

Not everything useful on the web needs a login or a software download. Some services can be a bit more flexible, and a bit less permanent. In this article I’m going to take a look at a host of such services, with I’ll refer to as “disposable services”.

并非网络上所有有用的东西都需要登录或下载软件。 某些服务可能会更灵活一些,而永久性则要少一些。 在本文中,我将介绍许多此类服务,我将它们称为“一次性服务”。

A disposable service, in the context of this article, is one you can use for free with no account or registration. It’s usually a matter of simply opening the website in question and getting to work. A unique URL is often created, which you can then share with others for collaboration functionality.

在本文中,一次性服务是无需帐户或注册即可免费使用的服务。 通常,只需打开相关网站并开始工作即可。 通常会创建一个唯一的URL,然后您可以将其与其他人共享以实现协作功能。

Here I’m going to list 10 such services that might help you collaborate on the fly or be more productive. In any case, you should bookmark them for future use!

在这里,我将列出10种此类服务,这些服务可能会帮助您即时进行协作或提高工作效率。 无论如何,您都应该将它们添加书签以备将来使用!

The tools are in the following 10 categories:


  • To-do Lists

  • Code Sharing

  • Text Sharing

  • Collaborative Editing

  • Video Meetings

  • Chat

  • Code Demos

  • File Sharing

  • Image Editing

  • Whiteboarding


Plus a few extra tools for good measure. Let’s get started

再加上一些额外的工具,可以很好地解决问题。 让我们开始吧

待办事项清单:罢工 (To-do Lists: Strike)

Strike is a to-do list project by the good folks over at ZURB. Share the list with anybody and work on it together!

“罢工”是ZURB的优秀员工的待办事项。 与任何人共享列表,然后一起工作!

The interface is fast and clean and when you’re done you can print it all out.



代码共享:GitHub Gist (Code Sharing: GitHub Gist)

GitHub Gist is a code sharing tool that lets you paste code from any number of languages. The code can be used by anybody and forked or downloaded.

GitHub Gist是一个代码共享工具,可让您粘贴多种语言的代码。 该代码可由任何人使用,并且可以分叉或下载。

If you are a programmer and feel like sharing amazing code snippets, this is for you. Whether you even care at all about sharing your snippets, it’s still a free and easy-to-use method of storing reusable code snippets for yourself or your team.

如果您是一名程序员,并且想分享令人赞叹的代码段,那么这是给您的。 无论您是否完全关心共享代码片段,它仍然是一种免费且易于使用的方法,用于为您自己或您的团队存储可重复使用的代码片段。

If you’re logged in to Github, the Gist will be associated with your account and will be fully versioned. If you create a Gist anonymously, you won’t be able to come back and edit or delete it later. Gists can be set as public or private, with private only being accessible by knowing the URL.

如果您登录到Github,则Gist将与您的帐户相关联,并将进行完整版本控制。 如果您匿名创建一个Gist,则以后将无法再回来编辑或删除它。 可以将要点设置为公共或私有,只有通过知道URL才能访问私有。


文字分享:Pastebin (Text Sharing: Pastebin)

Everybody knows about Pastebin; the cool, free, text sharing utility that reveals government secrets and shady business practices everywhere.

每个人都知道Pastebin ; 酷炫,免费的文本共享实用程序,可在任何地方揭示*机密和可疑的商业行为。

If you have something to say anonymously to the world, it goes on Pastebin. You can select code highlighting and pick the language if desired. You can have it listed publicly or leave it unlisted.

如果您有话要对全世界说,那就在Pastebin上。 您可以选择突出显示代码并根据需要选择语言。 您可以将其公开列出,也可以不公开。

You can also set an expiration on your paste so it will expire and be deleted automatically.


Pastebin is not the only game in town, there are many of these types of services such as Tinypaste which allows password protection on your paste, and if you register they even do profit sharing on ads. Try Hastebin which has a super clean interface and supports auto syntax highlighting and more.

Pastebin并不是唯一的游戏,其中包括Tinypaste等许多类型的服务,可在您的粘贴上提供密码保护,如果注册,甚至可以在广告上分享利润。 尝试使用Hastebin ,它具有超级干净的界面,并支持自动语法突出显示等。

Just like Github Gists, you gain some additional features and associations with your text if you have an account.

就像Github Gists一样,如果您有帐户,则可以获得一些其他功能以及与文本的关联。


协同编辑:Collabedit (Collaborative Editing: Collabedit)

Similar to Pastebin or Hastebin, Collabedit is a text sharing tool with an added benefit: collaboration with others. Just click “new document” and put in your name, you will have a URL to share with others. Anybody who “joins” your document will be listed, and you can work on the text together as well as chat.

与Pastebin或Hastebin相似, Collabedit是一个文本共享工具,具有附加的好处:与他人协作。 只需单击“新文档”并输入您的姓名,您将拥有一个可与他人共享的URL。 将列出“加入”您文档的任何人,您可以一起处理文本以及聊天。

Another good tool in this category is Stypi. As soon as you open the link, a new document will auto-generate for you and be ready to share and collaborate on.

