角。


Now, the familiar tweet compose interface will appear.


Start writing your first tweet. If you’re creating a tweetstorm or a long thread, it’s best to number your tweets (1/5, or just 1, 2, and so on) so that people know where they are in the thread.

开始编写您的第一条推文。 如果创建的是tweetstorm或长线程,则最好对自己的tweet进行编号(1/5,或仅1、2,依此类推),以便人们知道它们在线程中的位置。

After writing your first tweet, don’t hit the “Tweet” button just yet. Instead, tap on the Plus (+) button.

编写完第一条推文后,请不要立即点击“ Tweet”按钮。 而是点击加号(+)按钮。


You’ll now see a new empty tweet box. Here, type out your second tweet and tap on the Plus (+) button again to add another tweet to the thread.

现在,您将看到一个新的空鸣叫框。 在这里,键入您的第二条Tweet,然后再次点击加号(+)按钮将另一条Tweet添加到该线程。


Repeat this process until you’ve written all the tweets (don’t worry, you can add more tweets to the thread later as well). You can swipe or scroll up and tap on a previous tweet to edit it.

重复此过程,直到您编写了所有tweet(不用担心,您以后也可以在线程中添加更多tweets)。 您可以向上滑动或滚动,然后点击上一条推文进行编辑。

Once you’re done, tap or click on the “Tweet All” button.



Your Twitter thread will be published.


如何为已发布的推文启动Twitter线程 (How to Start a Twitter Thread for a Published Tweet)

You can go back and add additional tweets to a Twitter thread at any time, but only from the mobile app for iPhone, iPad, or Android. Just navigate to a published Twitter thread and go to the last tweet. Here, tap on the “Add Another Tweet” button.

您可以随时返回并向Twitter线程添加其他推文,但仅限于iPhoneiPadAndroid的移动应用程序。 只需导航到已发布的Twitter主题并转到最后一条推文即可。 在这里,点击“添加其他推文”按钮。


This will take you to the Tweet compose box, linked to the previous tweets.


There’s also a shortcut to quickly reply to your most recently published tweet. This feature gives you more control and freedom over creating your Twitter thread.

还有一个快捷方式可以快速回复您最近发布的推文。 此功能使您可以更轻松地控制和创建Twitter线程。

Let’s say you don’t want to publish all tweets together. You can publish one tweet, come back after a while, and add one more (as you get more data or news).

假设您不想将所有tweet一起发布。 您可以发布一条推文,过一会儿再回来,再添加一条(随着您获得更多数据或新闻)。

To do this quickly, tap on the Tweet button from the Twitter Home Screen or app. When you see the empty compose box, just swipe down. This will show you your most recent tweet.

要快速执行此操作,请在Twitter主屏幕或应用程序上点击“推”按钮。 当您看到空的撰写框时,只需向下滑动即可。 这将显示您最近的推文。


If you want to link the tweet as a reply to your previous tweet, just tap on the “Continue Thread” button. You can also choose a different tweet to link to by tapping on the three-dot menu button.

如果您想链接该推文作为对先前推文的回复,只需点击“继续主题”按钮。 您也可以通过点击三点菜单按钮来选择其他链接来链接。


From here, you can select another of your recent tweets.



To unlink the new tweet, you can tap on the “Remove” button.


Once you’re done, tap on the “Tweet” button to publish the tweet.



If you like publishing Twitter threads but don’t like reading them in the Twitter interface, try using the Thread Reader App to expand and convert Twitter threads into blog posts.


New to Twitter? Here’s how you can bookmark Tweets to save them for later, hide Twitter replies, and even create Twitter lists for multiple topics and pin them to your timeline, making them easier to access.

Twitter新手? 您可以通过以下方式为推文添加书签,以将其保存以供以后使用, 隐藏推特回复 ,甚至为多个主题创建推特列表并将其固定在您的时间轴上,以使其更易于访问。

