Unity Study note 2020/8/1

Unity Study for Basic

Material And Skybox

“false reflex”

On reflection of objects
Sphere reflection
As you see this Image
Unity Study note 2020/8/1
this is my Unity rendering result .
You want to say :“the Sphere reflection is Skybox”.But it is a “false reflex”.
Why? Because in Lighting if we appoint a Shybox Image( this example uses Cross Image(CI)) .We make smoothess on a Sphere,You see “reflex” is false.Because in the Lighting Environment Refection’s source is Skybox’s CI.
Like this Image
Unity Study note 2020/8/1
Please Pay Attention to Environment Relections’s Source.
If we change it,the Sphere material can reflect another Image.
So you can see these Images.
Unity Study note 2020/8/1

Unity Study note 2020/8/1
Unity Study note 2020/8/1
Wow the environment is overgrown with grass.
It must be not a magic trick.If you change the Environment Reflections’s Score ,you can know it.

Resolution of “false reflex”

we also see this Image. Environment Reflections’s Resolution is 128.Obviously,this resolution is not higher than Shybox.
Unity Study note 2020/8/1
You can imagine cut the Shybox into 128,this is a crazy imagine but it is true.

Another knowledge.

Unity Study note 2020/8/1
Intensity Multiplier
English explanation
Controls how much the skybox or custom cubemap affects reflections in the Scece.A value of 1 produces physically correct results.
Chinese say"反射权值/权重"
Unity Study note 2020/8/1
English explanation
Controls how many times a reflection includes other reflections.A value of 1 results in the Scene being rendered once so mirrored reflections will be black. A value of 2 results in mirrored reflections being visible in the Scene.
Chinese say :“反射次数”

Unity Study note 2020/8/1
Skybox Material
the environment CI material.
Sun Source
If Scene has sun it can appoint a Light to sun.
Like this.
Unity Study note 2020/8/1
Unity comes with.
We can change it position.
Like this:
Unity Study note 2020/8/1
The sun set ,so we can change it.For example,Scripts.

Scene Lighting

Unity Study note 2020/8/1
If Environment Lighting’s Scene using color. The environment objects Color using the same color.
It is noting that “Ambient color” is the basic of environment.

Object material Metallic impact on Environment lighting and Environment Reflection.

First if we use color for Environment lighting .Like this Image

Unity Study note 2020/8/1
As you see the Sphere have red and Skybox color.
If we make metallic to full
Unity Study note 2020/8/1
you can see red disappear
If we make metallic zero.
Unity Study note 2020/8/1
red have more.
So we know object metallic is used to adjust the relationship between Environment Lighting and Environment Reflection.