此类别中的另一个好工具是Stypi 。 打开链接后,将自动为您生成一个新文档,并准备进行共享和协作。

If you are the developer type, you can install Firepad as a collaboration editor in to your own projects. The popular uses Firepad for its editor, as does which allows collaboration on Markdown documents.

如果您是开发人员类型,则可以将Firepad作为协作编辑器安装到自己的项目中 。 受欢迎的Nitrous.io使用Firepad作为其编辑器, Socrates.io也允许在Markdown文档上进行协作。

Collabedit creates a pretty small URL, easy to verbalize to someone or send in a text. You might like the interface of Stypi better though.

Collabedit创建了一个很小的URL,可以很容易地用语言表达给他人或发送文本。 您可能更喜欢Stypi的界面。


视频会议:GoToMeeting (Video Meetings: GoToMeeting)

The free GoToMeeting app lets you set up a quick audio/visual meeting for up to 3 people. Share your screen, microphone, and webcam, with chat abilities.

免费的GoToMeeting应用程序可让您最多召开3人的音频/视频会议。 共享具有聊天功能的屏幕,麦克风和网络摄像头。

If you and your collaborators happen to have Google accounts (who doesn’t?), then of course Google+ Hangouts is a very popular meeting tool you can use with relative ease when you are all signed in.


An alternative to GotToMeeting service called vline which provides yet another free, online, instant video chat service using the WebRTC technology.

GotToMeeting服务的另一种替代方法称为vline ,它使用WebRTC技术提供了另一项免费的在线即时视频聊天服务。

Our last mention here goes to, supporting video, audio, chat, and up to eight people per room, also using WebRTC.

我们在这里最后提到的内容是出现在.in中 ,它也使用WebRTC支持视频,音频,聊天,并且每个房间最多支持八个人。


聊天 (Chat:

We’ve already seen collaboration based on video, code editing, or scree sharing, etc. is purely for text chat and does it very well.


Create a room instantly by custom URL name (assuming it’s not taken and you join someone else’s room!) If you sign in with Twitter, you can have admin abilities over your room.


One of the coolest features is you can get embed code to place a chat box directly into your own website!


It supports @+username mentions as well as #hashtags which link to other channels. Images can be pasted inline via URLs, and links become auto-clickable. Basic Markdown syntax is supported.

它支持@ + username提及以及链接到其他渠道的#hashtags。 可以通过URL内联粘贴图像,并且链接可以自动单击。 支持基本的Markdown语法。


实时代码演示:JSFiddle (Live Code Demos: JSFiddle)

If you are a web developer, you probably already can’t live without JS Fiddle! It is the go-to place for assembling HTML, Javascript, and CSS for testing and sharing with live preview.

如果您是一名Web开发人员,那么可能没有JS Fiddle就无法生存! 它是组装HTML,Javascript和CSS进行测试和实时预览共享的理想之地。

You’ll often see a “fiddle” pasted on Sitepoint for code examples, as well as all over the Stack Exchange network and anywhere people need to debug code or show how something works or doesn’t work.

您经常会在Sitepoint上看到“小提琴”,以获取代码示例,以及遍布整个Stack Exchange网络以及人们需要调试代码或演示某些功能如何工作的地方。

You can visit JSFiddle and instantly begin coding using built in frameworks and extensions like jQuery, Bootstrap, Mootools, YUI and more.


When ready, you can select to collaborate and invite others to code with you.


A kissing cousin of JSFiddle is It has many of the same features including Sass and Less support, but you have to add external libraries like jQuery via URLs rather than simple checkboxes. Codepen updates the live preview as you type, but JSFiddle requires you to click the “Run” button when ready to test.

JSFiddle的一个亲戚堂兄是 。 它具有许多相同的功能,包括对Sass和Less的支持,但是您必须通过URL而不是简单的复选框来添加jQuery之类的外部库。 Codepen会在您键入时更新实时预览,但是JSFiddle要求您在准备测试时单击“运行”按钮。

One handy service if you just want HTML/CSS is CSSDESK. You can share the project, but it is not collaborative in nature.

如果您只想要HTML / CSS,那么一种便捷的服务是CSSDESK 。 您可以共享项目,但本质上不是协作的。


文件共享:Sendspace (File Sharing: Sendspace)

Sometimes you just need to give people a link to a file! Sendspace let’s you upload any file and get a link for anybody to download it. The experience is unobtrusive and easy. You can even have it emailed to a person as soon as it’s uploaded.

有时,您只需要给人们一个文件链接即可! Sendspace让您上载任何文件并获得任何人下载的链接。 体验既轻松又轻松。 上传后,您甚至可以将其通过电子邮件发送给其他人。

Another contender that I use is Speedyshare. It has a much simpler interface and is pretty quick to use.

我使用的另一个竞争者是Speedyshare 。 它具有简单得多的界面,使用起来非常快捷。

Naturally, if you have Google or Microsoft accounts, or really any file storage service, you can probably already share a file if needed. However, these services allow more anonymity and you don’t have to worry about keeping random files in your personal file storage accounts.

自然,如果您拥有Google或Microsoft帐户,或者实际上有任何文件存储服务,则可能已经可以根据需要共享文件。 但是,这些服务允许更多的匿名性,您不必担心将随机文件保留在个人文件存储帐户中。

If you want to make sure your files don’t last long, try using ExpireBox, they will hang on for 2 days and then the files are toast.

如果要确保文件使用时间不长,请尝试使用ExpireBox ,它们将挂起2天,然后再烘烤。


图像编辑:Pixlr (Image Editing: Pixlr)

Pixlr is one of the few advanced online image editing apps worth using. It supports layers, masks, layer styles, and nearly all basic utilities and edits you could ever need.

Pixlr是为数不多的值得使用的高级在线图像编辑应用程序之一。 它支持图层,蒙版,图层样式以及几乎所有您可能需要的基本实用程序和编辑。

Export your image in the usual formats: JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and even a custom format for reuse in Pixlr (PXD). You can also export to Facebook, Picasa, Flickr, or a Pixlr library if you sign up.

以常用格式导出图像:JPG,PNG,BMP,TIFF,甚至是自定义格式,都可以在Pixlr(PXD)中重用。 如果您注册,也可以导出到Facebook,Picasa,Flickr或Pixlr库。

For a slightly more basic editing experience, try picmonkey. There are many one-click effects that you can add and then adjust, without having to worry about layers and masks and other advanced features. If you just want to crop, adjust exposure and contrast etc, try Picmonkey first.

要获得更基本的编辑体验,请尝试使用picmonkey 。 您可以添加和调整许多一键式效果,而不必担心图层和蒙版以及其他高级功能。 如果您只想裁剪,调整曝光和对比度等,请先尝试Picmonkey。


白板:Awwapp (Whiteboarding: Awwapp)

My last category is for collaboration whiteboards. Personally I find these more fun than anything but for you it might come in more handy. Awwapp has a simple, clean interface with only a few tools and exports to PNG. It supports mobiles and touch screens so it could be a way to create signatures or whatever you like.

我的最后一个类别是协作白板。 我个人觉得这些比什么都有趣,但对您来说可能更方便。 Awwapp具有简单,干净的界面,仅包含少量工具,并可以导出到PNG。 它支持手机和触摸屏,因此它可能是创建签名或任何您喜欢的方式。

Try Webwhiteboard if you need a few extra editing features and tools.


For the most advanced option, you must give Twiddla a try. This app features not just a whiteboard, but drawing on a snapshot of a webpage, or editing documents, or images, and more. You can embed HTML snippets as a “widget”, and even use mathematical formulas.

对于*的选项,您必须尝试一下Twiddla 。 该应用程序不仅具有白板功能,而且还可以在网页快照上绘图,编辑文档或图像等。 您可以将HTML代码段嵌入为“窗口小部件”,甚至可以使用数学公式。

I find the option of marking up a webpage to be a pretty cool feature. Plus you can chat with other people in the room, and it even supports audio.

我发现标记网页的选项是一个很酷的功能。 另外,您可以与房间中的其他人聊天,它甚至还支持音频。


特别提及 (Special Mentions)

These are just cool tools, feel free to comment with your own!


JSON parser – Paste in a JSON string and see the contents parsed in a more readable form.

JSON解析器 –粘贴JSON字符串,并以更易读的形式查看解析的内容。

Regexr – Get help building regular expression strings.

Regexr –获得有关构建正则表达式字符串的帮助。

Code Beautify – Grab a chunk of code, paste it in here and let it beautify! Many supported languages.

代码美化 –抓取一段代码,将其粘贴到此处,使其美化! 许多支持的语言。

Placekitten – Use a simple URL to automatically load an image as a placeholder for your projects. This one uses kittens, and we all love kittens. Two more are which uses simple grey boxes for the images, and lorempixel which lets you base the random images on categories.

Placekitten –使用简单的URL自动将图像加载为项目的占位符。 这只小猫,我们都爱小猫。 还有两个是 ,它使用简单的灰色框显示图像,而lorempixel则允许您将随机图像基于类别。

This list is nowhere near exhaustive, nor does it cover any particular industry. You can find sites for sharing photos, audio, providing data, and a million more.

该列表几乎无遗漏,也没有涵盖任何特定行业。 您可以找到用于共享照片,音频,提供数据以及更多内容的网站。

Do you have any more disposable online tools you can’t live without? How about data management tools, event listings, text parsing, audio, content analysis. Share them below!

您是否还有其他无法使用的一次性在线工具? 数据管理工具,事件列表,文本解析,音频,内容分析如何。 在下面分享他们!

